Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~CI. 5.w. &yd, Eay 23, 1939, *s 4 fiat.-6.N.Boyd, liq 23, 1939, RA@+ 5 _ Ghere any seine, strike nett,g%iu not tzxumael net or shrl.cptrawl18 iouml by say offlear or the stats unpx3oasaed In closed water0 In rlolatlaa:oS 6krtiole9SeL 10, Vcmmn*s AnnotatedCivil Stettatsa, and it is 8elaed end delivered to the oouuty judge or jtutloeofthe'poaaa in aooordanoewlthprovloiaaa of aeot~ SOS 0auL artI- 0r 0a6,the raquir8f2dmt posting 0r 30 dam nOti in in- dioative of the rwognitlca by the Isglelatureof the *ass kna- %suatbg that &he -the~in I; yourletter*woare .:, . Tom8 very truly