Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Bon. John C. Marbuqer, CountyAttorney FsyetteCounty la Granga,Texas Dear sir: ~~IXLIOX'R& o-652 Rer CaPlatrwt.ion of Articl8 663-2 Weaaknovlodga reaelpt of your ~wstfor anopinionas tovbethar a gram1 wqpanyvhlchOporoter itstrucka onlyfr07aits aravalpit to a rail&had and is IIOdoing only arouea a publichi&my of t&d ltd.e,m~t~~glstsr ~idtrudm as providedinArt.lcla6675~1-2. We are not parmitted to decide queoti0m 0t!faot and for that reason, lndfertba mpwe ofthim opinianm are a68uming that the truckm lraaotimp~taoih!&mu3x?. Article6675+?. pravldemtbatalldor vehiclesvhicharc~rwdorto be used upon the pub110 hi@vays of thi8 state mast be regIstered, uxCle8s it oam8 vithtn certain exeeptlons. Tim 8tatvte8 doas not define "usedor tobe llacdqponthe pabliohi&va~*but if I# our opinionthat the use ef any m&or Vehicleupan the publichlghvap to any axtentbr~ iuehaotorvehiales vithintha pmW.evofth8llotOr VehloleRegUtratlenIav. Itla,thervfore, our op3nionthatanymter mhialevhieh Istab operahdtaanyextrnt u,ponthe ~lichi&ways of this rtafaatiis notvithinthe exeeptlons providedby Lnr,n~~tk regi8tersd. Yomw verytrriLg APPRovm: ATfORNEY -oFTRxAs ./ aRAm a. Bum A- tRzImALoFl!ExAs r/Ri&ard H. Cocks . APPRmRD OPIRIiRi c- RY B.Q. B. ChaIrman Rv RiohardH. Oeoka Amimknt REC:obr-ldy