Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

\ no. so48 Mq 8, 1086 .. . L 6. 5. - . w-e-, . . “, I”“,, ‘W. 3 "awe. 4..If aultu Ntbrauptwithlntha tlatUrlthZnthe- h.r.im pk"t-&i*~p ta.nmtitrimab.- thatthao~ormuwa0pai6w~ Nthal Pa- d,to@harwiwth)prarmtaimtam 0”” aa?md thawaa baAan8tothaatat. t&namJIcbAt amatilalullkthadutro~thaautoma8mrar totr wmfw a uommy h h h th l aua +a alawnnt MoithoWoWb ptulvtlu aEuin# to the La l8 au* .oiadamaitrurrrC. ma "8D2.7. ma pror101ana or ml. law abaA to OtmuatlN or all 1an rolatlmg ta the t0u0 or rOOO or - lta 6ua a nr %i%.” bldi.. th.r..rinth..Um....d...& c..dOftbO stat. eaaaurar. “SEC. 0. Tfu root that w mu on. Hflllaa oouwa (3l.ooo,ooo.00)at tax..and taao how. boon pala l&a tha aupanao aaaoat umw th prwsatana ofthaauapanaoaaaamt~andadalbthubam axpwaadutothariqhtaftalopa?aaa lOM tONo WWOWh~ in.ale to it#%iz th aa wr a a tnua o r va lid1 7‘,o r ma tax w a a o a o a - mnt th wa o r a,m th oto o t tht it u ma p ip a a dimtNUdBa itb oIa g ia & tma to a uth a r ?r la a bria&# o r luita tl8ae ma praaant mus 0la a o uut w rw th 0 p p 000 o ft00tw ma ~31 St”0 o r amah tag.. and aaa.aRnta, arO8taa an oW?#a4y, Ok.. R.pwlr by irpliNUN OX. aOt f.TWOd. -1’0 th.?. or. m oatarahtiry W tha saw lubJaat ud it ia 9.o.ibJ. t. ONa tr wtha Ao tta oat t 0. 0lma a tiTa Ofth aih a t,luo ho a n- .~a willba & WOE.J924 6. fur . nb a la a no r p r #a p lwia io ninth a Ae d*~uQ” ,‘it’:~:~ muTo .f0th.r...9mo..t.t*.. luabavMNaaa.1.6%.- lotin leant that Art1010us8 ah.uAa mt ba w9.aA.d but tha m oata .hanAd b. road aud o~b.tmud t-. 00s *to tu t .wwida SW mma r a mto w lm to 00 ~diraatthatauohtauaaan4?oaaabllEoaradit4to n& m loaouata and fun& mhao oolloat&. In lattiagu th a luopawa aooount tha is&two peori&dtbat~~~~ ?.I4 mnaya w fuda should bo“i: 9 oa4 tImrain, It raa hala ln xanian t. &Onart, (Sup. ct. lose) ur 9. w. (2) 810, tbnt tha stata lT*aawar na rltbNt au- thorit to aradft annoy to tha 8awol ~wanua fund of tha stat9 kaaa ury when tba atatut* pzwidad that tha money ahotlld~~dtothaTr~larior~,othr~a. WathlnktherdUarrula thotthampr8aaioa0r owthUg& arbluaiwolunotbO~im olaoapplioabl~ ham It lo at&ad in 39 ‘A%. Jur. 9. 189: mlaooaolusionhwraimbom ad la or NW.. aub~aat to t&t part of miola 4JBB %harapwtoithaCwmaralLoml0fflaaahall fnaluda all IloNY rw Inwt, 9rLui9al aad chm 1 a a ao f alehool, a ualnm1~.amylmmnA0%a~lada." Saa alao~iolaa SSl9aMS~Oil.C. 8.lOsbwlth r.ra?woa to tha Mnaral land orriaa. ma httw wtiola doala EM. mm c. Kill& ::aytl,1939, Pa4s 0 ordimrily vdt~ tha tus0 ~4 SaO -ted the wnta&atiN wnta&atiN Or ,;rblola 7057b. ii0 thbk u88 was de- a&d toomr judr suoh a aituticm jurr aitrution baeauaa redoubtably zmya oannot bo taken into the R*aa whan raaaivvd J t& or atatw or luoh uob mm, oam"I ba datamined until lrtw the lioena0 ia 01th~ 6mntti w Irjaotad. XII www to row *wand punti~, wa ora 0s th opinion that tha emmaration 0s a 9artiouIm tax or raa in 2tialm 7OSTb doas not luo~aaufly pravmt lta baw la004 blaIuudu irtlcla 4SUf.3 althollghpqunt la no! ao- mdb l nlttenprotaataa provldadfa,in u-tlola I . Artlola 1037b Jaotfoz14 prwldr L11&t aa follonr lIfatitia aotbrowht wit.Unki~ g s dthiu thy mnnw hwaln prwldad htht wont lt lhtllbt Urn dut a? tha State Ihaaauru to trauahr auoh menay Tram tha aua- Nnd by loamma or a dapcait llllr wa ala0 aall your attantion ta that pwt ai i&i019 Glee millohprwleeo: I*’ .i ia so o na a th eltatua o r wna y 00 laoedrlthtbr, Troaauraronadqoalt roaai9t la aatanhm, it abu b0 tmaramd rm put round not to r wum.d.’ l *” ,