OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iion.Clinton 0wsley, Director Caa Utilitfes.;DivleSon Railroad Comission of Texas Austin, Texas Dou sir: all.. domestlo u~em,,shall be de&ad, qmskiioto4~, equipped and fnetalled as apeair~edunaer thr published regulstionsor the National Boar4 of Fire Un4erwritere ...* (italicsoure) BOIL Clinton 0wcrley- page 2 You have stated in personal aonferenaathat tbm gas appliancea lnaludo gas etovem for hoatlng an4 oooking aa we.11as appliances ior other inofdamtaldonvmtia UBO. Rererenoo to s@otlon 2a roilrots that a llaenlroohoul4 be require4 ror thorn sngaged in the selling end installing 0r parttnsntequipmentusr4 for the purpoaa or 4lwendag liquerxea petroleumgas rm 4oxiestlo use. ~8ehstir*s m3w InternationalDiotionary 44rin08 the word ~dlapense*among other things to moan dlstrlbuk. Accordingly,we have no doubt that the appllanoesrefur44 to, being ueed to airtribute ra 4oanrtla purpoao8.008a dthln the punlow o? ,th#aot mad all pusonr lime or o o r p o r a tiollyaged nr in the iala or lnatallationof rrroh. apparatus muat bo lioenae4. APPROVEDJUL23, I.940