Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i)) \ G-c. MAW4 *--au iioa.*.A. l&o-l-ieon Cri~%inalDietriotAttorney ca?ron, Toxao . A erldnal uiatxbt OttOan9~ is xelw gat8d to the ~OT~Z&UU net ibPrth-inthoa-6' qaossdeatlm efibals%a6~24ttheappoirrbPaat or say asnistlust - autxlot.attwnoy~~The appa4tutht of ,6nng ass%Ptantaxldnal dle~at '& attorney poss~ala~tho quallSleatha of.oripioal district attorney0ox oouatyattonmy8 smut.& xatlfb& br the 4ionducdaaarn Oowt., ia ‘WC. .. to be a wall4 app4twat wBus~theiappci4b2a% . of a ua sdsta nto x imla a4 4ltx la t ltttvr a net ey ” p o snsss4 g th ep tullflo %tloxaa s q tlllw h ayla wo r a x ia inadtstriot l ~to x ne y u o xo a untya tto r mym a ustbo gov(lfpIQd by ths pmriedms of atfiolo S908,R&.s., as tolloar "mranaar s& dlstxicrt,cotulty t oriiaoxshallxoqulx6 z: 5s of alwutle~ ass&tads bx olerlcll‘ia the partorrinnoe oi hir duths, he sm3.l apply to the Couxhy Collluia~onexn'court a$ Ialawuat~ tar authorityto appoint tioh Uaputiss; assistantsor olerku, dating by swoxn a~pl4atlon th5 nuab6r aode&, -the positiaaa to be fl.l.lsd at& tbs . - .’ . .?:,~ .C.. ,’ .. . aaodct tc bc palid.. TOus8 Tery ttul~ PCtob