Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF-I-HE ATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN April 8, l.9~ ur.~,clnna L. Johnson, A&n% 8, 1939, Page 2 *BssistanceFoml, in Savor of the helm3 or legalrepwaen- tatives of the deceased, or 5x1favor Op the person or per- sons owning the burial account (prooi'of tbe existencea&l justice of such account to be made to said Cemptrollerunder oath in such fom as he nay Pequire)~ said warrant te be used for the purpose of pwlng the burial expenses ef the dC%OCaSed. XECTSOH 2. The fact that a pziatnumber of the persons reeeivlngbenefit under the Texas Old Age AssistanceLaw mrsott8d.m .. . ..:. @lYbeet& 1lw..,......a kr. Lclmd L. Johnson, A~il 8, 1939, %Q 3 *regulationsas zay be deeziczlby the Legislatureexpedient, for old-age assistanceand for the payment of same not to exceed Fifteen Dollars ($16) par month each to actual bana fide citizens of T-s who are over the age of sixty-fim (85) years; pr~id~~~;~g z;mbs u%%nal, fmd nd babUXla1 drunkaM ihUQUH,lUld?lO~ Pate OS any state-supported inst*tution, while euch inmate, shall be eli@ble for such old-age assistance pmvide% further that the requirementsfor length of tL3 of actual res%denceiaSexassball dnring the a=3 (9) e&lolI.far old-age ~aasl ptPl#a@late4p =Jym*. . ie am3 also of the oplnlon that l&se Bill .Be. 060 ala tin- 0&t1tutlonal under ArtlolS a, 8eotlon .a$, at tho 0oIl8t1tiltloIl of the Btate of T@ixas,rhiuh reds a6 f0llOVs: ._ > 'X0 bill, (exe6 genwal apgcopdet&5nWlls, uhieh' nay einbraoethe trarPous eubjeots an& soaounts~ for eml onqmountofvhlchmou3ys areappre&at~)sIudlo0n- tain more t&an We isubjeat, lrfiich s&U1 be eqPesse&:ia its title. But 3s aslyedb ject 8hall be mbmawi in an &lx-. X~,claML.'JoLnson,A&l '8,lQ38, Pa@2 4 'act, which shall not be expressedin tho title, such act shall bo void only as to so much thereof, as shall not be so express&i.* The title of House Bill No. 960 does not exp%ss the gub- ject of the bill. The title states that the act proptiesPar an Old A& ;gFl Fund, whereas no suoh fu+ is providedfor in the body of There 1s ll~notice given XXIthe title to the bill that the billilpmvidesfor a diyersion of part of the Texas Old Age As- sistanoeFund for the gqazent of the burial cxpcnses of personsrho ~~~~~~~OldAgeAsslstanae rells. EClnoethispmvlsionem- tieoftheblll audnoreat3ona8lenotieethere- T itle, the bill 88 alear da v%ola~~oP of IS c;Iven in the Artiela sD f33aw 36,0r the amiutw.Omr Texashemxl~gcmfldeilfor,andforr pzrposeofdetrsJingtheex 88 of W A~t$a'~~iisharelryOreat r and est8bliehe(l .a slm@al lhasvry of the *ate at Texas, to be kept. by the State Z-ream separate and apart from all othf3r f%mds, axxito be .WOWZIae'the *Texas Old A@3 Aaskstanue Fund*, and for the plrrpoeesabove set out ther3 Is hwo- .necessary,~fti the fieoal year endin Au2W.i 31, 1937. mmi.dedthatlfthefurrdis lnautfLoientto pay all grants in full, the 8800 shall bQ m pro rata based ont+eemount grsllGedtOeaehree+e*.w since the !Cw Old Age AssietanceFLma is created ati establishedby statute as a spc+.al Fred to prohile Piaancial aid to ag3d oit~lzens, its d%vem3lon to the difTerent plrpse of the psgmont of burial costs would + a tiolation of Article VIII, Sectlon7s quoteaabwe.