April 15, 1939
Honorable E. Ii.Thornton, Jr.
Chairman, Appropriations CommIttee
House or Reprewntatives
Austin, fexas
‘i^ .
i . .
. .
or the Unirerelty,oS %xaSb~.,
Wth reepeat to eqtippin$'saafdbuilding6 Snaoiar ae
euoh eqni~, not' ziaidbuildings.e+id..
not made,
permanent f~provmnimte thereof,'it &,s%he opinion & this de-
partment undqr the prorislon
thst suoh aqti$mmt does r.wt'ocIlld
Honorable E. H. Thornton, Jr., April 15, 1939, Page 2
of'Seotion 14 of Artlole 7 or the Constitution of Texas. Article
.2591-A, Section 6, of the Revised Civil Statues of 1925, ae
amended, authorizes the Board'of Direotors of the Agricultural
and Meohanloal College of Texas to borroa not more than
. lion dollare for the erection and equipment of permanent bulld-
loge at said Coll+ge, and other purposes therein set out, and
pledge one-third of the Available Unlversltp Fund as seourity
ror the payment of the principal and interest.on said bonds.
&rtiole 2592 of the Reriaed Clvll Stattltesof 1925, ae amended,‘
provldos that tha Board oi.Dlreators of the Agrloultural and
Pbahanieal College of Ihxas ahall with the approval of the
Le&olaturo, expinb tor eonatmdon of bullaingo on the a~
ai& for the extelulonand Impmnt of Its oaapu~ knd tar the
equipwnt of the tmlldw thereon one-th$rd oi tbtsAvallablo
Unlrsrsltp Fund reoolnd froa~the POmUW%C Unirstsltf ?uad
arlalng iron the aim rfllloliaore of land appropriatedby the
Oonstltutlonor 1076 and the land l ppropeated by the Aat8 of
185 axoept lnoow frem graslag leases on Unlversltf land, and
prorides that the Board of Dlreotor8rat plodge their part ot
the arallable r-8 for not'exodediagflftaen years to maIce
said funds lmmedlatelyavailable.
The above statutesaaka prariolo~ for the purohan
of such equipment oat of thq Mailable Dalter8ity Faad. &or-
ever, we Slnd no qmqlflo proklmlon that wuld prerent the
Legi8latlw, ii It eo de81~3, from approptlating addltlonal
money out OS the Oeneral Eetenuo,M Sor the parpoee oi
equlpplng said bulldlags insotar a8 suoh equlprsntdoes mt
oonstlttzte perman~nt~rlstures.
'Hopingthat thls anmrers~~eurqueatlon,wa am
-D. D. Mahon