Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Earoh 29, 1939 I Sknorable ICortfmerBrown zxeoutir8 soorstary l'eaohsrRetlrmemt Sylrtem Au&in, ka8 Dear Sir: we are in ma Sarah 99, 1999, nqueatirytho opinion to wheth8r tba'board OS trustseaa? the Tea OS Texas la 6luthQrlaed 8uder hrtACltl2!9z3!%-1 on (1) and rexas canllt1tu- tion Art101e S the Sunda OS the. Toa0her Retir J the Brasol River ; Conson~tlon a Comtitutfon, prwldea la oomp~atloII OS rra%d , Sor muh Rotlremont 0S the State 0S Acts bd 46th l& Senate Bill #49, now appearing as Artlole 2988~1, Se&a 9, S&eotlen (I), Bsvised OiVil StatUttteS, 1986, protim in part: -The Etate BoclsdOS Trustear &ml1 be the trwtaes OS the asveral Sunda as harein omtod by this &ot, and shall have Sull ptnsqrta invest aad xeiweert suoh Sum&a tmbjeot to the SolZowing lltitatio~ and rbstrlotion#$ Eon. Mortlmer Brown, Haroh 29, 1939, Paga 8 All retirement Sunda, M are raeelted by the maaatuy of the Xste of Texas from oontrlbutlona OS teaohera'and employers ~6 hereln provided, my be lnreatcd only In bonds Of the United states, the State Of (i’cxas, or co~t.les, or CitieS, Or SOhOcl districts Of this Stats, wherein Said COUtlCS, or Cities, or sohool districts hate not dstaulted in principal or intere6t cm bonds wlthln a period OS tan (10) Years, or in bonds issued by any agency of the waited State6 Government, the payment OS the principal and lnter- *St on which la @m'auteed by the Unltsd States; an4 in interest bearlne notes or bonds OS the tmlreralty of Tax66 i66ued under and by virtue oS Chapter 40, Aot6 OS the Forty-third Lc~lalature, Seoond Called Geaaioa; . . .* The authorization ot the board to latest funds OS the ayata la llmlted to those ~laaass OS bonds pelaltt& by ths ~tltuti~ and hots oS the Leglal~ttara. 'A0mu6t deterrdns than 1S the bonds issuqd by the Bra606 ~lrar Conaomation and Reolamation Dlatriot iall within any of the olaasiSloatloaa listed abovs. ~_ Article 16, hotion 59, Texas Conatltutfon, provides in part: m(b) There loaybe oreated rithln the StateoS T-6, or the State may be dirided into, such number OS OOILMlVa- t&on and reolaaation di6triOtS as may.be datemlned to be asasntlal to the aooqllahsnt of the ptlrp06~6OS this smeadment to the ooaatltutiou, nblch dlatrlota 6hd.l b6 gorernmental agenoiea and bodlas politlo and OOTpOratO with auoh powers OS govarnmant and with the authority to axerclaa suoh rQht8, prirllogoa and Suuctlona ooaoeraing the aubjeot matter OS this amendmat as my be OOnSdrmd by law. "(a) The Laglalkre shall authorize all such Indsbted- ness as may ha necessary to provide all lmpro~emeut6 and the malntcnance AereoS requisite to the aohlevemmnt OS the purposes OS this ambndment, and all such ludebtedne66 6W be evidenced by bonds OS such oonsenatlon and reOl.a~tIon dlstrlota, to be issued under such ragubtions 66 6W (=Y) be presorlbed by law and shall also, authorize the le*Y and collection within such districts OS all suoh t-66, equitably distributed, a6 my be necessarY SOr the Papent of the interest and the oreatlon OS a SinBdnS Sund Sor the paymant OS such bonds; and also Sor the QaintenanOe OS c~~h districts and Iarprovements,and such indebtedness shall be a lion upon the proparty assessed for the paylaent thereor; provided tho Le&,alature ahall not authorize the Ron. Eortimer Brown, bferoh29, 19959,Page S lsaumce of ariybonds or provIa for any lnaebteflneas against any reclamation ai3wct. unless such proposition shall lYrat ic subzlttcd to the qualified property tsx- paying voter6 of such dlntrlct and the proposition edopted." PUr6dEt t0 the fOmgOing OOkI6titUtioMd aUthOriZ6t~On the Draaoa River Coneervatlon and Rsol.matlon Uistrlot was or&d by Aota 1989, 41st Aaglslature, Sad C. S., Cpeofal hUa,.p. SS, Ch. 13, an6 aub6eqaantly emended by Aots 19934,4Srd Leg., 4th C. S., p. 5, Ch. 5; kcts 1935, 44th Leg., p.'56, Ch..19; Acts 1955, Uth Lw., 1st c. S. p. 1529, Ch. 368. Ssotlon Z OS the orlglnal Act provide6: W&e Brazoa Mui- Conservation and Reolemtloa District la created as a gorcmmeatal agonoy, a mnlolpal- lty, body polltio and oorporata, faatbd with 611 the authority as eu0h under the CoitStitutlOnand Lawa OS the State; .and shall have and be reoeted to exerolao 31 OS the powers OS such gorsrImwnta1 apaoy and body po1ltio an& oorporate aa are expressly authoriaed In the provldona or the Conatitutlon,'Seatlon59 OS Article 16, Sol:Dlatrlota created to co~6erv6, oontrol, and uttllae to.bensrioial service the stow an6 Slood watora OS the rivers an4 atreana OS the State, or'auoh powers as may be oouteqlated a& l.mpli& by the purposes OS this provlaion OS the Gomtltu- tioa, and OS may be conferred by General law, aad liptha provlalona OS thi8 Aot;'and shall have and be reoogniaed to exeroiaa all the rights and powers of au lndepstiaut govenmaatal agenoy, munlo~pallty, body politlo en4 oor- . porate to Sormtlats any and all plana deemed eaaeatlal -to the operation OS the Dletrlot and Sor Its adminlatra- tion in the oontrol, storlag, prasenation ard distribu- tion to all u6sSul purposes of the atorm and Slood waters ot the Brazes River an4 its tributary streams; as such .Dlstrlot,shall have and be reao&aized to exerolae suoh authority and power ot oontrol and regulation over suoh storm and flood wctem OS the Braaoa River and its tri- but&r168 as my be sxerolsed by the State ot Texas, 6ubJeot to the provlslonc oi the Conetltutlon end the Aots of the Legislature." UnnbsrScotion 8, the bounda~lea are to include aI1 oOuSi86 lfing wholly or in part 1x1the watershed.of the fk'aZO6River end its tributaries to be determIneU by the State Board OS Water ~,ngineera. r u :,’ 11:, Bon. Yortlmer Bran, ,: MM-Oh 29, 1939, Page 4 .. 1 Under SeotIon 6, as a&ended, the Dlotrlot 1s to be ~oronmd by (Iboerd of 21 dlreotore to bo designated by the State Board of i.atrri.nnC;fncsrs subject to the approval of the Ckmemor. Ihe circctors are to taicethe oath of o:'Piceend mke bond payable to the Cletrict. The amendstory hota of 1935, 44th Uig., 1st C. S., p. 3527, Ch. 968, Sec. 1, provides ror the remiealon of ad nlomm taxes ror a period or 20 year8 oollected for general revenue pur- poser,from oertain oountles, contingent upon a loan, grant or *llot- &ent from the UnIted.Statts of &mesrioa,provided that the mount of ad valorem taxes granted ehall not exceed in any one year cso9,ooo.oo. .%otion 5 0r the above amendstory act prorIdes: . "The District Ehall have the authority and It is hereby authorized to issue Its negotfable bondq~se8ur66 :;,. only by pledge of the sums granted aud/or donated by the St&s or Texan an&/or out 0r any other ,aurrentrsvenuem % f of tho Distriot In any suob amount8 a6 may be authorize ?I?,. p. by the Direotors of suoh Diatriet, uhioh suam ,till ba paid to the legal holders of tmld bonds, ror the pnrpo60~ J;, or purohasing, aoquIrIng'anQ/or oondemnlng lands, leases, .'i,. eesements end/or aoqulttanoes, rights-of-wey, atruo- tares and/or buildings, equiprsnt and/or operation 0r proper structures, &urns,m8enoirs, uultable Sor the aontrol ol the remrrent, devastatiug floods in the valley or the Brato River, rhiah have, over a M. : period or years, oaused a deplorable losu ol *e ml6 RTO~X-ty, 8td the erOsion of the soil an4 a dsplethn of the tertlllty oi the lauda In said ~ellep and the hater-shed soned by the braao8 Biter in Texas, and the public hIghray an4 structures and lands belongLng to the State of Texas oltuated within said water-shed; all of which ia hereby declared to ba a pub110 aalns&ty, and doing all thinga necessary In the execution oi.the ptUpO608 for which the DlatriCt Is areatad aIideSIab, The money8 horein and hereby granted and/or donated to the Srazos Blver Conservation and Fieolamatlon District are deolareb to be for the purposes of disoharg- lug obll~atldns herein authorized.* titbough we hare not been prwkmnted ritb oopiee or deearip- tlcns or the bouds which It is understood will be offered to the Board, wo fmmnm that they are the bonds Ismmd underSeoti?n b RW- able out of revenues and donations by the State of Tams. Eon. Kortlmer Brown, &oh 29, 1939, Pege 8 be do not thhk that It will adaIt oi serious doubt that the bonds In question are not "bonds of the Ualted Stetea . . . or counties or citlos or this ;tate." Tho weudetory hot of 1935, iat Cailed Lession, p. 1527, states that Vhere IO bereby donated and granted by the State of Texas to the Braaoa Liver Conservation aad Zeolemetlon pIstrIct, a state agency, erected by the Aot of the Leglsleture at the state OS Texas . . .” A reading of Section 2 or the original Aot and Its aubaequeat eueudaenta Eakea It clearly appear thet the district la a body oorporate end ~veramental agenoy dlaoherglng a gorernmsntal mnctlon. Sea Bratos Mver Conservation and LieolaaetlonDistrict v'.t&Craw, 91 z. ?i. (2.)665. However, It does not fol&m that the authoriaed bonds Issued by the District are'"bonds of the State of Texaan, as aonteapleted by the Constitution and statutes relating to the Teacher 3etIreaent Syatea. Tha Aota of the Legialeture ox-eatingthis Dietriot end the bonds in quoatlon are thoroughly dleousaed by the Supreme Court' of Taxes In Braaoe River Conaervatlou end jiaolamationDiatrlot v. Kocmw (lOs6) OlS.'k. (S)es5. 'Inpeasing upon the objeotI.onthet the laatiiuoeof these bonds violeted the State Constitution, -the oourt stated: *The obJectIon that the ;aotla en attempt to auth- orize the board of the district to oreate a debt in beheld or the state, or laud the oredit or the state In rloletion or the inhlbitorp prerleIona or Seo. 49 end 50 of Art. 3 of the Cohatltution, is rlthout merit. MO debt oa the pert of the state IO to be oreeted nor la the state*6 credit loaned ror thet purpose. sheae queetiona are ioreoloeed by the opinion of thI6 oourt in the.oase or city of kmmaea Paso v. Keeling, ll.2Tex. 339, S4T S. k. ala."~ Under the oonatruotion placed upon these bonds by the Suprem Coutit or Texas, they are not Issued by or upon oredlt of the Stete but are Issued by the iieolametlonDistrict eeoured by end pay- able only out 0r donations 0r ad valorem texea rmm the State or Texas and revenues to be derived from the district. The Constitution and statutes expressly reoognlee the die- tlnctlon bstueen bonds Issued by the oentral government Itself, end those Issued by e governmentel sger~oy, by expre6aly snumereting bands Issued by the United States and bond6 Issued by an aGency’or the United States Government. 1t would ap~peerthat li it was intended Eon; Mortlnr Brown, Em-ah 29, 19S9, Page 6 to include all agenolea ot the Ftatc Goverment, the oomtitutlonel sad statutory pro+laIona would have expressly so stated. If, however, &dcr shy construction the provision Yasy be Inrested only In bonds or . . i tho titateof Tcxee* may be so COIL- atrued as to mean w&oternmentel agsncfesor the State of Texee-, there la yet another dIfiIoulty. It Is a car&ins1 rule 0r constrtm- tion that "the expression of one thing IO exclusive of another.* 13s rule 1s explained in 39 Tax. Zur. 9. 189, as rollowe: " The mxlm algnirIeathat the express mention or enuAeGa~Ion~0r'ono person , thing, aonsequenoe or alas6 Is tantaaouut to an express exclusion of all others. And ahon It is AppiiOabitt,arrimietire words ipply a negative or *hat Is not arrirmed, negative words Imply an a~irmetlva or what IO not negatived; end a protlalon llmltlng a thing to &e done In a partlouler form or manner Implies that It shall not be done othenlae.a Slnae oountlea and cItloa are also governmental agenolea a gomunmeu tal Cuaotlon. their expraaa auumeretlon in the RWfOlTRiryl Constitution 894~Statutes perteinitigto Tesoher Ret1at ma, at least, Iapliedly excludes other go?ernmental ageaoiaa under the above rule of aonatruotlon. piedo not express an opinion upon the oenstltutlomali-tp of suah provIsIon, but call attention to the taot, as auppertiug this lnterpretatlon, that in Article Z9Z2-1, Ssotlon 9, SubaeetIon 1, the Zeglalature l'onndit necessary to expressly mention Laohool dIatrlota of this State . . . and Interest bearing notes and bonds of the Uuireralty ot Texas Iseued under and by virtue ot Chapter 40, hots of the 4Srd Legislature, Znd Celled Se6aIon.w &ah or these are proporly oleaaIfIed as governmental agenclea of the State of Texea, and their enumeration emphasitaa tb~eintention ot the Legia- leture to a9eoI~Ioally provide tor the bonda 13 wbloh Teacher Retire- ment Fund ray be Invested and to exolude all othcra. The fact that the distriot is 8 St&e egeney doea not hacessarlly preclude such distriot from also serving as en egeney or the United States Government. Be hero not bean presented with the oontrect between the district end the Pedsral Goverrueent,but tor the purpose or dIspoaIng of the issue, assuIt-e that It say be Ouch en agsnoy. The constitution and statutes provide that the ~principal sad lntereat on bonds issued by ouch agenop aNat be guaranteed by the United Stetea Govemment~. lnaofer 66 we have been able to EOSL Portlmer Brown;~Yaroh SQ, 1959, Page I aacertaln the United states Government ha8 aade en outright grant to tba dlatrict or OSO,092,S46.00 to erect dams, while the bonda in question are In addition to the Gnited States grant end are to purciase lauds, easements, etc. to operate the proJect. i*ealso understand that pert of these bon&, in the amount or about ~400,000.00, are now held in escrow by the Dnlted %atea Govern- ment, to as8ure the completion of the Poos~m Kingdom Dam being eonetruated rlth money from the federal grant. It 18 stated in the prospectus lseued by the agent marketing these bonds, that the bontjs are 86Cure.dby "a ilrat pledge of the tar money donated by the state and by a 8eOOndSI-ypled&e of revenues or the Distrlet xhlch may later aaarue to It.* It oacurs.to us that ir the payment or these bonds ~38 guaranteed by the lederal Government it vio~Ld eerteinly have been mentioned in this proSpeCtUS. Thla.Department is of the oplnlon that the Board or Truateee oi: the Teaoher Retirement syet6m Or'Texaa 18 not authorized by the prorlelons of Texae Conetltutlon Artiole S, sec. 4&a end Artlole SOW&l, Eeotlon 7, Submotion (I), to Invest any of the lpnds of the Teacher RetiresrantSy8tem ln bond8 i88ucd by the Bmzos River Coneervatlon and Reolamatlon Diatriat. YOUl-8 Very tNly ATTORRETG3JERALOyTXAS