Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lhroh B7, 19939 i2r. C. J. Xllde, Xaroh 27, 1939, Yage 2 and eball slve the time and plaoa for reoelr- lne euoh bids. All auoh ooqetltlre bids shall be kdpt on file by the oounty auditor as a part of the reoorda of his office, and shall be subjeot to lnapeotion by any one deslrlaF to eee them. Coplee or all bide received shall be furnished by the county auditor to the oou6ty Judge and to the oom- ~I~lonora oourt;urdwhen the bids reoe1v.d are'not aatisf~otorytotho-uld lwdga or .. ...- eaant~oaslaaloaen,thaaudltor aha%lre- jaot said bids and re-ednti>aa for new blda. Ii oases cf emrg6aoy,, puNI not la ax- - 086s of one huadrd end fifty doll- mar bo made.upoa requlaltlonto bo approved w th0 o~Ia6Ioner6 eiourt,rlthout d+ertlrIng sor ocatpetItIT54 bids.- It was kd.6 In tha oaas of kyatt Motel t%oil& Fork8 vs. Fannln Coiaity,Ill SR tata) 787 fhat Aktlola 1659, aupra, manll%6t6 an Intent'on the part OS the.Le latum to deolnre.rpnbllo polloyruooaaltatlq oaqot: P tire bidding. It was held In thIa base that a wrlt;t+lr oontraotor award uhe~by the Oomlaalonera~~,ou?tat- temptedto ratifypdqahaaeof oul~orta~ from ;a aaa*aotu?a pursuant to advortlwsnt ior bid6 whioh dewrI+g'.?!+%+ by trade name was invalid ~&or the ~I'OVIS~O~~.O~ .4~W*le 1669, requiring advertIaaaant *aooordIagto apeoItloitIoti You state in yeur inqulq that to oatabltah ao~ fain 8peoIrIoatlona In the adwrtIamWlt *ll ban tha ofiaot of ellnln6tlng oapetltlte bidding In that bat 066 bid wo6ld be reoeIre& The aomlulon~raf owrt Is glwn broad dl6oretlonary ~666~6 WI+ n6peot +o ertabM8hing and setting epeolfIoatIon6 for equipsentto be pureh66ed by and used by the oarmt7. Haring set Show 6peolfI~atIo~ they mat then SuWt them by r&ertI6Iag the name to dll those who oare to bid. It 18 aterl6l If but o6e per60 or firm oaree to bld on the partloular+eohlneq desired by the oouuty. It la therefore the opInlo6 of thla Department and you are eo advised th& oompetlflye bidding order the olrounstanoss stated by you is not only legal but mandatory upon the Commissioners* Court. TrufitlnC, that this 5atlereatorliy answema your inquiry, m remeln Very truly yours .