I&arch31, 1939
Mr. C. W. Talbot, March 51, 1959, Page 8
prorrdw as rouowmt
I. ,: ~.:
Bsning eaoh orQinal oitafhioa in
a air%1 suit l....................*......
8u wo n~ o a th r ltnmw ..................
Levy ing a n4 r etu r nf~ ea o h wr it of
a tta o h wa t&sQwatr#ioa.r ....
or ........1 )& O
Copy of lttiaobmsnt
writ amI return for
Laying saoh amcmtion.r....~...........r X&O
Return 0r ax43fmi0br...~............... 1.09
Ssrvlngeaoh writ of ,gmni&nw& or
other prooeee dot ethetiu zovMe6. for 1.00
Serving eaoh ~wrltOS laJ.ikwt POP..~~.....
- 1.80
Taking and.approving .@Io~IJ bomb. ~il me
tur+ng mm~ to ths,,prepq~~Oqm%@ca
nooelsa~~.r~....r.,.r....,.,.+....~..,..~...... 290
Eaaorp~hg the ~ivrwww8 sf any bond 'Fe-
qair4d to be ondorae+-aghLP+;..<~........@Q
Mr. C. W. Talbot, Maroh 51, 1939, Page 3
Exeouting and reQurning caoh writ
O? DOO~~~OO~OU Or ‘~e8titUtiOU........$S.00
Poa&g the advertlecmenta?or aale~‘~
under the sxeoutionor any order
or aale...................*.........1.00
m other notloea reauitiedby
law ana not otherwIseprrivfded?&.. 1.00
Exeouting a deed to eaoh purchaser
of -real~eatat.8 .undar.eqoutlon or
wd~r.o$.atie•*..~~*'..ri .........i.. 8.00 ;
grouting a ?d.&lef ,aa*, 'fo.Faoh~ puw : ;
ohamr*er ~~eraon&l~:&mpe~y.gacl*r ul
exeoutlonor:;ordsc ~Of~:aalb, when
aenQan@d~bf~ptiroheCdr~;.;.*. . . . . . . . . . . e&o
?or eaeh.oaae trlad~~ia,t.he Diatrlot
or Qowty Uogrt,-~&+i&pl*es shall be
taxed fim thr'~~~‘.af~;,..;.....r .W ~~
.& ........iro~;.r..,.,i......c.
Tar trarsling~d.Ctbeae*iae~o?
prwiaa, Sheritia W:Cckatable&i ahall x-o-.:.:
wlve .#4rsn au* OM-half (O*) oentb for saoh
tile goin& and o&g; l?~two or mow persona
are Mntlowd In the welt, he ahdl~~abnrgofor
the dlatanoe. ~~otuallyarrd~~o~aclari~y~tra~~lsd
in the aojPvioe.o? MO.,
*Qollrotlq n&my on su ers&tlon of an .-.
order 02 sale, whqn the .8ameis made by a sale;
for the.?lrot One Hum&red Do$lara.(#lOO~qr L;~
leaa, four (4) pe rn th6 0~60na~th
Hwdrsd Dollars (
for all sums eve
and not exoa@¶lng
two (S) per.&nt;
sand Dollars ($lOOO),.tffo'(8)per,.dent;far
all auma over O&~ThciuaaadDollars ($1000)
and not exoeedihgFlve~.Thouicnd Dollara~0/$000).,
ohe (1) per gent; ?Or alZ kums over Firs Thou-
sand.Dollara()SOOC), one-half or one pe* oent.
*Whcn:?#@~monsyie oolleotsdby the Shcrlif
or~Conatable*thout a -10, one-half O? the
above rates shall be alltm8d him.
Vor every dsy the Werl?? & .&isaiputy
shall atten the Dlatrlot OF OouMy Roust, ha
I&. 0. W. Tafbct, Lkroh 91, 19259,Ps~ 4
shall reoeive Four Dollars ($4) a day to be
paid by the county for esoh day that the
Sheriff by hlaael? or s deputy shell attend
said court."
You will note that the following language la
used in said Artiole, to-wit:
ePoatingthe adter@iaementafor
sale under the sxeautloti~
or any prder
of a+le.................*...........*..
?aw atml.anp are used ip other portlona of
You will furthernote that. is no prevl-
aion made for thcpayment of a~tee ?o lllng notloea.w
The rollmng.ldguaga in the case O?,Bigh~.
vs. Stats, 87S'SWX499,la we&
~wAUmrifr la ~ntit.164to auoh ?eea'~ia
th6 statutes authoaiaa, and for that mason
the fact that the fees lJ.lawadmay seem %ar&a
b sow iaatauoea0s amall in other lnatacoea
oaaaot Qatar into a daclaion construingthe
statutes authorie~~.$hen. The Lcgialature'
ha8 anaotod the
mGimum OQm whlo
r8oeiro ia fees, r&&lug that the dxoeallbe
paid into tha'oountrtreasury. The Le&iOlatUZW
has slao enacted lawa~rqulating and llmltlug
the fees 0r o??iosrg rr0latirnsto time. The
wisdom or unwlado& of~thaae acts is a matter
for the courts to determine.w (Thia.oaaewas
reversed on 0thQr growas in 890 SW lOSSI
Therefore, you e3em3pe0trully advised that
It la the opinion of this Departmentthat the ahsrl?f a?
Bcatrop Oouuty ~muld be entitled to.ths swn of $1.00 as
his fee for poatlng the notioea of sale described in
your letter.
Mr. C. Vi.Talboq, Marah 31, 1939, Pa& 5
It is the further opinion of this Department
that the sherltf would not be entitled to any fee for
mailing the notices desarlbed in your letter.
Very truly yours