Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.-_- .._- ^., -r-e --a- ” She second question wmfrontlng us is whether or not u ncmbcr OR the Texas Loard of iiedicc\2 ExarAncrs holds or exercises 8 *civil offioc of @501lJnIent." Al'tiClC4602 Of thC h?~fScd civil 2tStutCs Of 3026 pm- vides that mtho fund maliacid from the aforesaid fees shall be applied first W the puy5Cnt of nCCewary espenaos of the Board of Exmincrs; any renrinin::fund.eah8~1 be appliedby t&order of the hoard (ioaqx~satlngmenb~rsof theboardin proportion M their labors." the Constitution, 8eotlfm ad of ArtIda 1%. for Districts areated to eoneerve, control and util- I?2 fo benaficiirlSl?l’VioC the StCS%a aPd flood raters of thC rivers and strems of tileState, or such powers OS ray be wntmplated and %I- plied by tho purposatzof this provision of the Constitutloo, anf$as may be wnfarmd by Genmal Law, and in the ~r~lslons of t&Is Aof) and shall have (mdberewgnised to exercise all the rl&ts and powers of an lndspendant e;o-ental aji33ncy, ntmlalpallty, body polifia and wrporate t.0formu- late any and pll plpps doesed essential to the operatlcm of the DlsWiaf Md for St8 ad&n.lstm- t&on in the oontrol, storing, preservation andtlls- rfrvraojUpwtr3H8tH&,~lhWOQdIltLlWO~' xlmatos3prrroLa 8uabawmilQtity.ala power at wx- auaxovoranah8telmaad11aoa wamoMveratali?m~~u. subybe-aytbe3tatoesNrrsr,odblootQ fhepuwlslmmofthe~UtnUon~fbC)Aat8of~ -dew ._i' . _: .. :, : efMreetamofwmaw2a8MverQon8arYa uenarb. uzuitnlla~tiQpglLtRafoffide,~~lu ahrrracPferto~$ha0athl6~8feMBte@@mntyOer-~ mlMloaeMand~loxoautebslwlinthe~~eflYIs Thousuna (*QQQ.QQ) Ddllamb -a# pryaIm fo.the M6- tri&, the,~Qpcridzrapdglta?nbpddbff8n Dlatlyle~.th8 8tasea;tQncry or whhh lienthE @ha1 lJ0ao- _,c)terrmiMlcr. by qm stat0 Boapa at rater ialginearelhicrb bonds oftcr being rowrdcd in the official bond sc~rds of the wunty'in rhiuh the District maintains 1t6 ofTice shall be depositad with a &posltmy seleotcd ti approrecl ror the d,~oslt of tic funds of t&c DidAct. All vacanciesoc- ~ursln::in the board Of Dhwtire shall be filled by a dcslgnatlor,of the Gfoto Bonrd of Unter En- &w2rs suhjoct to approval of the Governor. Soyen (7) mea&em &all constitute a quorum to transact buelnees. Nu more than twc (2) OS said Diroctiro utrallbe 8ppoinfed who reside in the 5nme wunty at the tine of their ~+4n~ent. The direct&% shall etch be entitl-& to caoeiye 2, ._ .oeap