rnmld c. lhrn Auwr~~ ai.'~-EXAE
lLrrb 14. 1939
Net ti rabealll~trlet uhloh
Mlrol8eie8 but do.8 bmn
eo 8eholmti88 by tlrtue
%I118 pwtleulrr dwol dlBtrl8t Mm eoqtllod rlth
ti1tb~l81t.8 f&W8t8t~~id,bUt8tdOcid i8kitl&
rithbld Ui the p#ad thmt th. trartf 8&Oh8tiU8 the
dhtriat lul 8re not ‘ml.&JhalL88hOh8tia8.
=?ublio8ohool &ua of Tox88 1938
-mder cbpter Nlamtom-c Nqual18atiar ?uad, II@-
bt~kUdtlndarth@~%8i#8 Oftht8 &t8h8n
be diatrlauted in suoh g uy 8~ to M8%8t 811 8choo1
dl8triet8 Of aat ?8uW tbVb -w (20) 88hOb8tioe,
eta .
%utloa 4 pw~lde8: 8tatea.U uad&provlmlon8 of
thI8 bt 8-11 be dlQtt+d Vpon th8 bU18 Oi Qu tM8hW
for my au&e of 8UhOlMtie8 fPaa tuenty (20) to thief-
flin (35) . . :
. .
. ...
*X8 88ld Wk.81 4lmtrlrtentitledto Itate aid motrlth-
th8 hot it &#.a 8othavo tumtr ‘or4laal’
1*8, ht h.8 b8~O t-lltl 8@hOh8ti88?
Prm~lq'i&h88~~~u~;,u8 rl8hto dtl8otMt
8wtlraS ottho
%8te*idWlldOrtbr)IwiBiOU O?thi8 bt8&ll
bo (llrtrlbutod in Mah l way unto urirt all rohool
lirtrptl of not liner that8 tuent~ (n0) Uholmt%e8
l l .
8@ Ot?Oll4 Oftk"Rtnl Aid kU"potik8t
%ato aid mdor provl8lm8 of thl8 Ast rhall h
alottodupe!tth8 )ui8 of anetouherior timb er
Y ( 5) urd
88hOlUti88 ira tWntr (m) to thlx'tr-tire
(1) e4ditltmal~har fereaah aAditlo#mlthlrt~
fo) oeolutler,. . :
kid 8Mtian fhtrtm mu:
- bM18 tar UlieUtitiOtl @Ull k thr mt
saholutlo 8muwrrtion of white or 801OP.d ?8ae, u
th8 8UO v k, iaotUditk# the tPUi8fOl.8 bt0 th8 d18-
trLet*. . .
lb U’8 of th8 opinlsnthbt u a rrhool di8trict Y8tlm
all of the other requlrment8 88 plrovldod by tho "Rur81t~~elaw ,
md at tha tln ha8 twenty (to) roholutlro, lmlud
truuferod ia M thmo mumrated ia t& dirt-at, t 18
entitle4 to rurkl aid.