Yaroh lb, 1939
Hr. C. A. hsltsrs
, Tars8
Dear slrr
March 7, 1939, wherein
in San Saba County eeoh
oontaln more than 6 end eeoh is more then
nine miles In 1e flood iestroyed a
number of brldfe the Sen Seba and Colorado
River8 with the 6 pu~ilr were out dr from
the above so other and dirrorsnt soho&l#
y, the enrollmsat In Dlstriot
the normal tsaoher-pupil load.
ba number or ,lupilrin the
dviae the number of teeohers em-
th you we understood
ne m&m tsroher than
eotlon 4 of the iiuralAId Lau. your
olear $uat what queetlon fou mat ana-
at your oontsntion iu that thsro ir somr
n the Rurcl Aid Lew uhloh exam ts these
oher-pupil load limit as oontasned In
oonoludr that your question 15 who-
such limit.
Seotion 2 of raid Rural Aid Lsw provldes that State aid
may be distributed in suoh a ray as to emiet all sohool dlatriota
oi not fa-xerthan tvientyscholastics and not more than five hundred
soholsstlos, and provides that sohools ln sparsely settled oouatles
mjrybe exempt from the minimum rsstrlotlons or twenty eoholastlos,
Mr* G. A. Walters, Usroh lb, 1939, Page 2
as herelnatter provldod. SIn:e we understand eeoh of these districts
ooatalna more than 20 soholaatloa, then, is no no Ed to oonoera our-
relvra with what odvantaeea a dlatrlot of.Ieaa than 20 aoholastlos
in a sparsely settled oounty has. Said Seotlon 2 llkeivlae provides
that the msxlmum limitation as to aoholaatlo population shall not
apply ror any type of aid to aohool district& oontaining forty-eleht
aqusre miles or more, or whloh is nine mllea or more in length with c
certain provlao thereto. iie are advised thst neither of these
aohool dlstrlota has more than 500 aoholaatloa and, therefore, the
provlalon last above mentioned would not apply. Seotlon 4 provides
that old msy be alloted upon the basis of one teeoher for any number
of aoholastloa from 20 to 35 and one additional teacher for esoh
addltlonal 30 aoholaatIoa, or fraOtIOns1 part thereor, residing In
the district. There is rurther provlaion that In making suoh oom-
putetlon, trsnatera into the district shall be oounted and transrers
out or the district shall be excluded ror the ourrent yecr. Thnt
seotlon likewise provides thut where unusual or extraordlnsry
conditions osuse an actual lnoreese in enrOllmint, an adjustment
may be made as to the number of teaoherrr. Seotlon 18, to whloh
you rerer, defines 8 sparsely settled ~dlatrlot as being one of less
than 20 enumerated acholaatlos end lying wIthin a oounty hevlng
lest then 1400 scholastlos enumerated in all oi the soholastloa or
the county. In other words, to be a sparsely aetzled dlatrlot,
there must not only be less than 1400 saholastloa enumeruted within
all the oorinon sohool dlstrlots of the county but the partloular
school district ln question must have less then 20 scholostloa.
That Scctlon proviCes the exemptIOn from the mlnlmum teaoher-cup11
load shall in no instenoe be extended to any dlatrlot employing more
than one te::cher exoept that the State Superintendent may grant
aid for not more than one additional teaoher for any WauohWoommon
school district. The vrord wsuohW refer8 to districts of 1er.s than
20 scholastics in counties huvlng less than 1400 soholastlos ln
all their oonnoq sohool districts.
The/iot noxhere con&&i any provlslon tor exceptional
relief to any dlstrlct whose number oi aoholastloa la reduced
below the norraal teacher-pupil load by oulemlty. UDder the
rccts outllnod to us, your .:ueatlon must be answered in the noee-
Yours very truly
EY (Slcned) Glenn 3. iewla
(Send) Gerald CJ. :%nn,
Attornev Caner.31 0r Texas