B On the l8Or .
q uestlohBa s
Bon. Sholburno H. Oloror, Totmary 84, 1939, Paa. 8
appOiIIt, O? W&O rOr, Of +3OBrh the 8ppoint-
rent or aBy orri00, p08ltl00,0ierk8hl uplop ..
SOat Or dUt7, Or m7 pWSOB rOhtOd wP'thin th0
S@OOnddo@00 b7 8ifinit7 Or within th@ third
dogroo by oonranguinlty to tho parson so ap-
pointing or SO toting; or to 8~7 othor udor
Or Uk7 SUOP b0Ord, th0 bgiSiOtW0, OC 00Uti
oi whloh suoh parson so appointing or totAng
ma7 k a mubor, when tho 8almr7, roe8, or
oompensatlon or srroh appolntoo’ls to bo pal6 ‘.
for, dlnotly or lndirootly, out of or fraa
pbii0 rUmiS of r0O8 or 0rri00 of an7 kind
or oharaotor whatsooror.
-Art. 433. ml. lntllbltloBr got rorth in
this law shall lppl7 to and laoludo tho Oovornor,
Lloutonant Ooromor Spoakor or the Hou00 or
Koprerontatlvos, R8flro.d Oomnlssloners, hoad
or departments or tho that* govermont, &&go8
and acnbors or an7 and all Boards and oourts
lrtabllrhod by or under tho authorit of an7
gonoral or spoolal law of this Stats, roabors
or the Leglslaturo, mayors, oommls8lonors, ro-
oordorr, aldamon and momberm of sohool Doards
or lnoprporatod oltlos and towns, pub110
nobOo truatoos, orrloors and me&or8 or
boards oi managqrsof tha State Unlrorsityand
or its severalbrano&os, and or tho various
St&o lduoatlonol lnrtltutlons and or tho var-
lou8 Stat0 llooaosyaar~ lnstltutlonr, and or
tho ponltontlarlos. Tho latmoratlon shall
not'bo hold to oxolado from the operation and
orfoot or this law an7 porson lnoludsd within
its genoral prorlrlon8.
‘Art. 434. lZo orrloor or other por8on
lnoludod within any protl8lon of this law
shall appoint or rot0 ror lppolntmeat or ror
aontlreetlon oi appointment to any suoh offlam,
pO8itiOB, olorkshlp, emplo7mont or but7 0r an7
person rho80 8onloos am to be ronderod under
hi8 dlreotlon or oontrol and to be paid for
dlrrotl7 or indlrootl7 out ot an7 ruoh pub110
rmd8 or roe8 or 0rri00, and *ho 18 nlatod
b7 afflnlt7 rlthln tho soooad degree or b7
oonungulnlt7 within the third dwwea to any
suoh orrloer or person lnoludod wlthln any
Hon. Bholburmo 8. Olwor, tobrury U, 1939, Paga S
provlslonOr thlo law, l8 oomsiduat~oB, in
rho10 or in part, that suoh othor orrlooror
puson has thontoioro lppol8tod. or tot04
ror tho sppolntaont or ror th elOBrirUtiOn
0r tho SpJIOhtMBt, or rlll thhuoartor.ap-
point or rot0 ror tho lppolntm8nt. or ror
the 4onrlm4tlon or tho l~pOlBta~llt:tO say
suoh offloo, posltlan,or olorkshlp,aplg-
meat or dut7 or m7,porson uhouooror nlakd
within the reoond do&r00 by attlnlty or within
the third degree Q7 oonsangulnlt7 to ruoh
orrloer or other por8on aaklng 8uoh appolnt-
m.Bt .*
Wh8io th8 ~Ouissiono~8~ Court doe8 not appoint
or rote ior or oonflrm tha lp ointment or do08 not oon-
traot, alther dlreotl7 o-4 Pr8otl7 with the l mplo7e0,
althou& suoh 8mplo700 18 paid In whole or in part out Or
oount7 funds ruoh smplo7mont would not b8 in rlolatlon
or be prohlbitod by the lboro quoted statut88.
In rl8r oi ,tho iorogolng8tatuts8, 70'0~are a%-
8pOOtrUiiy adr'ired that it la tha opinion oi thir D8part-
msnt that the brothor of one of the oowity oomml88lonors
would not b8 prohlbltod from rorklng on a P. ?. A. Pro-
Joot where part of the funds are 9814 by the oount7 and
rhero the bmmlsslonors * Court had ‘nothing to do whatso-
ever in saploying or 8oourlng 8mplo7mant for ruoh emplo7eo.
Trusting that tho tOr8gOing an8vor8 your iBqulr7,
wo rwa8ln
Vuy tru17 7ours
Ardoll :;‘llllru