Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

GERAID C. MANN AUSTIN xi.TEXAH A-Rn-EY CacN- February 23, 1939 EIoii. J.P. Bryan, County Attorney BrazWia. Countp ~Angleton, . Texas Dear Sir: Opinion.'.No. o-360 _. Re: What dlspodtlon should be tide oS'.Slnecollecthxlby Justice of Peace Sor vlolatlon of Motor Carrier Act? .'. ‘Your request Sor an opinion on the above stated, ques- tion, has been received by this oSS%ce. _. _. Articles 16gOa.'ana' 1690b Penal Code, generally,aeslg- nate ai% define criminal offenses coming under or within the MotorsCarrier Act and prescribe the penalties in connection therewith. . Section 17(c), Article glib, Revised Civil Statutes, reads es sollows: "All Sees except the See provided in Section 5.of'thld Adt acaruingunilerthe terms ~of this Act and all Sines an8 penalti'tis collect-d under the providona bf .thisAct shall be payable to the State Treasui+gat Austin and credited to a Sund to be known an& designated aa the 'MotorCarrier Fund, which fund is appropriatedfor the purpose of carrying out the.?termsof this Act and but of i#hiahall warrants ana expendituresnecdssarg iii administeringand enforcingthis Act shall be paid." All .oSSicerscharged by law with collecti& money in the name or for the use of the State, would be entitled to the coinmissionson Sines collected by virtue OS the above mentioned statUtea to the same extent as they would be ln any other mib- d;;r$;;eaase as provided by chapter 3 of the Code of Criminal . YOU'are respe&fillg aaviaea that it is the opinion or this department that all Sines collected for the violation of the Motor CarPier Act should be deposit&I with the State Tr2leasuFy atV'Austinl,Texas &indaredite4fta a find known atid designated as the Motor Carrier Fund , after deducting com- , Hon.‘i.P. Bryan, February 23, 1939, Page 2 0-360 missions as allowed by law. Trusting the foregoing answers your inquiry, we are Yours very truly A!!JTOIU?FXGENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Araell'Wllll~ms Ardell-Williams Assistant AW:ob:wc Approved: .' s/Gerald C. Mann ATTOFMEYGENERALOFTEXAS