Eonora blo oeo . B. Sheppard
couaptroller Of Publio &aaounts
AUStin, T8XaS
~mar sirt OpinIonNOC;-G-287 ',
rte: uwnt of aci~ment.aonaulsslons
$%-4qe paid by Stiste Sa Uatfigorda'
.And EJdalgo Couct0!k~,Aurlr@ stated
P ~wK*
You dl.reot.our
: /P \ “\
atteAtlo@ to $en&e Bill No. 32, Chapter
61, page 164, FIret Called 36daioxi~,+3rd,LegIrrlature,granting to..
the City of Palaolos m&d the vIlJ,a& oVCollege Port sight-ninths
or the next amouut.or tat8 aU vatirerntaxes oolleotedon property
in Cormnlsslr:ners* 3 oh.bfatagorde County for e period of
114;,Ch@pter402, p6ge 1596, zlrst
NOS. 1, 2 and
taxes col-
tate*s share of such assessment ooets should
T3eotion 1. That for a period of thirty (30) yeera,
coxnenoL.?g with the fiscal year be&mine September 1,
1933, there bo and tirehereby donated and granted by the
state or Texas to a co!mnIaslon, hereinarter created, In
trust far the City or Palaclw and the Village or ~ollsge-
r&rt, both sltuatod iz ComIssloner*s Freofnctxqumber3
of Zatagorda County, Texas, d&t-nir.ths (8/9) of the ret
Eon. Geog Ii. SbepFard, ~3~3 2
3n>unt of the State ad v~lorcmtaxes collected on all
property, both reti sud pcrtln, in said iomissicn8r*8
I"recinct ??umber 3 of :!zt;tsEordz TCX~S, which
shall be nscertained and 3FpDrtiOned 3s now Frovidad by
It is rurthsr providod in Section 3 or Caid senate Sill
NO. 32 that at the end off each mon',h th3 tax collector or IzataSorde
County Wstall pay over to the City Treasurer :!fthe City of ;alacios
eight-ninths of 311 .wne7s collsctod by him durirj: said month under
the provisions or this A&, except such emounta as ars allowed by
law for assessing and collecting s-8, and shall forward a duplicate
copy of the recei;ts Siren to him by the Treasurer or the City of
Faleclos, Taxas, for such moneys to tha comptroller. The said col-
lector shall remit to the State Treasury one-ninth of all such
tnxea collectad by him rrzm rlO&tJlto month.* ;Va deem it unneaessery
for present purposes to set out the remain',&e provisions of said
enactment. \
It is speclnlly noted th-t seid ~Actir;rantsonly eisht-
ninths of the net smount or the Stste ad valor@m t3xes collected in
-said precinct i;'o.3 of kW,sgorda county. Tn,t%E case of zvershiner
vs. Palmer, 1s S. :s. 387, the z>S:lrts3id thatfw*??ot* means free.
from chm(;us or deduatisns; obt?i:g.-~sPter dedugtin~ 311 3xpenS88~"
This statsmut :JI' PIvtard -net-:waa appclved in the
tfm risaning-.>,
ces3 or iw+3 vs. Shirlay, 211 S. :;;.246. .c&.o Jt is particularly.
noticed that in Seation 3, it i8 axvrensly >roviciad that the amount8
allowed by law for assossirgend coiltqotingaeM sonags 6hal.l be de-
ducted from the suss pait over mnthlf;j to the City Treasurer of the
city or ~3l3cios. It is thzs opita clear that the legislature
IQtanded tbat the aost of as:.e&mrint .&curred in coms~tl~n with the
CollectiOn of th3 money granted shoiilol5e paid out of such grant.
The half of the assessnent fces.ori?:narily -&id by the State under
Article 2937, Revised Civil Statutes;:3hould bo paid as follows with
'respect to the are3 arfected uilythe edove *rant: The p-nslon and
sohool funds their usual &a&: one-niigth 31 the remainder by the
State and other ei!.-bt-nlcths:;ftbo regfainder should be deducted
frm the grrinted SW bafcru tj ,aB,!
s&e 1~ paid over.
33CtiOn 1 3r ssid g&e :'iil.r:o. 114, by the 44tk L&S-
lature, reads 3s rOuOwil: +
"Sectio:: 1. ?bat' for tit3 remcyfnder of the period Or
tine for which the in&3bit3n~s :f 3r.d property in ::hsrton
COlldj'and th:it ;:ortion q$ 'i:.:jlt3~-orc3
comty embraced in
coatission3rs ~ireaincts~~gumb~&rs1 2, ;-nd 4 ware released
rro?;'tbe pnyQ6nt Or stgte :,d h~val$QQ tax65 16Viad for
geGara1 revenue pur;oaes by ~;g+,~pt&.i&j,!ictsSecond C&led
Seaalon, Thirty-eighgh I,e&~~~-tZ,u:e, there'\be dnd hereby
are donated 3nd grented by :k,e j't3ta of T&>s to ;vharton
County COmpriSio~ 0~8 di,str$&.tancj that paipi3n Or XStS-
Hon. Ceo. n. Sheppard, ?cge 3
;Torda County eubracod in Cozmissloners frecincts embers
1, 2, and 4, co.nprinin,?another d'strict, the net mount
of all State cd volorera taxes levied hnd collected for
State general purposes on ail property, both real and
p%%>nal, I.ncludin(:the rolli.%: stock belonging tc rail-
rond cou?anies wh5ch shall be ascertained and a?portloned
as now prov:ded by law, in aaid ?:hart.onCounty and that
part 3t :%tacorda County embraced in Cozmissioners Fre-
cincts ?!mbers 1, 2, and 4.”
Se&Ion 3%f+aid fIouse sill x0. 114 csntains provlsiLhs
like those osntained in::sect.ion3 of said senate ~lllro. 32 by the
First Called 3esslon, 43rd ~e&kture.
It Is thus mted that s&d Ho&se 2111 ':o. 114 by the 44th
Legiskture is >raotically identical in its term with said senate
X11 iTo. 32 by the C3rd Legislature. The sam principles wouid
therefsrc ,~ovsm acd after the pension and school funds have borne
their cr.2 rata share ot such use.essment costs the remlcder of the
- part o+dinarily p&d by the State should be deducted from and paid
out of the sum sranted by said Eouse ?3ill 20. 114.
Senate ‘-1111 $:‘o. 231, ::hapter 162, rlegular session, 38th
Le.:isl::t.urs, provided in part as follows:
.*section 1. ,Zhat because of Great 9ubllc calamities
occurin l.n the county of Eldalgo, the inhc~~Tltaxitaof end
property in said oouhty, in accordance with section 1C of
,lrtiole C of the State Constitution, shall be, and are
hereby, released for a pe,-led of twenty-five (25) years
as hereicaiter provided,,from the payment of tsses levied
for State purposes in said county as follows:
411 31 State ad vcloren taxes levied for ttate
p&?o?i &ainst the inhabitants and bro;Mrty In the county
or Hldalgo, includiq the rolliq stock belon&g to rall-
road companies whioh shall be ascertainad and apportioned
as provided by law.
“. . .
"Section 5. The tnx assessor-of ~?:dal&o county shall
assess for taxstion tbe croy;ert:;md persons, rizi23, con-
pnias und ossoci:iti.ns of pars 4s in said county in the
usual mnner as requfred by ljw, ard the tax collector
of staid county shail, .:rshall not, collect the said :;tate
taaos ( ::.s
be my bt! ordered md directed to do by the
C3:aptrolicr of public :;ccounts a8 hereizafter*
Hon. woe H. Sheppard, Fags 4
The :lctalso provided thet such relief should be condi-
tioned uF;onthe,roters of Bidalco County votirg ac issue Of bonds
equal in amount to the taxes released. It is OUT urider.?ta,%ing
that the bonds were voted.
1n the caSe of Sheppard v. Bidalgo CO., 83 Se 'A'*(2d) 849, ..
the Supreme cawt, in an opinion by Judge Cerxzn, tOmhS13nsr, held
that.this Act was void.' firnever, muse 13131 :Yo. lC1, Chapter 4C1,
page 1594, First and S6oond Called Sessions, 44th Legislature, ap-
pcrently removed the questi~as resulting; in such holding, and on
motion for rehecring the Supreme Court, coiling attention to said
H-xse Bill X0. lC1, In 00 3. ;I:.(Ed) 811, withdrew Its said iorner
opinion. Tt Is cur understanding that you desire our opinion oon-
Corning the matter of assessment costs during the pe&d prior to the
efreottve date or said HaUSe Bill 110. 101 only.
in an opinion dated April 14, 193E, round In volume 333
at page 392 of the Letter Opinions of the Attorney General, I.iaurioe
Cheek, then assistant dttornay General, advised you that the State
was mt due to pay assessor~t% oonmlsslons upon the taxes thus re-
mitted to the inhabitants of and property in Cidalgo County under the
terms or said senate Bill No. 251 by the 33th L6gis.l.:ture. ;;'eunder-
stand that your department acted upon and followed that opinion and
we are not disposed to depart from the same. .Irtlcle 3932, BevIsed
Clvil.ritatutes, provides that: "The Comptrolier, on receipt or the
rolls, shall give the assessor an order on the colleotor of his
county ror the amount due him by the State for assessing the State
taxes, to be paid out of the first money ccllacted ror that year.=
seld Senate Blll?io. 221 was enacted in the light of that statute.
It iq,noted that said Senate Bill No. 201 did not provide thnt the
State ad valorem taxes leviod for State curposes should be oolleoted
and then delivered to Bldalgo County but released. such taxes ant&sly
and removed the cecessity ::;fcollecting the same. Hence there would
be no fund such as that contemplated by said Article 3938 out of -&iah
the assessment recs ordinarily paid by the 3tute could be drawn, unless
we should say that G:I of such cocrniS,si.ons
should be Faid out of the
school fund or pension rund. Since *both of the lest mentioned funds
are expressly provided by ConStitution (;st. 8, Sec. 9 and Art. 3,
Sec. 51) we do not believe t&-t it WM conteqlnted thrt the nhare
of the ansessment'oosts ordinarily pid oilt of th? taxes collected
for the State general fund shonld bc i-et by ?;lthdrawals from the
school and pensio funds. Our snsi;:erto. your la3t qucotlon, tbere-
fore, is thct the State nas not due to pq any of the a:scssrtint
Hon. Gee. H. Sheppard, Fag8 3
fees accruing in HfdtilEo County aurine: t'nc perYch%n&. %w~*L% -%Y&
Ro; 281 was in farce except the pro rata smDur?ts due by the pension -..
ami school funds.
very truly yours
@leG?* Lewis
/s/ T. F. ?Joore