Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

,,’ - ,’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tmbnmry 7, 1939 Hon.lc. H. ariirin countyAttorlwy Young county Oraham, Tour Dmar Slrr ha8 been rroeirod inion ‘a8 to whr- thsr or not legally appro- o r m yto lsnlrt in prolJ4outing lttmntlon to Artiolo 85 0, state or nxar, Rmrl~44 orlmlnal oama in the dlmtriot atriot, exoopt in oases where or4 hlr l leotlon, 4mploy46 ab- y arirninal prooreding 18 had ning oourt ln his dlstrlot or upon hbeae oorpua, and he LB and 16 at the time within rhall npm6ent the State therein, unlrar pm- rented by other oiiloial dutfer.W The Comnlsrionar8~ Oourt oan euroioe only maoh power8 aa the Constitution or the Leglrrlatun rpeoi~ioally 1 - p Hon. B. H. Grirfin, February 7, 1939, Page fs oonfer4 upon thm, Conrtltution, Art1014 5, 640. 18; Landman VII. Stat4 (Court of Civil Appralrr) 97 6W (84) i?i64-wPIt of error rafu64b; Bland ~5. Crr, 90 Ter. 492, 59 SW 558; Mill* vs. Lampasar County, 90 Tex. 903, 40 SW 403. ‘. UI rerpeotfu$ly 4drie14 that w 4r4 unable to find my authority whloh would psrrmlt th4 CommI44ionar4~ Court to appropriate money In hiring an outride attorney to l8618t the DI4trIot Attorney in ths perforaanos af 4uoh duties 41~3 it 14, therrfore, the opinion of this D4partmant that 8uoh lotlon on the part oi the CoamI8aIoners~ Court would not be 4uthorIzed. v4w truly your8 ATToRrnY GmERAL cp TKXAS (sU4d) Wm. J. R. ICI= BY A#eI4tant APPPROVED: (Signed) Gerald C. Mann ATTCRNEYWNERAL OFTEXAS