Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

tiFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN s &moh4nGLIIERAL rmbrury lT, 1999 Hononblo L. A. Woodr Ovirrule4 bT o-SlB3 Stat.0 Buprrintomlont Department ot,fdu8ation Dear air: Oplnlon NO. o-Las bo reo0mDiandmlt lleptmer 14, 1 ViRiOM in th4 than mandatory? ldvi80 th a t wo h a r e eanrully Bouae Bill 133, and in our , and thr prQrlrioIM or d #hall be on 2110 rlth luah lpplloatlon before woh date of each year rhall not be lllglbla for aid for the ourrant Joar.8 Who r e 8 mta to k1 0lfflmatlr* It 4.0~ 110;aoaeooarll irplr that the mo&o or tluo rontlond in it lo rxoluoivo,and dat the set p~ov16ed for, Lr dono at 8 Urronnt tlm8 or In a Ufforent mnur, will at bar* offoot. Lluohlo the lltoml lmplleatlon, It Thlo rulo lo uinouuorduul u hola in th* ea.08 of Ruooell To%. 8581 51ty or OtrPdo va. mlmoy, 145 s.w: Sllr 1ts.S.W.666b Y9rrioPnoo Btiak Oo. To, Eawkb.8, in tho #.0 or Burtan vo. x00ulra;s 8.R. (6d) 816, 1t lo 6tateaa 4008 net clopmd clponit. ioar, bat 1'~m z atdon of tho Lqgiolaturoto bo am- the la : lortaiao4 tram a oonala~ntlon or tho atlro Fh.rertoi.,dth thlo rlmw ln rind ua ho14 that the’ ahtut lo Urratov to the *tent t&t ff the a&leation ti ,tate thm Offloo Of tha St&O Buporlntandont barore oubotantialio % lo 40~1 'mnthe ~lotdbutlon of the irrnd than ho would br ut libdrty to OOMlbr the lp lloatlontiled Itier‘Ootobor 1 but ha would n6t bo porslttoUto tieEly the 6irtributlon o? tha ?un&, aor to dthholl the ronoy to take oar0 o,? late till 8; but thaw would be a xks- unable lonotl%etlonOt the timr of 7 f llng DO a8 not to 8olar o bar #oh001 U8trloto ln roodring tholr money, and if an applloatlo a lo *Ilad in-t&w 80 u not to prorentan&w dalq aa In tin0 for tho- propor dlotrlbutlon 8f the toad in tho ordlna~~oouro~of buslnuo, then tha illi of tha lpplloatlonwould not be too late if filed after OOtOb8r"p, and suoh tllhg roti& #till bo in oonfomlty rlth the sot.