Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. C. ii.Xoaver County Auditor h'aaogdooheaCounty Maoogdoohes, Texas War Sir: of February 14, 1939; in whi of this i)epwtment on whether the Commiaaloners' Co of the seswwor-colle doohes county out ,br the Oeneral B at the asaekwor- eives a ealory aa f Article 3899, i?evieed , providm iiipart that: d in this act where com?eneation for hie all reason xpeneee nsoesoary in the pro- par au& legal oonduot of his Office, premium on 0rriOid~8 bonds. . . .n. Paragraph 2 or sec. b of 2etiole 38ij9,yrovidsv in part that: "Xi.1euoh approved cltitisand'acoounts skill be ljeidfrom the Offloer's Saltry Fund ~fon. a. E. Weaver, February 27, 1939, Pam 2 unlur othehlmo provided hareln." Th0z-ml& a0 other 8tabutory authority r0r th e~B YUW& ir rlwh lw or l-m. ~hbh OOIW~- tUt0 the lub lat Oi YOU? IIQUIX~ Uid it 18, thy- ran, tha-0pL on or thi8 xhpuam0nt end you arm lo advised thnt the pro&m on tJm bond of the lumor-oolleotor of kur bo hall id b lo o o r - danoarfth Oh8 tbru and prorialon8 o5"Artielm 3699, Berind oiril stata*u or Tuu, 1925, out or +A8 Orfioar’ m salary Fund and notiout or the Gonorm ROVUW FUUd Or IOOr 09tllllJ. Vary truly your8 ATTOmmYOEwrHALOF 2x&u By (s) Lloyd AmWrong Aasilrknt