Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN Your request for au opinion tion: has beenrece tes, defines a in the hueineea ire, or any per- r meamre any ocw icle, and issue lflaate or weight aooepted aa the aa- tS-spm whioh the purchase or aonmodlty,produoe or article ;Ubbe+nknownas a pub110 weigh- The cases, Siippen VI MW.ray, 66 8.V. (edI 757; g@rsw v. 3ewell, 20 3.W. (ed) 235; Pa~~OhalVO Irmn, 157 3.X. 1158, en& kartln v. Foy, 234 3.K. 089, hold: “Tfiut any o~tlzen poasesslng the pd scribed qualffioationeof, and becoming bond- cc? QY, ~~n~ciuctcd ;);lblic iseigher,mny :~iir.ix t!;ab;;iinc;;sof wof~Jlir~ for t!ie ;j;.$iiC, re,:i~rdle~sof wii:fti;er or not tkere is a ti:ily elected, qualified,and bcti;:?: ~.-dblic weigher in the precinct in \::liCh ho nro~tosos to carry on the busi- IleSS' mci*a.ny citizen possosslc~the pre- scrilL2 q~a~iifi~t~ti.ons u;~onexocutit6 a ;)rL~>i>raniisstificient bond xid securing its a;:provalby the Cox.2tzlcjsionerst Court of the oounty in *tiMohhe proposes to aot as publio wei&er is entitled to be ap- pointed pub110 wel@er by said oourtg nnd it is the duty of the oommlssioners~oourt to hear proof of his qualifloationeand of the suffioienoyand solvency of this bond, und upon proper showing made;tg approve his bond and appolut him pub110 weigher.* The statute relating to'publio w&hers doe8 xuk opwate to give auoh offioere a oomp&te rno- nopoly of the business of pcblla weighing. It express- ly prdvideethat ommrs are exempt fmmthe aeaeasitp .of employing publlo weighers and are authorized to weigh their own produots. Artiole !57O4,BerieedClvll Statute& You are respeotfullyadvised that the aom- pany mentioned in your Inquiry hensa right to employ a private weigher provided he oomplies with the ,lawas is mentioned in the foregoing statutes and oases. Trusting that the foreg~ing'answersyour in- quiry, I remain _ Yours very truly ATTORNXY C7%WAI.,OF TEL'S By-wk Ay1':oj Aseit3tant APX~OPZD /t?iLUU.- ATTOLRE;$Y GENBlirLOF 2%X&S