Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

I ,‘. I_ . r . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OCIALD c. MAN* .r+an..“‘“u January 24, 1939 Hoonorablamoo ivaltrr County Attorna~ Taylor County Abllsn., Texar lm.r kr. k’alter: oolred an4 thr q who own8 Md Q8i Cola to hi8 cu.- aurfrur'8 Lloenao Law 18 lfr. a4 to apply ?or an4 receive l enae brforo ho driver an4 opar- ruok as aborr outllna4?a dr appreciate hour 8blo brlnr on thir cueatlon whloh you submitted to u8+ We agree with your oonolurion.' 'The HUM ‘8mIrrW” 18 dOfiE& in parqrayh @) Of seotlon 1 of the Artiolo 0687a, Ratlwl Civil Statute8 I48 8mbaded &Ot8 1937 46th LO&813tlW, 9368 758, ChrptU 869, pas&graph l-A)83 h~lbf8, lc h wr 4 w. Any pu8oa r h oopua~~8t~~t~~ rrhlclo for •~ purport, rholr or 4n 4mploye*, 34rr4nt 8/8flt, OX ill r .~.lld8llt’OO~- tractor, whathu pali 13 3313~ or oommla8lon~ aa4 lruy paraon who opuetar a motor r4hlole r!illr auoh rohlole la lo 988 tor hlr4 or 10388.~ AOOOrding to thlr 64flnltlon, Yr. Banowav la not l *0hmr4w unler8 ht oan br oonatruul a8 op4rating hl8 truok aa an "4~ F10y44,m a l4*rvant,u a0 *agent,* or an ninE4p4nQ4nt oontmotor.~ Ooder th4 raotr glroa h4 18 not an a4~ploy44a or a m34rvant,* whc 4r4 drs-rlb4d in T41, Jur. 10, as f~llovms .I0 tha langu4go of the 14~ th4 word *aarranta 18 us44 to 4abreoc all olaaaer 0r asplo7443. It 1s rynonp Roua with .4arloy4*,* 3n4 inolu448 all p4raona or what- ever rank or position who 4r4 aubjoot to th8 dir4otlon an4 oootrol of 4notb4r lo any departs4nt of labor or bulin088.w Undu the hots rtat4d Ur. Banowakf la not undu the cllr4ctlon or control of 4aTbody. Lik3risa,h4 ia not an *aRmit.* A 44finitioa or u aront la ret out in Rood ~8. Hmstu (T4x. CODI. Ay;p.). 44 5. R.(2nd) 1107, 33 follonar -An yrot i8 44rineg as cab who undutaker to tranaaot 10~4 buaina88 or to~marbag* 301~4airair ?cr anothu b]rthe authority an4 on aooouot of ths lattsr and to r4n44r 4n account or it. 51 .\ he C, t. p, 817; Tar. hr. 5, pp. 3634 and 585.‘@ if4alao think that h4 la not aa *lnC4Fenbont contractor.' A well known drrlnltion of thla tarm 14 atatsg in Moran0 ~8. Taraim Building Corporetloa, 59 9. '. (8n4) e98, a3 followar *An indap4ndant aontmotor la a Furon 4~ ploy44 to Fer*crm mark on tha tsru that he 18 to b4 rru irm th4 oontrol of the employu aa rts;Lactath4 aann4r in rhirh the dotail of tha work are to be 4x4cut44.. 19 A. L. K. 235, not4. Thlo ..4finltlon4e;lcribea4n linCcp4ndrnt c:~ntraotor*a4 a pr- aoo who la "4~ploy44,' and altF.oughhi8 frcsdom trot control la L~C‘sost prOnOUnCad Fart of tht 64finition u4 think that thsr4 , mu8t also bo th mll4mont Of empld~4nt by virtue ,ai 4 oon- traot . Mr. Banowsky in tbir oaa8 W88 not %mp18r4daS an4 as , ior as th8 taotr 8hor be war not workIn under say rln4 oi eon- tract 0r 4nployment. In rlaw of tha autborltlor Ur. Banowaky 18 not *M om- +poyaa, aervUlt, agont, or lndrpondeot oontraotor,m a therm- for8 Do88 not come wlthln the first Fart of the Qafina In of a aOhaurraur.a Tha aeoond an4 last part or the derlnltipa hppli48 to operators oi motor rehlol88 when thr 'rahlole la ln!uso for biro or leaao.n In thla oaae it is Mr. Banow8Q'r om reblolr an4 no hlr a6 or leasing la lnrolrs4, F Our answer to Tour question la that Mr. Banowsky 1s not required to obtain a ohaurreur'a llcenao before operating hla truok as outline4 by you. Yours tory truly ATTORNEY CENN;RALOF TQUS Aaalatmt