.$ &Uatm
I.-- Jaxiuar)- 27, 1939
~ontmlh~lo T. r.. !%eecs
! . County XuGitor
Cco;?!&xYn, Ypxas
9mcr 3. 7oer;en:
3 of Jiinunry 12, lO39,
rhm?1n you raquo3 iOlC3 2746, 274&l
snC 274db, r’ Evlrad Cmmto thoreto, trhloh
rcfcr to srootfona 001 dfstrlats and
the exwxmx3 lnclde 0 rcquaotcd an Msrier
to the fo'olla~ln~
tion 0fSieor3 to
Gehool-'trustcoe Zn
c'.xxn SC
ha etpcnwa OS bzllots,
icn su~~ltco to be r!sid
trusteao In coxon school
mation by opinion o? tba kttorney t%no,-ef.
lQS5, o@W?m.t?d to the l?onorablc T. 5.
f%xto Fupsri.ntenCcnt, 871 inttrprot6tion'
n In r0mc mm &xl ar.2 thio 0:inion hi In
oxoopt as cold artfclca knve beo3. oincc t!xzt
Ton. v. A; tlodym, Jcmusry 27, 1939, %~a 2 .
Artfcla 2746 m8 amended Aato 1937, 45th ta&lature,
. pqe 372, Clxqtcr E37, snd rconaatcd 30 fcr ot opplloablc to
the ~rovl:.lcn8 c: the pprcaedlng otututc.
,&lo10 2746b whioh was raoocd az~dadopted In 1935,
I dtatos thct 611 oxymcc lncurrod ln conncatlon 171th or 3noidcatcl
i to any school Ciotriot elactlon in oonncctlon vltb tbo public
i. sohoof wltMn such o&o01 diatriot ohcll ha poyoble out CC tho
i‘ avallable zztzintcnance runu bclongln(: to euoh dlotrlct Curing the
flsoal year durlq wldoh such election wa6 hold.
Jt i8 our opfnlon that the Lcy,lslature lntoadrd csd
ue hold it to bo the law for the eleOtlon obarcos in elections
of the kind cntm?ratcd Q’-ova to be _yiltl frm the ~onorc.1 fund.
Ye also hold ln the interpretation of Xrtidl6 &74Gbthat mid
; article mscns that the exp!nsefJ of prlntlm ballots, dollverlnc
tbc ears, pajnent of elootion supplies arc to be paid from .tho
ntl3ntename school fund. 4
Yours very tru.lS .