Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. Prmlk R. Hurry OOUnty Attorney Panhandle, Texar Dear Mr. Murray; - whether or not t to oonrtftutionallb4 de tax to oset tfme warrant8 against road or oat they ret tax authorized ha8 boon modted adopted In 1890 thorlee an mlditfonal .OO ot raluatlon ror roada. If toted by a ng eleotorr of the e held for that purpose, ‘mnt Y&f by t& entlaal quo&ion rable Joe B. S&t&, was pXvmmted to thlr dopart- Countr Auditor of Hunt County adl the Eonorablb Soott Qaine@, krrtrtant Attornq Ceumral, rrnderod an opinion on thir queetion Maroh llth, 193i?,a oopy of raid opinion befog 4n41064d herrwith. . , :_. Eon. hnk R. Muira7 January l&h, 1939 pw ia . ' In+@ 'toyour inquiry, ln tier of the foregoing authoritl.8, it is the opinion of this departmoat that where lag &litional road malntenams tax has been authorimd to be letied and oolleoted at an eleotlon oalled for that purpose br the ajorltr or the qyallfied voters of the oountr, the Cemissioners* Court ~7 fix a greatejror less rate of 1~7 each JWU, not to lxoeed 134 on tie #lOO.OO vmrth oi taxable property. Trusting thit the roreeoing +wwers your inquir7, I am Yours very truly ATTORNlIYGENERALWTl3XAS By (Signed) ARDELL WILLIAMS Assistant . - AW:OB APPROVED: (Slgn,d)GRRALD 0. MARN Am- GENERU OF TEXAS