Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN XI'.Jrurrse W. '8ltherspoon Dlstriot Attorney 69th Dietriot Rereford, Taxes Dear ILIT. '?,'ithersgoon: Your requee whether or not property p proceed6 or e ‘t;rs Risk Insuranoe "01 een received by this office. ney Of ::ihlmcoun- e identioel ques- tion to this d n ~68 rendered by iionorableF. G orney Oenaral, ldenoee much research end entirely conour. y benetiolsrpwith runds re- Government 68 oompeneation on of the 6ervioe and death er,Ss not exempt rr0m tbxstion. The hds being sui jurls the Zederel Govern- suoh fund8 through subsequentmutation6 tlpreeerve them to the benetiolary, ncloslng herewith 6 copy Of the bbove men- tioned opinion rendsrod by F. 0. IdoKinsey. '!3ustingthat this 6nswers your inquiry, i remain Your8 very truly