In Re: Application of Shapiro

lN THE SUPREN|E COURT OF PENNSYLVAN|A WESTERN DlSTR|CT iN RE: APP|_iCAT|ON OF JOSH 2 No. 71 VV|VI 2017 SHAPERO, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE COM[V|ONVVEALTH OF PENNSYI_VAN|A, REQUEST|NG AN ORDER DlRECT|NG THAT AN /-\DDlT|ONAL iViULT|COUNTY |N\/ESTlGATlNG GRAND JURY HA\/lNG STATE\N|DE JUR|SD[CT|ON BE CONVENED ORDER AND NOW, this 15th day of September, 2017, upon consideration of the Appiication of Josh Shapiro1 /-\ttorney Generai of the Cornmonwealth of Pennsyivania, and it appearing to the Court that the granting of the Appiication is appropriate under the investigating Grand Jury Act, 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 4541 et seq., it is hereby ORDERED as foilovvs: i. The Attorney General’s Appiication requesting an Order directing that an additional multicounty investigating grand jury having statewide jurisdiction (“Forty-Third Statewide investigating Grand Jury”) be convened is hereby GRANTED. 2. The l-ionorable Norman A. Krumenacl