PD-0563-17 PD-0563-17 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Transmitted 10/4/2017 2:10 PM Accepted 10/4/2017 3:58 PM DEANA WILLIAMSON CLERK DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 33rd & 424th Judicial Districts FILED COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS COUNTIES 0F 10/4/2017 BLANCO.BURNET.LLANO.SANSABA DEANA WILLIAMSON, CLERK Wiley 8. MCAfee District Attorney 1701E.PolkStreet,Bumet,TX78611.P.0.Box725,Llano,TX78643 (325)247-5755.(512)756-5449.w.mcafec@co.Ilano.tx.us October 4, 2015 Ms. Deana Williamson Clerk of Court of Criminal Appeals P. 0. Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 Re : ::;eea|°fiop:-€a5:s3e-LN7o;. T4e2r|]8E::I ::eL£=Zt¥[ i,::r,::a::u°[To:XBausrnet cou nty Court of Appeal #: 13-15-00332-CR Dear Ms. Williamson: please accept this letter as our designation of Lead Counsel for the State of Texas, Appellee, in the above described case. Lead Counsel for this case is: Gary W. Bunyard Assistant District Attorney P.O. Box 725 Llano, TX 78643 (325) 247-5755 (voice) (325) 24715274 (fax) 9.bunyard@co.Ilano.tx.us Texas State Bar No. 03353500 Sincerely, Assistant District Attorney cc: Justin Bradford smith Stacey M. Soule