No. 84-274 I N THE SUPmME COURT OH THE STATE O M N A A F OTN BERNICE MARTIN, a m i n o r , by LEONA M. BERGER, h e r G u a r d i a n Ad L i t e m , P l a i n t i f f and A p p e l l a n t , STATE O MONTANA, DELORES COLBERG, F Superintendent of Public Instruc- t i o n , Montana; C U T O VALLEY, O NY F Montana; IRMA McINERNEY, Super- i n t e n d e n t o f S c h o o l s , V a l l e y County, Montana; ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT N M E THIRTEEN ( 1 3 ) , Nashua, U BR V a l l e y County, Montana, e t a l . D e f e n d a n t s and R e s p o n d e n t s . APPEAL FROM: D i s t r i c t Court of t h e S e v e n t e e n t h J u d i c i a l D i s t r i c t , I n and f o r t h e County o f V a l l e y , The H o n o r a b l e M. James S o r t e , J u d g e p r e s i d i n g , COUNSEL O RECORD: F For A p p e l l a n t : R u s s e l l A . L a v i g n e , J r . , a r g u e d , Montana L e g a l Seruices, H e l e n a , Montana For Respondents: Anderson, Brown, G e r b a s e , C e b u l l & J o n e s ; Richard C e b u l l a r g u e d f o r S t a t e , B i l l i n g s , Montana Smith Law Firm; Chadwick S m i t h a r g u e d f o r S c h o o l D i s t r i c t # 1 3 , H e l e n a , Montana David N i e l s o n , County A t t o r n e y , a r g u e d , Glasgow, Montana James P . L u c a s , ( J o n e s ) , M i l e s C i t y , Montana Submitted: J a n u a r y 23, 1985 Decided: March 7 , 1985 Clerk Mr. Chief J u s t i c e J. A. Turnage d e l i v e r e d t h e Opinion of t h e Court. P l a i n t i f f , a minor, through h e r f o s t e r mother, appeals from an o r d e r of t h e D i s t r i c t Court o f t h e S e v e n t e e n t h J u d i - cial. D i s t r i c t , V a l l e y County, of May 7 , 1984, g r a n t i n g mo- t i o n s f o r summary judgment by d e f e n d a n t s S t a t e of Montana and Dol-cres C o l b e r g ; Elementary School D i s t r i c t Number T h i r t e e n ( 1 3 ) ; Nashua, Valley County, Montana; and William Jones, psychologist. W e a f f i r m t h e lower c o u r t o r d e r . The c h i l d ' s c l a i m f o r damages from h e r placement i n a s p e c i a , e d u c a t i o n program i n 1.973 f i r s t came b e f o r e t h e C o u r t i n an a p p e a l of a p r e v i o u s o r d e r of November 2 0 , 1980, g r a n t - i n g motions for summary judgment. B. M. v. Sta.te (~ont. 1 9 8 2 ) , 649 P.2d 425, 39 St.Rep. 1285. This Court h e l d t h a t t h e S t a t e i s n o t p r o t e c t e d by immunity and owes a d u t y of reasonable care in placing students in special education programs. W a f f i r m e d t h e d i s m i - s s a l of due p r o c e s s and e q u a l e protection cla.ims and remanded for further proceedings. W h o l d now t h a t t h e lower c o u r t ' s second o r d e r of May e 7, 1984, was g r a n t e d s q u a r e l y on t h e i s s u e o f damages and t h a t p l a i - n t i f f / a p p e l l a n t f a i l e d t o m e e t t h e burden s h i f t e d t o h e r under Rule 5 6 , M.R.Civ.P., t o r a i s e a g e n u i n e i s s u e of m a t e r i a l f a c t w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e c l a i m f o r damages. F o l l o w i n g remand, both p a r t i e s issued i n t e r r o g a t o r i e s , answers, depositions, production of docu.ments, m o t i o n s and supporting b r i e f s . The t r i a l judge examined the evidence p r e s e n t e d upon di.scovery and found c l e a r admissj-ons by t h e plaintiff and h e r g u a r d i a n i n t h e i r d e p o s i t i o n s t h a t no r e a l i n j u r y had been s u f f e r e d . Although t h e S t a t e mentioned t h e s e depositions in support of i t s motion, plaintiff did not respond by affidavit or by reference to any sworn discovery to raise an issue of fact that was not conclusory or specula- tive regarding the alleged injury. The lower court entered its May 7, 1984, order which granted the relief solely "on the grounds that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact with respect to the claim for damages contained i.n Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint. . . ." The lower court dismissed the complaint with preiudice. Appellant/plaintiff raises the following issues: 1. Did the lower court err in granting the motion for summary judgmen.t? 2. Was expert testimony required to prove causation and damages? 3. Did the second amended complaint state a cause of a-ctionagainst defendant Valley County? 4. Does the "law of the present case" doctrine preclude granting summary judgment? The first issue on the propriety of summa-ry judgment is dispositi~reof the case, and the remaining three issues are peripheral. Rule 56, M.R.Civ.P., presents procedure and protection for both parties in motions for summary judgment. The motion shall be served at least ten days before the hearing, and. the adverse party may serve opposing affidavits. "Motion Proceedings thereon. ... The judgment sought shal.1 be rendered forthwith if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admis- sions on file, together with the affida- vits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the movi-ng party is entitled to a judqment as a matter of law." Rule 56 (c), M.R.Civ.P. "Form of affidavits -- further testimony -- defense required. Su-pporting and opposing affidavits shall be made on personal knowledge, shall set forth such facts as would be admissible in evidence, and shall show affirmatively that the affiant is competent to testify to the matters stated therein. ... The court may permit affidavits to be supplemented or opposed by depositions, answers to interrogatories, or further affidavits. When a motion for summary judgment is made and supported as provided in the rule, an adverse party may - - upon not rest the - alleqations or denials - - - meye of his pleadinq, - - respo=e, but his affidavits - - otherwise ~rovided - - - rule. or as in this - there - - genuine issue for trial. must - forth specific facts showing that set is a If - - -not so respond, summary judq- - he does - ment, if appropriate, shall - entered be against-him. " Rule 56 (e), M.R.Civ.P. (Emphasis added. ) This Court has long established precedent on the re- quirenents of Rule 56, M.R.Civ.P., on the burden of proof. The initial burden of establishing the absence of any issue of material fact is on the party seeking summary judgment. But where the record discloses no genuine issue as to any material fact, then the burden shifts to the party opposing the motion to present evidence of a material and substantial nature to raise a genuine issue of fact. Roope et al. v. The Anaconda Company (1972), 159 Mont. 28, 32, 494 P.2d 922, 924; Mustang Beverage Co. v. Schlitz Brewing (19731, 162 Mont. 3.43, 246, 511 P.2d 1, 3; Krone v. McCann (Mont. 1 9 8 2 ) , 638 P.2d 397, 399-400, 39 St.Rep. 10, 13. Furthermore, conclusory or speculative statements are insufficient to raise a genuine issue of material fact. Barich v. Ottenstror (1976), 170 Mont. 38, 42, 550 P.2d 395, 397, cited in Detert v. Lake County IMont. 1984), 674 P.2d 1097, 1100-1101, 41 St.Rep. 76, 80. Where appellant failed to meet the burden shifted under Rule 56, M.R.Civ.P., the court's order granting sumnary judgment was proper. Shimsky v. Valley Credit Union (Mont. 1984), 676 P.2d 1308, 1311-1312, 41 St.Rep. 258, 262. Here, pl.aintiff repeated the allegations con- tained in the complaint. She may not rest upon the mere allegations of her pleadings but has an affirmative duty to respond by affidavits or reference to sworn testimony with specific facts that show there is a genuine issue for trial. Where plaintiff presents evidence of damages which are purely speculative, summary judgment is appropriate. Ti.teca v. State (Mont. 1981-) , 634 P.2d 1156, 1161, 38 St.Rep. 1533, 1540. In disposing of the issue of summary judgment, we note that the remaining issues are moot. Expert testimony was not required to oppose the motion on summary judgment by the court's order. The lower court noted in an aside in the opinion, not the order, of plaintiff's difficulty at trial without such testimony. The summary judgment, however, required only evidentiary response by affidavit or by refer- ence to sworn testimony to raise more than conclusory allegations. It is irrelevant whether the second amended complaint stated a cause of action because at issue j s a Rule 56, M.Ft.Civ.P., summary judgment, not a Rule 12(b) (6), M.R.Civ.P., motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim. Furthermore, plaintiff claims that the "law of the present case" doctrine governs the same issues in later stages of the same case. Ari-zona v. California (3P83), 460 U.S. 605, 103 S.Ct. 1382, 75 L.Ed.2d 318. In B. M. v. State (Mont. 19821, 649 P.2d 425, 39 St.Rep. 1285, we reversed a different order for summary judgment granted upon different motions and grounded on different issues. Affirmed. W e concur: Mr. Justice William E. Hunt, Sr., dissenting: I respectful-ly dissent. Here, the trial court had before it, evidence upon which it could base a verdict concerning the issue of damages. For example, B.M. was required. to repeat one year in school, an item of damages which we have previously ruled as compensable. Graveley v. Springer (1965), 145 Mont. 486, 490, 402 P.2d 41, 43; she regressed. devel-opmentally by refusing to feed and dress herself; she was called a "retard" at school, was taunted about flunking, and suffered emotional insecurity. Even though a judgment for damages must be supported by evidence that is not the product of mere guess or speculation, this Court has ruled that recovery of damases will not be denied, even if the mathematical precision of the figure js challenged, provided the evidence is sufficient to afford a reasonable basis for determining the specific amount awarded. Cremer v. Cremer Rodeo Land and Livestock Co. (Mont. 1981), 627 P.2d 1199, 1202, 38 St.Rep. 574, 578. The law requires only that the trier of fact exercise calm and reasonable judament, and the amount of the award rests of necessity in the sound discretion of the trier of fact. When there is strong evidence of the fact of damage, the defendant should not escape liability because the amount of damage cannot he proven with precision. Jarussi v. Board of Trustees, etc. (Mont. 1983), 664 P.2d 316, 318, 40 St.Rep. 720, 723. The majority has cited Titeca v. State (Mont. 1981), 634 P.2d 1156, 38 St.Rep. 1533 for the proposition that damages which are purely speculative can be properly defeated by summary judgment. P?hile that point is true, Titeca is inapposite. There, Titeca proved no damage, did not suffer a l ~ s sof property, did not show liability, and failed to advance any viable theory of recovery. Here, however, counsel for B.M. did alleae irreparable damages in the complaint and requested a specific monetary award. The District Court erroneously ruled that evidence requiring skilled and professional analysis to determine the cause and extent of damage cannot be supplied by a layperson, citing Ankeny v. Grunstead (1976), 170 Mont. 128, 135, 551 P.2d 1027, 1-031-1 032. The District Court next erred in shifting the burden in this summary judgment action from the respondents to R.M. The burden shifts only when the record shows no genuine issue for trial. In the sane depositions in which the alleged admj.ssions occurred there is evidence wholly contrary to an admission. The "admissions" here are actually nothing more than selectively chosen, specific "yes" or "no" answers to general questions concerning B.M.'s mental and physical condition throughout a considerable period of time. In the same depositions from which these "admissions" were selected there is evidence in the form of answers to specific questions that contradicts the "admissions." Where the record contains evidence contesting other evidence it cannot be maintained that no issue exists. The burden could not shift here because the record showed issues for trial. There is a catch-22 situation here. The District Court rejected B.M. Is 1-ay testimony, ruling that expert testimony was required, and none being presented, B.M. loses to summary judgment. The majority, on the other hand, holds expert testimony was - necessary, but does not recognize the lay not testimony, and thus again, B.M. loses to summary judgment.