Rambus Inc. v. International Trade Commission

NOTE: This order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit RAMBUS INC., Appellant, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND NVIDIA CORPORATION, Interuenor. 2010-1483 011 appeal from the United States Internati0nal Trade C0mmissi0n in InveStigati0n N0. 337-TA-661. ASUSTEK COMPUTER INC., ASUS COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL, INC., BFG TECHNOLOGIES, INC., BIOSTAR MICROTECH (U.S.A.) CORP., BIOSTAR MICROTECH INTERNATIONAL CORP., DIABLOTEK INC., EVGA CORP., G.B.T. INC., GIGA- BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., HEWLETT- PACKARD COMPANY, MSI COMPUTER CORP., MICRO~STAR INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, LTD., GRACOM TECHNOLOGIES LLC (FORMERLY KNOWN RAMBUS V. ITC 2 AS PALI'r MUL'1‘IMEDIA INO.), PALIT MICROSYSTEMS LTD., PINE TECHNOLOGY (MACAO COMMERCIAL OFFSHORE) LTD., AND SPARKLE COMPUTER COMPANY, LTD., Appellan,ts, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND RAMBUS, INC., Intervenor, AND NVIDIA CORPORATION, Intervenor. 2010-1556 On appeal from the United States Internati0na1 Trade C0mmissi0n in Investigati0n No. 337-TA-661. NVIDIA CORPORATION, Appellant, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND RAMBUS, INC., Intervenor'. 3 RAMBUs v. ITC 2010-1557 On appeal from the United States International Trade Co1nmission in Investigation No. 337-TA-661. ON MOTION ORDER , The lnternati0nal Trade Commission moves for a 42- day extension of time for the appellee and the intervenors to file their responsive briefs in the respective appeals. The ITC states that NVIDIA Corporati0n opposes ' Upon consideration thereof, IT ls 0RDERE1) THAT: The motion is g'rar1ted. The responsive briefs of the appellees and the intervenors are due l\/lay 9, 2011. No further extensions FOR THE COUR'l‘ 1 6 /s)' Jan Horbal_v Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Sidney A. RosenzWeig, Esq. I. Neel Chatterjee, Esq. plan J. Michael Jakes, Esq. l|.8. O0URT 0F APPEALS FM THE FEDERAL GlRCUIT s2 1 MAR 1-6 2011 .IAN HORBALY CLEH(