Com. v. Keyton, A.

J-S09037-15 NON-PRECEDENTIAL DECISION - SEE SUPERIOR COURT I.O.P. 65.37 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA Appellee v. ANTHONY ALLEN KEYTON, Appellant No. 1469 WDA 2014 Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence entered August 28, 2014, in the Court of Common Pleas of Fayette County, Criminal Division, at No(s): CP-26-CR-0001993-2013 BEFORE: FORD ELLIOTT, P.J.E., BOWES, and ALLEN, JJ. MEMORANDUM BY ALLEN, J.: FILED FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Anthony Allen Keyton (“Appellant”) appeals from the judgment of sentence imposed after a jury convicted him of theft by unlawful taking of movable property pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3921(a), and the trial court sentenced him to three (3) to twenty-four (24) months in prison. We affirm on the basis of the trial court opinion. On September 5, 2014, Appellant filed a timely post-sentence motion which the trial court denied on September 9, 2014. Appellant filed a timely appeal. Both Appellant and the trial court have complied with Pa.R.A.P. 1925. Appellant presents two issues for our review: 1. DID THE COMMONWEALTH FAIL TO PROVE THAT [APPELLANT] REMOVED TOOLS FROM THE KLONDIKE BLOCK WITH THE INTENT TO DEPRIVE THE LAWFUL OWNER OF HIS PROPERTY[?] J-S09037-15 2. DID THE TRIAL COURT ERR IN DENYING [APPELLANT’S] POST SENTENCE MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL AS THE VERDICT WAS AGAINST THE WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE BECAUSE THE JURY CONSIDERED ONLY [APPELLANT’S] PRIOR CONVICTION AND FAILED TO CONSIDER THAT [APPELLANT] BRIEFLY BORROWED THE TOOLS AND INTENDED TO RETURN THEM THE FOLLOWING AFTERNOON[?] Appellant’s Brief at 7. After thorough review of the record, including the notes of testimony from the August 6-7, 2014 jury trial, we find that the October 21, 2014 Opinion authored by the Honorable Joseph M. George, Jr., sitting as the trial court, capably disposes of Appellant’s claims. Judge George has accurately detailed the facts, with citations to the notes of testimony, and cited prevailing legal authority applicable to Appellant’s claims, such that further commentary by this Court would be redundant. Accordingly, we adopt Judge George’s October 21, 2014 Opinion as our own in affirming the judgment of sentence. Judgment of sentence affirmed. Judgment Entered. Joseph D. Seletyn, Esq. Prothonotary Date: 2/11/2015 -2- I~ THE COURT OF r~Ol\ITVIr N PLEAS OF FAYETTE COUNTY, PE JNSYL VAl TLt.,. -'OMTvr 1 'WEALTH Opt FE T\J YLVrLr-..JIA, : GRIMINAL A "TIO~ v. I qq ") .' _'THONY . rEY'TON, : CasE' l'.io, 1,m of 2013 Defendant/ ~ppel1aJ t. _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : IT GE .JO EPH l'vL GEOR iE. ,lit A TTO RNEY A?\D LAW FIRMS Jennifer Casini, Esquire. AS3istant Dl~ trlL't Attorney. For the Commonwealth Ruhert Harper. Bsqujrc . ..-\3sist.ant Public Defender, For the DefendcmllA.ppellanl OPINION UE RGE. T. Ocwuer 20. 2014 Follovvmg i:l t.rial by jury, App 11· nt, .. nthony A. Keyton, was found guilty of theft by unla wful movable pl'opc:rty.l On AUgl sL 38, 2014· tilt.: Court .;entenc'~d Appellant Lo a term of lmpri.30nml:'nt to run no" les::,; than three (3) months nul' mol' th an twenty-f ur (:-24) months. Appellant filed a t.irnehr po,- t-sentence illr ion and che Court denipd same. He filed a Cll1'8C.[; appe:allo Lhe Superior Court fir Penn ylvania. Thi.:: OpinlOll is in ~ upport f the verdict of the jury. I Appell Clnt riled th ~ following' rn m of Errol'.· Complained of on Appeal : 1 \Py'a s the v~nlict against the weigll t of :he I?vldence b~cau3e the Commonweal h failed to prove T,hc..[ the defendant removed toot: frOln the Klor.dike Blol;k with the intent to c1epr:ve the lawful owner uf his pl'opei't . '1 Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM n Did the Trial ~ourL err in dEnYing Defendan t'_ po~t entence mutIOn for a new trial ,L thE:' verdict wa~ against Ule weigh~ of the eviclenc:e because the Jury il11.pJ'! pedy , nSldeY'ed only the defendant's prior convichon and faileJ to consider that the defenda.nt brieOy horrowed the 001'" and intended to return them the fo Uowing afternoon. FACTS ,Jobn H.. SexLon j the ownE:'r of Klondili· Block ("Klondik >' , a Fayette County busine:s Jocated at 645 Atlas Road, Hopwt) d, Pennsylvania. (T,T. p. 28'1. KlondIke f~lhrl a p rbcular tYPl! of coorrer -like block utilized in minln 0p'jraLion.:_ (T,T. p. 12, 14). Tu handle various stage..: n ']ug1stics, conatructioll, and leanup . rlondil.e emplny~ approxim~ttely eight J.H:'f'ons - fuur 11lachine l'pBratoY' , two laborer3, a superintendent. anct Mr. Sexton, (T.T, pp. i3, 17 37). Klondike occupies a 1arge facility: rougbly 11,000 square feeL which include£ tr1P areas of msuufac::tm" , and th~ inner and outer offices. (T.T, pp. 16). Work gen~ral1:y commenel.:::' around 7:00 a.m. and varie depending upon the nature of tl e position each employee occupies. (T.T. pp, 13. 14). Mr. Sexton; Ml', Robert Higinbotham, the superintendent; and the opel'aturs typically tinish working around 8:30 p.UL, lea\'mg the-laborers to clean t.h m1xirlg rna 'hines untiJ about t1:3U p.m (T.T. pp, 13, 1 ,40, During normal hours, all employee have perIDl"Slon t,o move f;tbout mo::;t of Lb~ pr ml e . inc1udillg the outer o[fic where t.hey dock into and out of work a ld when' some l1lar.Arlal ~ me stored. (T.T. pp, W, IS), Vhth the ex~eption oflYIr. Sexton and M1'. Eigin botham, no employee may the llmer' offi '8 without permIssion, (T.T, pp. lG-17), SHm on rh_ donl' lndicate...: that llO employees may en e', (T T. p. 17). PcrmLSlOn 1;3 (111b' rarel.Y gi.\'en to those !2ruplo.'Cles needing t.O U2e he phone, (T.T 1.), Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM 41), The office- a['88 is separate from the rest of Lb _ facility: the only mean, of entrance tlnd exi r 16 a door 10CDtE:d wlthm the ou tel' office. (T.T . p, 31), SUfl'til1g in laLE:' .July 2(1~:3, Klondtkt:? employed Apl)ellant as a laborer. (T.T p. 29). Laborers are primarily I'8sponsible [or' post-lIlanufaclul'1'l cleanup of the mixmg machines. ('1'.'1. p, 13-1-1), Tbey are not eXPGcted nor instruct.ed 0 fix machinas using any tools available at Klondike 01 r)thel'wi e. fT.T. p . 28). Of the em}Jloyees who are task~d to fi.'I: the machines. none are permitted to ret,rl8VE: them from the inner office; rather , they are retrieved as needed by Mr. Higinbotbam. (T.T. p . 37. :3 l. In the vveeks following Appellant'8 employment, several items went missing, pres limed 8[(1]811: froID. the Clut,er office ar'H (T.T. p. lS. 45·46), In response, Me Sexton positiun ed a "trail camera." one normally used in wild gam e hunring. a r diffeTl~nt times and in differ n area3 l)f the Klondike premis 'so (T.T. pp, 18, U1). NIl'. Sexton only infCJymed Mr. Higinbo ham of the camera's use and locations. (T.T. p. ~ 8l. 00 or abou.t August 21, 201.3, Mr. ~'t:;xtl)n positioned the camera 'Ii itbin tOE: outer om P. with a view toward the mner CJilice. (T .T, p, 20). The next day. he and Mr. Higinbotham reviewed the v'1deo, which howed Appellant l' from tbe clireetion c of tile: inner office. l11llv1ng thnttgh the outer ocfice. and leaving the building with a box they recognized as b "longing ttl Klondike and containing several hlll1drecl cloll&fs' worth of hand tooL, (T.T. pp. 33-35) .'2 Those ',0 is and othoc were kept underneath a Ilesk Wlthm. t.he illl1el' office. (T.T. pp. :31, 3:3) . A.ppellant never TeLPlved permission to borrow ny tool~. (T.T. pp. L :!Til,:: p"rtll"s .~t.: p QiaH',-l TO the "ideo's au,hentiotv and tJlowed. the JUt'} to ruview hE same (T.T 0 21 .'2'2. ) Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM 25· .... 6). ppeUant did not return the WCIl..,; the next day or mak a llY mention aboLl~ having borrowed tl em. ('LT. p. 27 . M1' Sexl.on immediately comacted the Pennsyl aniiol S~ate POllce CP P''). (T,T p. 20) P-'P Trooper cTe"slca Zangla rC.3f1ond d tu th ' C8 n (T,T. p. 4.9). After reviewing the -ViClj~O. Tl'ooper ZangJa HITt:St.t7cl Appel'am, prtlv icl(~cl him a IVfirunda warning. and placed him in the back of her puJir'e crui 'E'l'. (T.'l. pp_ 5: -5::!). On the way to P P barracks, Appellant admitLt:d to taking the tGlJls, but claimed to have borrowed the sarn(.;. (T.T. p. E4L The jury wa.~ permItted tv hear reullctal testimony concerninlY AI pellanfs 2011 conviction for the crime of' Theft fly Unla wful Taking. (T.T , p. 2) . &\.ppdlant te~ltifi·'d in his (l~fe-n e. flS dld hi.::- fat.her, Mr. Carl Hlbni. cky. According t.o them, A 1 - elJant uwr ly bOrI'uw8d the coolS t,o change Lhe axle of Ml'. Rilmiscly s vehi.clE.!. (1'_T. J.IP. 62·63, 7~· -;- 4), Doth t~stifl d 1.0 the prOL.:edure of changm an axle, and lVI.I'. Ribnjscky claimed that the necessary tOlJls were the type Appellant removed from Klondike. IT.'\'. pp. 6:3; see T.T. tJ· 24). Appe1lant add d thaL he has mechame expL!rience. ('r,T. p. '72,. Appellant a1s(\ claimed he wa.o: fully aware of the camera whi\:h Mr. L IJxton had placed in the olltel' office. (1'.T_ p. 72). Aft,er the WOl k. wa~ cOlUp1eted.. Appellant "tured the tools m his home. (T.'I'. p. 75). I-lowe er, App Bane did not TetlU'n fhe t ols. the next day, wh-ich was the same day he W· E arre::.ted. ('1',T. p, 66). Appellant c!aune,-l to havE' ruerdy iorgotten tlf' to L. i:r he was running l~te for w()rk. (T.T. p. 7,5). Mr. Ribnl -'c1\y retUrned the tool:: folJowing Appellant ~ arrl\~t. rI.T. IJ· 27, 6, ). Even a.fter tlL tools were Y Jt1..rned, Mr. Sexton te:--tifierl th t cC?rtain teol:; \Ve1'e 111is~ing from the box. (T.T. p. 35·36). _-\ppellant and l\ir. Ribni2cky denied th:1.t any Lnol were mL, ing (T.T. pp. (56, 7{~). Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM DISCUS, 10K Appellant's alJ egeu err'Of" address both the sufficiency and weigbt of the ;:vidence .. \ccordingly, it 1S nec e~sary to delineat.e r.he distillct!On~ between a claim c11allr:nging the sufiir.iency of the evidenc~ and a daH!) that challenges t.he weight of t.h _ evidenc ~. Th e distinc.LlI.1o betweeo h.?se L WI') challenges is critical. A claim chaJlengio g the 8ufficiency llf thE> evidcne~, if granted would pr~clude retrial under' the double jeopardy provi·'ivns f the Fifth Am ndmem to the L·nited Stat~:,l Conp.titut)IJn, and r''l.rticle T, ' ed.:inn 1L of the P8nn~ylvania Constitution: whl'Pr't.: a daim challenging the wejght of the evidence i' granted wo uld p rmit 3 second tnal. Com. u. H'ldmer. 744 A.~d 7 /15. Tl (Pa. ~ono) \eitabon omittc=d). ". challenge tu the weight uf thE.: evidence, In conll'a~t tu 1:1 chaD 'nge to the sufficienc.y of the evidellt', [al 'OJ conr'edes lhat there is ~Llfficient "v:idt:mce to su_taw th· v8nhct. " Com, v, Smil.h, 5;3 A,2d 1030,102, (Pa. "'upel' ·It. 200tl). I. SufficicIl .y of the EVIdence Th. standaI'll uf review for a cb.ailellgl:' to the sufficiency of the eV1Jc:nc is to cletf'rmine whether, when In a light most favOl'ahle to the va·did winner, r,he eVldence at lrial 8nd all reaSt nable llllcrences t.herefrom is u!Iicient for the triur of fact to find th< L each ,~1 mcnt of tht:: crimes charged is estabLisued br::yrtn l a feaL' tmable doubt. 'rhe Comnwow ahb may uwtaiJl i.ts hurden of proving 'vel'yelementheyond areasonabl d ubt hy meallS of wholly cil'cumstan tLaL evidence ThE: fada Bnd circumstance es~ablished by r;he Commonw8a1tb need not pr8c1Llde every po.:;sibiliry of mn cencl'. lilly clOll bt l'ai_ed as to the aceu.5edl~ guilt is tn be resolved by t.he £act-flndoJf. [[n this contexL COU1'CS] do n L sses' credibility u,)}' . .. a3sign WGight to any of th . testjmon~\ f record. Therefore. We will not disturb the verdict uf'Jess lhe evidence l~ so weak and lncollclusiY0 Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM that ~J8 a matter oflaw IlO probabilIty of fact may be drawn froUl the combined circum tances. Cnm. u. Vogelsong. 9(1 A.3d 711, 7]9 (Pa. Super. 't. 2014), "A per60n is guilt· of theft [of movabie pl"uper yj if he unlawfully takes, or ex l'cioes unlawful ontrol ov r. movable property of another with intent teo deprive 11im ~hereof" IL F'a.C.S. ~ 39~1(a). Tn con:::;ideJ'ing the subjectiv intent to deprive, thefact6 and circuillstances sLH'ro1.lnding the alleged depl'ivabnn are rehwant. Se Penn ·, [17(; . v. lndem. Inc;. ('0. of N. A.m .• ~Li9 A.::d 1!=!. 23 \Pa. 197(1); Corn. u. Cnmpel. 344 A.2d 701, 704 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1975): Merkle u. Upper Dublin Sch. Dist., 211 F.3d 7,''2. 796 ("- d"'" CU' . ')""I.)(- 0 .' TIle!'!..:: is no disput<: ill this cas!? concermng Appellant.'s unlawfu1 control o\'er the tools. H huu n~iGber express nor Hn]Jli~d permis3ion to borrow the sam. or even to enLer t.h.::, area wIler lhey were storpd. Rathei', . ppellant contends that t.he eviuence to d lUl1I1cltrate Appellant" lnLent t- deprive. llr recitation of the facts abc,,,\? amply llemonstrCltes the" ufficiency Df the evict 'nee c'.IDcerning Apll -I1£lnt's int.ent. In that Y8gard, the vidence "hilwcd tbat: (1) Appellant knew he chd net havE: p>!rmission tu take the toot,; (2'1 Appellant took ell tllob vvithouL permi.:::-ic1n. (2,) Appellant did not ret-ili"n tl18 tools: 4) App::!lianf;:, father retGrned Lh tools al't.el' th -· Appeliant, was aTI'e::ted' an:l ,5) Several tool' were nevel' retu Heu . "'Th ~ Corun,onwealt.h ll81::U not preclud.e every possibility uf innocencp or estabJi~ n the defendant. s gwJl t(l 6. mathematic,1 CeytaLot.y_ Th e trier uT rac~ 'tvl He Pdssing ,pou t.he cr dibility of witne"2e~ and the weighr. of the eVldenc produced. is Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM free to bellE've alL part or none oftb > evidence" Commonwealth t Williarns, 71 A.:2d :!54, (Pa. Supel'. ~ 105). The Jury. as t.rier Jf fact, mad tho ultimatt:' ctedibilir.)o determinatIOn as t.O the inrent 01 the Appellant Rnd thty adod within chelf pr()vince when tbe~ eha e nmo accept the defendanfs te-timony. Accordingly. a review of the evidence at tr' al .reveals that there was sufficient reillb1e i::'\rldenC8 t Lrpport the Jury's vertnct. II. vVeig'ht of the Evidence An allegatiol1 that th~ verdict is a::ainst the weighc of th8 evidence i addres 'ed to t.he clli cr .'tion of the trial court. A new trial ~hould not be ~ranted bec3.n 'P- of a mere conflict in the tpstimoll. Ot b.=>cause the judge on the same facts would. na\,'e arrived fir a difl'erent (;nnc1u ·'ion. A trial judge must do more than rea::seS6 the credibility of }lB ses 8lid allege' that lle vruld not have f,?;;,3I?nted to the verdict if he wore a Juror. Tria1 Judges. in reviewlng a claim t.bat tl18 verdic.:t IS against the weight uf the evidence do not sit as the lhirt{;'2nth JUf01'. Rather. the rule of tll~ enal judge is to determine that ;'llClt\vithstanuing all the fact, Certa1l1 fa~ts are 0 c1e rly If greater wughr that tv ignore them or to gjYD them egLHl] weight with all tht! facts i. to de.ny justice." Widmer, I-B A.~d at 751·5:! (citatlon omit.ted; aee Com.. u Betz, 064.: .2d 1)( U, ()(q (Pa. Super, Ct. 19911) ~weig-hl r/ ex 'ulpat lfy I?videll'e mU51: bl rk the court's "enc=.e of justire). "fA] challenge to the weight of tbe e'viden'~ mu't bt' raised Ith th trial jud 17 e or it 'Will be wai\red." l)u.RCnm.P . 607. Wl' note tbat Appelli;mt Limely tll~d a O1I)bon f0r Dt'W trial, which is the approrriat~ mean: to pr~serVt;· an alleg-~d error in the w~l rhL 1)£ t118 livirlenc::e. HowE:'V '1'. the ;ourt believes that welgnL of th,: 8videllce t'avoL the iltTv' - finJml1b ~.I Circulated 01/23/2015 04:33 PM "A lkW tnal 1" warranted '.Jnly when tl1e jury's verd.ll:t is so contrary to [he evidence that it shock2 one's sellse ofjust~c and the award of anew tnalls irnpera ive so r.hat l'igh t may be given another upportunlLY to pt'8\'ail.' c.:omm,(I}w)PCllth u A1.nraL,?s, 91 _ ,3d 20 (Pa , 2014) A r view of he e\'1denct' presented at tl'lal demon~trates that the App,?lJanr wa~ captured on video surveillancp rem(JviDg tbl:.'conls. Appl:;llant admitted he did DOl have penni $10n to take tbe T(lnLs frrnn the owner and som ' of the tool were only returned to he owner after Appellan was und13r ,rrre't for tht· theft of same. Tbe jury a ._ fact finder ('ho e t.u dis l'egard thu testimony of the Appellant regarding hi~ m[en~_ 1'h8 Cou rt fi.nd~ that the jury verdi ~t is amply SUPf ort<:d by the eVlclt'l1cl-' an d t.he ve,l"dict of guil~y does not shol'~;: thi..: urt's ;:;ense of ju ... tice, \Vllere£,nl'e, it i' respectfully submitted that this appeal is v"ithotlt nH::rit and sh u]d be llenIed, ATTE'T; , / ,r , - ,-', , \ J' .... AI I 1 'J' I' '"- .<.).~ ',.. J ,-' ,'~ -, ,')i..L 11 CLERK OF CI)UR.['£) j -- _ , - ' ,_ J - ---=- '-. :~ G:nL:1 ,"