Ellis, Eugene James

3/,55`<§/ ‘ HCF

fu eve 3217/723 E 111's, #7533511' COURTOFCF?MNALAPP~M
\A// //1117)7 19 C/@mewts dn?t AUG 17 2515
9601 5 par 591

Amar1`11 o Texas 79107 9606 " 71 ` A@@M@@SF@,©/@Fk

l111 1111 60115111'117101\1111 601/1117 101111
F'o/z 7115111)1157011 1)1v15_101\1

- Dl$ 7/1€ T OF 11AHR1S CO111\11`11111@)'11©1\1 ge §1%
' ` ~ ; ' . 1312 -

§113€@@ Fgm@$ 511/5 ' CM, /\/O_ 1 55 251 ,



199 fit/over Ca$€ /\10. 94 20 §425 `
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figzr¢s_§@_n_tg_ E)< 131sz EueENE 111/1155 Ems
37 1 P£T111o1\1 FOB 11 me of~ mmm

h Q[$ZWCZ` §1‘;0[77:# ['&g[/es /?ogc_;‘m‘lzal _QLLQ_N££BAAL'[Q

5 (:Q“zzf_§¢[kr]g ng;[es Qacar/sse

I 5M.;1;1;11£111z 1215 1111'[11" ;5'”"


Petnfioner fué/ene frames 151/15 pro se #755355; was tried 177 1119 357

jad/e/'a'/ D/sl`r/'cl‘ [0111"2‘ of Ha)’r/s [0117)1/3 077 ME}%L_LY_CI_Q_ 13 07” a

charge of 5e1<11a/a55au1t 111/uch resulted /77 a /)11773j11r_1/ Fez“itmne'r was
511175egue711`1g imprvper/j reind)cl‘ed 177 ?/7112L 1112 77211//771101777€772‘ 17011) 7”€11<1
113 ravafed ~"¢m improper e77/71171ce771e712L f 17 117€ refria/, petitmner was

7%1177¢/5111'/2‘5 077 MH¢U&SaWJ sevier/ied 10 _11£¢;177 z*/7e Texas De/Qarz`~

777€771.‘ 01 (r/'m/'na/ ]hsz`ic@ 1775151 fut/omc/ D)'v)s)o'n

Pacg€ 1 o?C 5

Tl d/§Togz Q/; ~U,;» QA§E

Pez“it/'o;zer was charged wit/v a crim|e Z‘/)a[ a//ejeq'/j occurred on or
aéou?.‘ fee S’Q' day of jan.,. /993 in the city of /'/ousz‘@w, /'w Hzm’/'S C'oaml‘j»
PeT/'Z/'om=r was }n¢//'cten regu)res féaz‘ a// elected 07' appointed
alc/F/'cI/z)s af Z‘/?€ pub/ic Zrc/sf, £efere z‘a//'5 07’ /’791” duties fo /)7”€»
5€;”1/6, protect anc/ de?pe)m/ the @st/tat¢om of z‘/ze [/m`z‘ec} Stalfez amf
f/Ie Staz‘e m w/)/'c/) z‘/)ej operate fee 7ex fonsi /»¥¢'2‘, m §1 7;/€
Omcia/s mu>'Z'L f/€ documents fe/az‘eJ to ajhér fea/end <§¢ Sfate adi/25

.Pag€ 2 of 5

as whal‘ever the form 111 which fha Goreroweoz‘ 7€1111:1‘1'0113 Ao_qooe
enter/115 info an cyreemen£ with thai Goverrrmer)z‘ Z‘o/’ hand St'a“£u‘ile$ of the dwi'i'eci $Z`a'[e_s"
aho' issue a writ of Quo Warran?`o dee/arinj their actions voio' ami
dec/are the °convictiorz of the petitioner 1111// ami VOici. 1413 11\/1"T10




huge 14 ht" 5


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I fugene games i;'iiis,"ik "F7533551P do here/nj Certi@ that a true
anei Correct copy of the ahov€ petition was sent to /1’arr1s C°oum‘j
District C/er/< anal to the Courtot` Cr)mma/Ap/oea/s 7he 7%1*9501113
pe tit/on was served hj p/acz??ae the same 111 the tin/ted States

ma/`/, postage prepa/et 011 this thth;/’ c/aj of August /.,ZDJ§

Eug€n€ imes Eiii$, petitioner


I Eujehe james t'///`s ”"153359, 11111 the petitioner ami am
present/j mcarcerated 111 the i/\/////am /9 firemeth U111t c/ec/are
underpena/tj of perjury that accord/113 to 111_¢/ heilef the facts
stated 111 the ahove petit/011 are true aho/ correct

Execute¢i and sgueo’ 011 Augu;t 13 j ,201_5

less gas

Eu;ene ]Zmes E/iis Fetitio'ner


.Pag€ 5 of 5 -