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[5)1\§\#10113 hassan 1!\1)1)1\1+1111`1+¥ 115 br 1110/ml 13911:112. 11 ~Qm§)/| decision 131 1111/emich 09 111115\14 b1 111111¢ bmn{ qhn@) ., M@m:)§§e¥ 11. mh)t>x 115 1171 1117/281 %1 511 1351311¢1`791, _ 'N\f npphmn+ was gran+€& .-13.111>\€. b/ T@®€ Fymolof 1901@1@115 1113 12111\}19..5 on ngu§P 151 Q/.\H and 111/15 1111>11§1) 1011 pnrz)|£ - Uw sep @acol¢ CH+"\~C\mJ/# T,HM1 _ HMU$PH' QO\“L HW\`\cQ.v\+ mm mr£&ml 100 n '1.\5111&311+ "1.561»-111 SP;)+' ' mm n .a hook ;-}1..5 m'€.;l;l\ san §EQ+PNPF SQ,» QDW, u')`\'¥»\r)n+ a poro`&€. fP`\/[)£’/HiN/l hi>/)fmq 3+@*;"§ . 1.1§»¥)@4 D£:rr\`r+icm$ or ru\¢_>€ Om|\mn+ H)A \)in)/)MA pawnan +1>'+¥\4£ }%@11 /_`Pr+`r@m+é Gpp)imn+ haA 63qu bewa his f€)m<£ Prcm U\`$bfl. hpp\`mnl¢ 1515 f€+um{>c] 415 Y)\)r& I,m`¢+ 1..1\¥\1>1€ hi /1)115.@11)€£55, md _.<;'M 1115 mr offm§p& o r€\/n.fmi. 1311 hmr"m@- gm his requp§+,_. 4 151 given n aha-nce- +15 be }\@1\13/ @ff€m)+ Pu}z\¢>rx;£ 1519 \r\`\j be- )\0\10/6>( gil/cm f€pf£S€/)+/)Hmm }v;/ CN)W), 'T}\`l€ HMDMH€ Céjnd’ hh§ tiij fm MU£.&Q}M/ 5q §\)J.53 1,§)-'), 171 (');1,1:.;~,. Dpp.- szol), him 1111 wm+;m 11 mda u)h\\flm+ 0 }w€m}h§ Vi`D\0+13 bow -$+D+UW$ 9('“”-'";"@ pmol‘”» hearing ' find .€o~nc%im$ md P€&€m_l C@n§+i+:.o+iml due moc£,<;§." m /@`)`l. ="Th`\_$ Cm..\r+ ruled `\n ..`EX pma 014le 131 (»`73, 03).60, \`\)\)£ Jr\r\t’m» ~ b l`<:>r€{ hold +M+ +\1\1 re\/m»+len»@$ Coi)aam .Dmo)»_'; 11>`1+1)1)1+ a h€armq am }nar)n$l$)rw+ usm/l SFCHN’)§ .SOX. 981 md 505 333 d 01\1\ -p . Pra_/ {_’@n.§+`¢w+i@wl 30,@§>1(>113§ pf`lh(.`imk§, Hab¢>< C¢‘:>fl{)u$ relief `\5 qran¥e),+¥\€ ada rP\/nking _` _.011>|1.5})/1)' be ~ §§ `0..5`:119,/»1\1§. ans €0<1 ")_3_11>111::11\3 ~+15 +\/11 501ch Por pay c`ea¢ug- Cr>n$`\$¥€n+ m`\»\h 4\4`15.019"\1\`10)0.'.’ 315 ~}\x£ nasa b 16 W\£ Cwm‘ app)i»z;an# §`m@/£+on 1315 nO+ pm\/inl@&@» rf\/Dca+ic>n ham`m_ _`¢,u_<,+ 05 #)mm . DQp)ican4 » 5`\1\9\1401) was 0111$+111,011+1)1\1 and sam /)c}< 40 DH`SM `m a weak ~\{m+§ m`\¥\/\m+/) f£VDCMLl)i/\ }\~€oring , Prpp~ ~Jimn+ §§ng\£~}nn axis grq`n++:cl par®\€ gm Dqgu_€+ 151 311 9010\1 C£r+i{:a)w QM)¢;W(L 531@)140/) ha§ .Drm/iclai 451\15+1;+»{€.4\\10 ~\.\N~e ~Tm)/i.§ (_`1>1\,114 11 Di§w`\cq ®+n>mpy ,,’2, -£L€ rf¢yuin€cl by males of H.D`~'I 40 msan +0 his Q)'o£m-Th€, Di_§+r{r.\.l »H)-k>m»ay l;»'._l#¢l 40 rP§pmJ w prfspn+ +\qe \).0`7 +0 ~}\\r\¥l )[o`] ;m\ic\`,o\ D`l§+ric,l Cm(+ é>+\ `Wa`\/hs Coun+ ,T£XO§. .wH\/\w+ +\/w ~).~i@l courts m+hm+y +t\@_ Di§md ++orwy 1["§;¢01!1(<1@§ Gpplimn+é .S`m_¢;IHon H.DT ~H> J~\nis CouH,y y PRQ\)\';R\' Dpp)mn+ 3m holm bzm mm bac{`o porol£_ `VC\/'Dm+iO¢/') v bearing HP b/FS . _n `M€ all\/ ownirwzl back m @M`$om film hang gran+ad $)m>\£, f 0 \)far. Dpp)ia)n+ §}r)g|e¢@m 3161 n[>+ \nD!/»+e any m\¢s of his parz>|£_ Ca>ndi+ior)s. D})pncan¢ mug %}>-r m `/mmedm+:yy r@lm. L ¥\\@ a|+pma4i./@ M_s f mae Shw\_\/H¢l wi+hm¢ 0 fP\/Mi-Bm bfminj.` y ` . KP . fully SUBmi++ez} ' AM/ §M¢;é/@'w " ncrdd 3m )éwh- H, /)` L). + #M@Q[ f ,m$‘pl/ \ guam nle \,:M [055 P\B$}’UN>Y),TX “)_7583 ` .QEHKPQM 510 361/lui :\@ Poa§\c\ S§n_q\i>+m, `C.-Qr+`\ly H/\a+ o 11qu anl\_(lé>rr{’@+ Cc>p>/ eve (Ss\)m\`mn+_'s W\~Pn/mrmnc\um 045 lam has b€£n 'mm\\a ~>D Tm\)`\§ G@my bi§m¢.+ HHQW\/ mo »+\¢\is MM.) *) (lm/ o Sep+ayzbz)r,<§?®i§. _ HO{`Z,\\(`] gamiqu d-M/AZL luN-la~'ams .11=56 From: ~.zm~ g 305 -e.¢q ar x;;u¢neq. e1/25/zala ._ wl N§me steLETnN.HARoLo L Legal county of residence Apprnved county of release TRAvxs ‘“_ TRAvxs Ln¢aginn\ unit DA. rocJ-ln » Cau$€#: 45061 '.`c?} <§taie of Texa§§ ° Tm's'|l:rnsmm or melunl Jnsncz _, d w Pnnoo\\s mm anolc l|lvlslou ` Certificate of Parole Pase:§/l? TDCJ ID 510 # ~~ 5 _ TncJ # _ ff ' " 018712643' § DQ234696 § fha texas Departaant of triainal Ju;tiee lnstitutional Division tlDCJ-lDl ot tha i\ata of Texls has determined that said offender li\elislble For varvle under tnt Fr¢vi¢ions at ¢hevt'r 503¢ Vexo¢ Gov‘t- Cvde- AUSTIN CENTER 5154 EAST HW¥ 71 DEL VALLE, TX 78617 (512)336-5722 OO¢UPS» fuqn;lel€, ¢hq texas Baard of P.rdana and Farales (Board) hereby orders 1 that eaja offender do released under Pgralq and shell iauadiately report to the attica indicated below tor auaarviiion) § n¢oart immediately a directly to your halfway house tHwHJ. v If verifiable transportation delays or other emergency _ x contact the HWH immediately. cancel further gate money and result in the issuance of . 5 1 arrest warrant. Failure to do so wilf and shall be ueraitted to ha at liberty in the legal custody ot the Faralo division of tha Texas baoartlent et Crillnol vatice but sub:eot to the orderl u¢ the I»ar¢ and the Teles Oerer\aent of Crilinel Justiee 9erale bivision» and under the rules end ¢hnditi¢nt 05 FAP°IQ ht¢t£h fha aariad at varela shall do far 0 varied equivalent to tha santana turn For which tha o|Fender vel sentenced less calendar tila actually ~ ?ho tila to ha served under Parol¢ in also calculated aa calendar tiae. served an tha aentanea. Thl CI|"§,$C"¢ }'\511 UCE°IU U"'°GQ!VV \4"¢|\ eligibility reouirelen\s for Farnlt under Cheoter 506. Texal Gev't. Co¢a have been ret or when Parole la ordered bv int l¢ard, and when all rules end eondition;. ineludinq statutorily aandatad, general and special conditions are agreed te by said offender. STATUTURILY HANDA¥ED COND!TIUN¥ Unle$i otherwise orovided. I full-l l‘l&£d¢ il'\ \h¢ C°t.l|\ty ill uhf¢h l PQ,§CI¢ R\ lhI \il¢ l EQII.\¢\¢¢ chi Gf*dnsl for th°h l 555 FV'\\¢"\€C° 10 the Institutionnl oivlaion er the county o¢ the al¢ense ¢or vhl:h l las genteneed to the institutional bivision lt l vac nh¢ 0 rt¢idtnt of tva i\ata of Ta¢;;. l shall delonstrate an educational skill level that is eoual to or greater then the average skill level of studenta who have ¢onolt\td the |l¢\h grade in | vud]i£ tnhadl in \h¢ St.te of T¢X.$. l shall sub-it ta tlr\inv Fer al¢°h¢l ¢r ¢¢ntr¢lle¢ cub¢\nnee¢- l snell not eaalunieate directly or indirectly with the vietia; go to or near the residenee. vlace af eluloynent. or business ct lbo victin; ¢r ge to ar near a ethaol. day-core foclllty. or aililor Faeility where a deuandent child of the vietia ia in attendance- ; sn¢gi nat intentionally ar knowingly ea--uni¢~\¢ directly ar indirectly vith. nor int¢ntionally or knowingly ga near a residence. school. place er e~riov~ent. ar dv¢ine¢¢ at tne’offen¢e for which l val zenten¢ad le the institutional Olvlcion. l shall reiaeurse the alata at Texes ear the eosts of any west~ ~saaondary Eduva\ional Fregrens in which x ourtlcio»\qd in !ICJ. _p¢rtfolpp\' An q drug or lle$hdl chut\nuul of care §r.l\lon{ yro°r|.. l shall register as a sex eF¢onddr under Chanter 62. 606¢ of Crtlinal Frec¢dure, l snell nat ao in. en ar within a distance specified ny a parole panal of araaiae¢ where children eeaaanly gather. nor shell f supervise or oortidlretn in env Frogrel that dnclv¢c; er vurtlc)uantl or reclllants: various who era 17 years cl age er vnunptr» and l ih¢ll ¢¢l¢hd payehalayl¢¢l counseling as eeaoifi¢d ay ev supervising orfiear. l shall rer¢orn not less than 300 hours of coa-unity service et o service broiogt designated by n rarele schel- { SFECIAL CONDKTIDNS 5 - l avail svtnlt to a substance (aleohol/ nareo\ios) treatment lropfen' which nev inelvde urinalysis lenitorina, attendance at aehtdvltd eaun¢aling eatolans. driving restrictions or any or the related eeaaonontl ex directed by the supervising parole ef¢ioer» ¥ 1 l shall ¢olply with clqolronit Mvni\urfng prcgr;'. rs£u$u lt adult di YNE !DARO 0¥ PIRDQNO AND FLRQLEB AY AUST[N. TEXA$ 0“ '“€ 25'" UAV °F J"LV- i¢|°~ vll invole it settl*e¢\ofily inla!t\td» It!ilua ¢Xpiratien ' in dole will hQ: 0\ ‘n~`,n,~~_` ¢§sslz ou£N§ \0AID 0¢ FARDQNS AND PAIDLES ‘ Page l ?SW -. { _¢, ii l Mr, ‘ .Z[L|N-lE-'EBlS 11:56 Fr~om_;` v To:919?98499289 Paoe:l@/l? v . TncJ»xn i,_:m::"..“-‘._ ~_. ‘| . ammann @" »rw.t,-, g 5 k Ccrtificate of Parole l Ganeral conditions of barolo release . Nane fncJ t srv z sstLsroN.HARoLo L anzaasss oxavvzaa in ¢on;x¢¢ra\;°n °¢ eve parole granted no by ton doord¢ l do hurohy accent soon rurole. l recognize that ry release is conditional bland noon ly ¢drloraoneo of the follouin¢ teroi and conditioner cr z shall noon reg¢.¢, ¢rc. the institutlan. report ial¢eiet¢iy. as instro¢tud to ny Pcrolo ortic¢r; therenftqr. recort as directed and follow all instructions iron ny parole orfic¢r. 2, l shall coaal! no offense against the laws of thio itatt or of any other state or of the Unitod states- i; l shell reside in a sreol¢iod place as ¢ooroveo ov -v supervising offic¢r, 4. l angil nq¢ ¢r.v¢; outside tnn state ne fence without \n¢ nvvroval of rv suozrvitihv °¢*1=¢" 5._l 1 avila nat unl.vruxly cun. oossuss. oe¢. still nor have under rv control env vtoron-or illegal vcon¢n. t. l shall avoid oereuna or ala:es of dioreowtbb!¢ dr h¢rlful character- 7 l shell not enter into any corcorant to act as "lnforovr“ or tottlal eoont For any lou enforcement agency without srecili= written np»roval or the varela Diviiion Dircctor or deeignoo. 6- l shall abide by all loecicl conditions i-uoseo uoon la by the ooord. o; ooneral Freviaion¢l i. l hereby agree to abide by all rules of Porole ouotrv|dt°h ilv°itd by Tcxas or the rt=olving $CIIG includiho- bv* ”°¢ li\itod toy tha reduirclent that l connor at any hearings or oreceedinp; concerning alleood violations of Perole as roouirad ay the lou of the receiving stote, any state in which l lay an round or the Stnte of lexa:. l ¢urthvr aaron lnd~ cnneent that the,rlceivina stato. it': el under tnq intqr¢tato Colpo:t tor'Adult offender $uderv£!ionv °F I"¥ 5!0\! ““¢(an l lay he found yhf]¢ on F°rglq‘ur under Faroll ,u$sdxctjon, gay conduct ¢o¢h hibr$hg! ns dekl!¢ hd¢'¢$.r¥v Dr°b£r or which lay be roovir!d by ltw. I, fn the event l al granted the privilege of reeiding in and being under the supervision of any other stein or territory under the interstate connect for Adult offender turervi¢ion rvrouant to T¢vas oovornoen¢ c¢do, section 510.07 and/or rules ¢nqq\¢g ay eng rntaratat¢ cola;;glan on Adu)t oftenoor Suo¢rvision end if for any rosenn l lay bo outside or thc itato ot fence in violation ot the tenor and eonditiona or oarole suoervieion l hereby agree to waive extradition to tht Stdt¢ of to¢a¢ sp°. any °gn¢r ¢\,g, or x.rrs\¢ry gur;;¢Lq¢i°n go nr outside of tn¢ unit¢d states vnqro l nov he found. x turner agree that l will hot in any lannor contest any tffort by the Stoto di revere the rtttlvlnq state or territory or toy other state or territory juriediction in or outside the Unlttd Statee. to return de to the $tott 05 T¢l|i- C. l shall oay. during tht ltrivd of ly sudervlsion. any and ill ¢u\$!tnding tlnes. court ovot$ bhd F¢ti ldJudotd I§BI"S\ 141 ta the ¢l¢rk of the court of eanviotlon. end l horse to orovide ey heroin Offi=qr with documentation verifying novnlh¢ of said anounta. l shall nov o supervision fee for each lonth that x pa requirod to robert to o ?orole Of¢i=¢f 05 instructed by oy_Earole offi=vr- _ D_ la eng avant l al placed in or allowed to reside in o halfway hnu¢e ar ton-unity reiidtntll] ¢odilitvr l hlf¢°y *99¢¢ \° go directly to and rneldo in the Faeillty designated by tht Perole division until released by the nivision. l snell abide ny the rut¢¢ cf the taeiiity end attend all r~ouirod aootinoa. l shall not leave the ohizi¢ll ¢onfincs o¢ the facility ,nd tva ¢p°,¢r¢y ¢n¢r¢.¢, q,¢'¢t ear ¢rav¢xzng to ana rrn- unrk, or aa authorized ay recilicv rules. Durine ay stay' l anall pay 253 of ny arose intoeo to the tooilitv if rt§uired. l shall leave oil kovo tv any aotor vehicle that l have utu ga winn facility start whon the motor vohiolo is not in utc. E. i; rqquired by the loerd, t gnnll obtain end koen in ay oosoes;ion a fence badartaent of Fublic Sofoty (09$) rational x¢¢n¢;rg¢¢\g¢n cqr° qr Driver'¢ license. l shall dre¢ert told identification to law enforce-eat or Ttnb$ anartnent or Crilinal quotiee officials upon rtouost. F. ' lt 1 nn reloased to a detainer and dodorttd dutiido the international borders of the United States orior to tho nazi-vi alpir.tton date shown nn \n;; lel¢a¢e Certi|icata. l shall not enter the united itetea unlawfully. !n the oven¢ that l gain lawful entry into the Unitod St¢t¢i, l ihlll rt|d"t illedioto!y. 38 in$trueted to tho dffi€! ohown on this Rtldb!e certificato. l¢ at any tine uerr to tha caution exoirotion date shown on tnj¢ Releaeo Eartiticatd said detaining agency rgAl; tv exercise custodu, l enoll inne¢iatoly noon rcliblo (within 24 houra) report aa inltruoted to the o¢¢l=d ¢hvv" v" this Re)oc:o ¢ortifieate. l MEHEBV C€a?t¢v tnat l fully understand end aaron to an bound by each or the conditions under vhi=n x an doing rcicasae- l turtner under;tand and agree that c violation or retuaal to cololy with any of the conditions of auoervitien loy be sufrioivnt could for rtv¢<¢!id“ 6‘ superv¢,gqn g vn¢.r,\.na \h¢e un¢n n uarrqn¢ or q ¢u¢-one se issued that the sentence tice credit shell he au»v¢nd¢d until o deter-ination is .¢o¢ in inch ¢¢,¢ ana ;u¢n =u¢p.ndqd tsa¢ credit lay oe reinstated should cvovrvioiov be continued- l_uhn£silaND-alE_A£R£E_INAI_HHXLE ' ' - ' . . f =' . z ' - ' - _nBH££i_R£ CL~_h .!J“; i;g.z:t; HARoLn L ercLEToN v‘?/> l hereby certify that these rul¢.:. regulation¢ and tonditl¢l'\$ |\BVI= both val¢nvd to the released o\‘\d ht/tht hd$ 89"°¢¢ to lbld¢ by \h¢ HIt‘ upon feled¢¢v id ,U ¢`:; t itlF ‘ g w . , Date }. ."’ . _,‘ rode 2 test Foso