A~~~N.T~AN 7t37ll
April 2, 1974
The Honorable Ron Clower Opinion No. H- 269
State Senator Rc:~ Filing requirements of 1
Texas State Senate Section 4 of Article 6252-9b
Auetin, Texas Vernon’s Tews Civil Statutes
The Honorable Mark W. White, .Jr. I
Secretary of State
Capitol Buil’ding
Austin, Texas 78711
Dear Secretary White~ind Senator Glower:
Article 6252=9b, Vernon!8 Texas Civil Statutes, the 1973 Ethics Act,
requires the filfigcb sfinancial statement by certain state officiafr. designated
in Sec. 3. Section 4 (a) provides that it ib to include:
‘1.’ . . the account of the financial activity
of the perron required to file the otatement by
this Act and the financial activity ‘of his spouse
and dependent children over which he had actual
control for the prec~eding calendar year as herein-
after provided. ”
Secretary White has asked whether a husband, who is required to
file a financial statement, must report the financial activities of his wife’s
separate property over which he had no actual control during the preceding
calendar year.
Senator Glower has requested our interpretation of Sec. 4 (c) (1) of
the Act which requires the report to indude:
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The Honorable Ron Clower
The Honorable Mark W. White, Jr. page 2 (H-269)
‘1. . Identification of any person, business
entity, or othc- organization from whom the perron
or a busine,ss in which he has a substantial interest
received a fee an a ~retainer for a claim on future
services in case bf need-(id opposed to.a fer:for
. services on a matter specified at the time of
contracting for or receiving the fee), whenever
professional or occupational services Were not
actually performed during the reporting period.
commensurate to or in excess of the amount of
the retainer, and the category of the amount of
the fee;”
Article 6252-9b. V. T. C. S. , was enacted as House Bill 1 of the
63rd Legislature (Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., ch. 421, p,. 1086) and was the.
first of ten bills comprising .the reform.package offered by the leadership
of the House of Representatives.
Section 1 of the Act, declaring the policy of the State, rtater that
no state officer or employee shali,have any financial interest or engage
in any busmese transaction or professional activity “which is in substantial
conflict” with the dincharge of his duties. The Act, then, requires dir-
closure of financial affairs by some state officers (Sec. 3) and a disclosure
of interests in regulated businesses by thore’not required to file the financial’
statement (Sec. 5); it requirea disclosure by a board or commission member
of private interests in matters before his board or. commission (Sec. 6);
it prohibits certain acts by members of the Legislature (Sec. 7);,and it
provides standards of conduct~for state officers and employees (Sec. 8).
The Act was +ntended and designed to be c,omprehensive in its
requirement that any private interests of decision maker.8 be disclomed
2 and made public to lessen the temptation to place personal gain over
public duty.
Section 4 specifies the information to be included in, the financial
statement. Section 4 (a) could be read to require’ inclusion of financial
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The Honorable Mark W. White, Jr.
The Honorable Ron Clower Page 3 (H-269)
acttvity.of the official’s spouse and dependent’children over whom he had
actual control or, alternatively, to require disclosure only whane had
actwl control over the, financial activity itsdf. In the former interpret%tio.:
there might be many situations in’which the official would have none of the
required information and no ready means to acquire it. Our laws incraasingly
recognize the right of each spoure to have the “sole management, control,
and disposition of his or her separate property. ” Section 5.21. Vernon’s
Texas Family Code; If “actual control” refers to the spouse (a doubtful
situation,~ at best) or to the dependent children, the section would requires
the reporting of facts which well might+ considered “no ~buriness” of
the official. On the other hand, if “actual control” refers to the financial
activity (grammatically more correct than the firrt alternativeJ;then the
registrant has, only ‘to report on financial activities over which he has
control and of which he haa knowledge, ‘a fat more r~easonable interpretation.
We are of the opinion, therefore, that Section 4 requtrem a rogirtrant
to report’on his.own financtal activities atid on those activities of his voam .’
or children over which activitier he exercises or has, the right to exercise
Parenthetically, weirdo not interpret the Act to require “exclusive”
control - it is rufficient that the registrant exercises any .degree of control,
legal or factual.
Section 4 (c) (1) requires a listing of1all source8 of 0,ccupational income
including retainers “for a claim on future services in case of need’! when
such services have not been perform&during the reporting period.
Retainers pa’id’as a claim on,future services, for which no servicer
are actually performed concurreqtly, are keither’unconjtion nor unethical
per Be. See 1 Speiser., .Attorneys’ Fees, (1973). Chapter 1; “Retainer
Contracts”; MacKinnon, Contingent Fees for Legal Services, ‘(1964)’
pp. 20-21. So Long,as the retainer is paid in good faith.for,.service’s to be
rendered~or, at leaat, for’s holding ready to .rqnder.such servic.ea, .suah a
fee iok well recog&ed mz&ir of employing l&gal counsel. ..On thi other
hand, if them is,rio bona fide Anticipation of the rendition of s,ervicer and
the fee ispaid to purchase influence it ‘may constitute ,a’violation .of Chapter
36 of the .Penal Code. .’
.p:‘1262 : ,,
The Honorable Mark W. White, Jr.
The Honorable Ron Clower page 4 (H-269)
We construe Sec. 4 (c) (1) to require disclosure of retainer feei paid
to the registrant or any other business entity in which he has a substantial.
business interest where, at the time of payment of the fee, servicer
commensurate with the fe,e had not been rendered.
The financial statement required by Sec. 3 of Article
6252-9b, V. T. C. S. , should include a statement of financial
activItie.s in property of the r’egistrant’s spouse and
children where the registrant exerciees actual control
‘:bver ouch activities. lt should alro include, as a source
of occupational income, a statement of any retainer fee
received by the registrant or a business entity in which
he has a substantial interest and for which no servicer
have been rendered.
Very truly yours,
Attorney General of Texas
Opinion Committee
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