Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

                        AWS-~IN.    TEXAS     78711

                                 September    5, 1973

Honorable Ken Andrew8                             Opinion No.       H-   95
County Attorney
Young County                                      Re:    Whether probation fee
Graham,   Texas                                          may be collected from
                                                         persons placed on pro-
                                                         bation after conviction
Dear Mr.   Andrews:                                      fdi misdemeanor

     You have requested       the opinion of this office    on two questions:

                   “1.  Whether the person placed on probation
            under a misdemeanor    can be made to pay a proba-
            tion fee of not more than $10.00 per month?

                  "2.    Who collects    the probation     fee? ”

      You comment     that:

                   “Under Article 42.12 the felony probation
            .law, the District Judge may assess   a probation
            fee not to exceed $10.00 per month as a term of
            the probation.

                  “We are unable. to find any authority under
            which a misdemeanor    defendant who has been placed
            on probation can be made to pay a probation fee. I’

      Article 42.13 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, the Misdemeanor
Probation Law, does not contain any provision for charging a misdemeanor
defendant a supervisory   or probation fee.

     However,   $ 5 6(a) and ,l2, respectively,   of Article 42.12 of the Texas
Code of Criminal Procedure,     the Adult Probation and Parole Law, provide:

                                     p. 439
The Honorable     Ken Andrews,    page 2     (H-95)

            “Sec.     6a. (a) A court granting probation may
        fix a fee   not exceeding $10 per month to be paid to
        the court    by the probationer   during the probationary
        period.     The court may make payment of the fee a
        condition    of granting or continuing the orobation.

            ‘I.   . .

            “Sec. 12. The provisions     of Sections      6a. 10,
        and 11 of this Article also apply to Article       42.13. ”

    The above provision of 0 12 of Article 42.12        authorizes     charging a
probation or supervisory    fee to a misdemeanor        defendant     who has been
placed on probation,  if the court so directs.

    Attorney General’s   Opinion C:64g holds to the contrary; however
this opinion was written befo.re the enactment of the above sections 6a(a)
and 12 of Article 42.12.

    In answer to your second question,     $ 6a(a) provides that the fee is
“to be paid to the court by the probationer”     and $ 6a(b) provides that “the
court shall distribute the fees [in the matter provided]“.      It is our opinion,
therefore,  that the fee is to be collected by the court or at least under the
court’s direction.


            The court may direct the payment of a probation
        fee of a misdemeanor    defendant who has been placed
        on probation,  such fee to be collected by or under the
        direction of the court.

                                            Very   truly yours,

                                                  L. HILL
                                           Attorney General       of Texas

                                      p.   440
The Honorab,le   Ken Andrews.   page 3        (H-95)


DAVID M. KENDALL,        Chairdan
Opinion Committee

                                    p. ,441