Honorable Robert E. Stewart Opinion No. M-915
State Banking Department
John Ii.Reagan Building
Austin, Texas Re: Branch Banking; Machines
for the purpose of perform-
ing services (obtaining
Dear Hr. Stewart: cash) by automation.
You have requested an opinion from this office which
reads as follows:
II -4
A Corporation, manufacturer of automated
bank teller equipment, has submitted to this offlce 2
the description and proposed use of a machine
It Is referred to by the manufacturer as 'the auto-
mation of tradltlonal~services performed by bank
tellersI. A full memorandum and ~exhlblts are attached
describing &he procedures resulting In (1)~wlthdrawals
from on the premises of the Issuing Bank and
In (2>mdrawals not made at the Issuing Bank.
"Please advise us whether ln the proposed trans-
actions both.on and away from'the drawee bank premises
the bank Is e'waglng lwbusln&s In moi%tban one
place or iwcashlng checks outside Its noun banking
house, *contrary .to the provisions of Article 16, Sec-
tlon-~16-.ofthe Texas Constitution or'ArtXcle 342-903,
Vernon'& Texas Civil Statutes.“.
Article XVI, Section ,16 of the Constitution of Texas
reads as follows:
1-2 The name of the manufacturer, and the trade name of the
machine are omitted throughout as shown by blank spaces
where the context Indicates.
Honorable Robert E. Stewart, page 2 (M-915)
"The Legislature shall by general laws, authorize
the Incorporation of corporate bodies with banking
and discounting privileges, and shall provide for a
system of State supervision, regulation and control
of such bodies which will adequately protect and
secure the depositors and creditors thereof.
"No such corporate body shall be chartered until
all of the authorized capital stock has been sub-
scribed and paid for In full In cash. Such body
corporate shall not be authorized to engage In
business at more than one place which shall be des-
ignated In its charter.
"NO foreign corporation, other than the national
banks of the United States, shall be permitted to
exercise banking or dlscountln privileges In thls
State. As amended Nov. 8, igOt; Aug. 23, 1937."
A title 342-903, Vernon's Civil Statutes, as last
amended,5 reads in part as follows:
"NO State, national or private bank shall engage
in business in more than one place, maintain any
branch office, or cash checks or receive deposits ex-
cept In Its own banking house. For purposes of this
article 'banking house' means the building In whose
offices the business of the bank Is conducted and
which is functionally one place of business, Including
(a) office facilities whose nearest wall Is located
within five hundred (500) feet of the nearest wall
of the central building and Is physically connected
to the central building by tunnel, passageway or
hallway providing direct access between the central
building and the connected office facility or b
pneumatic tube or other similar carrier, and (b3 In
addition, In a county having a population of at
least 350,000 according to the last preceding federal
census, If authorized in the manner hereinafter
provided, not more than one (1) automobile drive-in
facility whose nearest boundary Is located within
one thousand eight hundred fifty (1,850) feet of the
1971, ch. 358, P. 1352,
Honorable Robert E. Stewart, page 3 (M-915)
nearest wall of the central building but more than
five hundred (500) feet therefrom and is connected
to the central building by tunnel, passageway or
hallway providing direct access between the central
building and the connected automobile drive-in
faclllty or by pneumatic tube or other similar
carrier. The entire banking house shall for all
purposes under the law be considered one Integral
banking house. The term 'automobile drive-in facility'
as herein used shall mean a facility offering banking
services solely to persons who arrive at such facility
In an automobile and remain therein during the trans-
action of business with the bank. . . ."
From the Information which has been furnished with your
request for an opinion, It Is reflected that the automated ma-
chines will be Installed and operated only on the premises where
the bank which makes the machine available Is authorized under
Its charter to engage In the banking business.
It is set out In the documents furnished us with your
opinion request that the machines will be operated and used
as follows in dispensing cash to customers of each participating
"A bank wouid enter Into agreements with other
-banks whereby each of the banks would encode the
bank identification cards of certain customers to 4
enable such customers to obtain cash from a
Installed on the premises of each of the par-t-
lng banks. Each bank issuing ldentlflcatlon cards
(the VIssulng Bank') would also enter into agree-
ments with its customers providing that after money
was dispensed to a customer the following would
"1, If the withdrawal was made from the 5
on the premises of the Issuing Bank, the withdrawal:
would be treated as any other checking account wlth-
drawal by the customer by an appropriate debit to
the customer's accou?t; or
4-5 See Footnote 2, supra.
Honorable Robert E. Stewart, page 4 W-915)
"2. If the withdrawal was not made at the Is-
suing Bank, (k%)the transaction would be tre~ated
as the cashing of a check drawn on the Issuing Bank,
(b) the bank at which cash had been dispensed (the
'Dispensing Bank'.)would tranemgt the transaction
slip prepared by the through normal
clearing channels to fhe Issuing Rank, (c) the
Issuing Bank would debit the customer's account
for the amount of money dispensed If .a sufficient
balance was available, Andy (d) If the customer's
checking account at the Issuing Bank contained ln-
sufficient funds, the Issuing Bank would return
the transaction slip to the Dispensing Bank unpaid
and the Dispensing-Bank would have to seek collec-
tion from the customer.
"In either case, the cash withdrawal Is the
essential equivalent of cashing a check, drawn on
the Issuing Bank, at either the Issuing Bank or a
Dispensing Rank.
"If the participating banks are members of a
bank credit card association such as Master Charge
or BankAmerlcard, the customer could be permitted
to elect to have his withdrawal either 'credited'
(sic) against his checking account at the Issuing
Bank or treated as a cash advance under the rules
of such credit card programs."
It therefore appears from the facts submitted, that the
use and operation of an automated machine in the manner above
set out would be In conformity with normal banking operations,
(such aspa bank teller would perform In cashing a check) and
the use of such automated .machines on the premises of partici-
pating banks would not be In violation of Article XVI Section
16 of the Constitution of Texas, supra, and Article 34%903,
The use of automated machines In dispensing
cash, on the premises of a banking house, under
b See Footnote 2, supra.
Honorable Robert E. Stewart, page 5 (M-915)
the facts submitted, would not violate Article
XVI, Section 16 of the Constitution of Texas or
Article 342-903, Vernon's Civil Ststutes.
YoursZery truly,
Prepared by John H. Banks
Assistant Attorney General
Kerns Taylor, Chairman
W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman
2. T. Fortescue
Dyer Moore
Jim Swearlngen
Jack Goodman
Staff Legal Assistant
Executive Assistant
First Assistant