AUSTIN a~.T~xas
May 7, 1962
Hon. Robert S. Calvert Opinion No. WW-1329
State Comptrollerof
Public Accounts Re: Eligibility of a forme~rTexas
Capitol Station Ranger to receive payment.of
Austin, Texas pension pursuant to the prbvi-
sions of Senate Bill 53, Acts
of~~the56th Legislature Regu-
lar Session, chapter 283, page
i; F;non's as
Dear Mr. Calvert: , . . .
You have requested an opinion concerning the eligibil-
ity of a former Ranger to receive pension benefits under Senate
Bill 53, Acts of the 56th Legislature,Regular Session, chapter
283, page 629, codified in Vernon's as Article 6228e, V.C.S.
Your request reads as follows:
"1 am enclosing an applicationfor a Ranger
pension from Harrison Lester Hamer.
"Attached to this applicationyou will find
an affidavit from Mr. Hamer, a letter from W. D.
Cope) Adjutant General, an affidavitfrom the
Archives Division of the State Library? and a cer-
tificate from the Honorable Homer Garrison, Direc-
tor, Departmentof Public Safety.
"I wish you would examine the applicationand
advise me if, in your opinion, Mr. Bamer's appli-
cation for a Ranger's pension can be granted."
In order to be eligible for a pension a former Texas
Ranger is required to have served "as a regular Texas Ranger,
receiving compensationfrom the State, for an aggregate time of
at least two (2) years prior to Septemberl,?1947."
Under the facts submittedin your request the former
Ranger involved has furnished an affidavit, the pertinent por-
tions of which read as follows:
I am a former member of the Texas
having served from October 23rd
to aboui January 10th 1920 and from April 1,
1932 to January 18, 1933.
Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (W-1329)
"Duringmy first enlistmentwith the Force I
tendered,myresignationas of December 31st. 1919,
however as such,resignationwas not acted on until
January 8, 1920, which notificationwas sent me by
mail by W. D. Cope, Adjutant General, I continued
to work as a ranger up to the time that I received
such letter. At the time said letter was sent me
I was at Snyder, Texas, in active service, continu-
ing to serve in such force. Such letter was trans-
mitted to me by regular mail and I anticipate that
it took at least two days for it to arrive in Sny-
der from Austin.
Vy service in the Ranger force was in excess
of two years.
"1 am attaching a photo-fax copy of said let-
ter received by me acceptingmy said resignation,
which is made a part of this affidavit."
According to the records of the Texas Departmentof
Public safety the former Ranger involved in your request was
employed by the State of Texas as a regular Texas Ranger from
October 23, 1918 to December 31, 1919, ard from April 1, 1932
to January 18, 1933. According to the records of the Texas
State Library, Records Division, the name of the former Ranger
involved in your request did not appear on the payroll voucher
for January, 1920. The letter of W. D. Cope, Adjutant General
of the State of Texas, dated January 8, 1920, accepting the
resignation of the Ranger involved previously tendered to the
Adjutant General, reads as follows:
"1 have your letter of December 31st, stat-
ing you have forwarded your resignationas a
member of the State Ranger Force.
"Under the conditionsas stated by you in
this letter, I do not feel I would be justified
in insisting on your remaining with the Force.
For that reason I am accepting your resignation
as of December 31st.
"Your service with the Ranger Force has been
perfectly satisfactoryto this department,and it
is with regret that we are to lose you from the
Force. However, should conditions change and you
find you can again accept work on the Force, ad-
vise this department and if there is an opening
we will be glad to have you return.
Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 3 (WW-1329)
"With kindest personal regards and best
wishes for the coming year, I am. . . . "
If the service of the Ranger involved in your request
with the Ranger Force was terminated on December 31 1919, such
Ranger would have served one year and 363 days or cwo days short
of the prerequisitetime for eli ibility. On the other hand, if
the Ranger served until January 1 1920, such Ranger served with
the Ranger Force two years and si!idays. According to the record
before us, the Ranger's tender of resignationwas not acted upon
until January 8, 1920, and the Ranger did not cease performing
his duties as Ranger until he received notice of the acceptance
of his tendered resignation,to wit, January 10, 1920.
In view of the foregoing facts, which are undisputedin
the record before this office, you are advised that it is our
opinion the Ranger involved served as a member of the Ranger Force
in excess of two years, and is therefore eligible to receive the
pension provided for in Senate Bill 53, Acts of the 56th Legisla-
ture, Regular Session, chapter 283, page 629, codified in Vernon's
as Article 6228e, V.C.S.
Where a former Texas Ranger served from April
23, 1918 to January 8, 1920 (the date on which his
resignation of December 31, 1919, was accepted)
and from April 1, 1932, to January 18, 1933, he'has
served for an aggregate time of at least two years
prior to September 1, 1947, within the meaning of
Senate Bill 53, Acts of the 56th Legislature,Regu-
lar Session, chapter 28 , page 629, codified in
Vernon's as Article 6223e, V.C.S., and is eligible
to receive the pension provided therein.
Yours very truly,
Attorney General of Texas
W. V. Geppert, Chairman
Dudley McCalla
Jerry Roberts
Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 4 (W-1329
Arthur Sandlin
Norman Suarez
BY: Houghton Brownlee, Jr.