September 11, 1950
Hon. John Ben Shepperd Opinion no. TV-1104
Secrekry'oi State.
Austin, Texas . Re: Whether oorporatlon may
be chsrtered under Sub-
dlvlelon 105, Art. 1302,
V.C.S., to furnish
%ecre8t10n81" fecllltlee
,~ona oharitable~and eduos-
Dear Sir:. .:. ,.k,, ‘,
.,.ij tlon8l:baSie...
-'.'-,~Porrr:~oent.pequest for.iin oplnlo& aeke whethec~the
f&&& Weslaoo Reoreation Assooletion 1s
co*porated iiuder Se&Ion 9 of Artiole 1302, Vernon~s Civil
,Sta~tea;::~rafher.,~~-_trnderSubdivlelon :105 of .th8t Article
:authorlaiag~, f~Maed.fO~ “ReligiOUSa Charita-
ble, Literaryfi Xioientit’io or ~&lacst.lon8l~ purpose8.
,~ A.. The p&posed, oherrter~ st&e&.itti p&pose to be:
~'&'&&-~&& inview of 6plnlone of i'ormerAttor-
ney~~&&8l, .oitd~iLa;A&orney Qener81 Opinion O-l.171 ~(1939)
you oonolude that this corporatlon retryonly be oh8rteredo unde;
Subdlvlslon 9 of Artiole 1302 authorising oorpor8tlone
. : .%o a&o&~& &ntku'bi&ole olube,.end
other 1nnoOent 8poPt8:.~?
You suggest th8t the aotlvlty recited in the quoted
purpose olauee 15 not primsrily "eduoetion8l" although you
reoogulte the breed oonnotation of th8t telm lndlO8ted in
Conley v. Dmuhtera of the Rembllo 106 Tex. 80, q6 S.W.197
~1913~I where it is Stated th8t the'term "education 8s ueed
Hon. John Ben Shepperd, page 2 (V-1104)
In the statute Includes
.'"b lts'broad6st'setitie;
-+I ncitm&rely the
lnSti%~tioa‘r~cel~ed iit school 6F:'dolleg6,bat
the uhdle~~otirse of trainlng,'moral, lnt~llebfual
8nd $ih@Iiio&ilf
It.18 dot limltea to"the ofij,nary'
Xnsttictlon of the child In the pursuit:of llter-
at-. n ,. " '..
direct your &ttentlon""to the fact
thatthe orga~iistlon proposes to'tiu@p6rt ohaPltable.snd edu-
~atloii&l :&"recreatl~n" for school
chlldjr;eti&d~Bault#; ~'Such 8 mrpo'&e Itinot syiiongmous wlth~'
su~portlng sport9':c~~s.~or:'sports~~8i?tl~l~les,.slthougklt~'m8y
includi3 the‘Suppi5rt bf Spo*tk 88 a recPeatlon. It'mlght also
ih~liie.:other iomqa -of recreation-not commonly aeaominated
"sp9rts '!
L j
.:.W*T,~~$"& .:F&&e~fi
why "q&ts" ~:bpHp~cre&tlo*~ ~wy -
not~be"supported +'a ~~oh&rTtablij &% BduMtloiial bcisis.~: .Siib-
~~9~is~'desiBnea't~'a~thorlseotheFth8n pWely oh&M-
table'or educational~&nterprises suppiji%bg "liinocent sports."
Su~dlv~~o~~:1~~is';:~oi'course, .muoh broader than Subdivlslon
9.and may~lhcliide'8O~~Vi~'ieS"set 6tit in~SubdLV,isiin 9 maln-
_... a-cihkrltable
. ii . eduo8tlona~ basis.
_ _ or ~-,,~.
TV’Tlie“.-pi;i~~~~~“:op~nI~~s +efe*d. to I.powt ~ouc:.thst; td
qu&l‘ify~~&s'~X5tipoF8tlijn*hose purpose ls"to".~uppo~t'eduoa-:‘
~tl~~~~b~e~ir~r~;~~~bd~oatiionBust b;b th;tiprimary~.objeot;iI&or-
$6rat~6C%ndbii +o@* ohkrter, thei?iifor6,ITinlts'the~aotiiilties
oft t~_h~~rat~n-..~"tfia(lB-'which &e ~~~~lly'educatiodal.~
Th(t fabt :t;
~laQ5*'aevit%tetit0 tic:'
tlvltles~'dtilZrjid6-or powers
bejiondits~oor-giort%te~ di5edes
Its incor~Mt.tion Wtd6r"sulch limitatloni.~"Th6st8ted purpose
a'o6FpMiitlon Is'notPliniited
are--primarily edueatlonal If they are ln
fact &U~table. . .
You &'rie,“therefoiie,advised that the subject oorpora-
tlon majr'be'ijh&rteredtnideF Subdlv~slon 105. Its activities
will, however, be limited as indicated.
Ron. John Ben Shepperd, page 3 (v-1104)
A corporation whose purpose Is to support
charitable and educational endeavors Pn a com-
munity by‘ providing vacation time recreation
for chlidren of school age and~llmlted recrea-
tional Saollltles for adults may be Incorporated
under Subdivision IO5 of Article 1302, V.C.S.
Such activities must be charitable or primarily
educational In fact.
Yours very truly
Attorney General
Everett Rutchlnson
Bxecutlve Assistant
Charles D. Mathews
First Assistant