Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablt:Claude Isbell secretary of :?tate kuetin, Taxes Attention: J. L. Mc3arlty Peer Sir: Opinion MO. G-781E :‘:e hare reoeived pur IS quoted a8 r0n0w8: *%a00 Mile c: tloned below. this alab und 105 of Artlal stetutss. these attorneya that the araileble, lnmmuoh t JIBrefloated that wa he6 al- lub with the name *Kaea s tiled on June 26, 1919, and benefit of the State by this ever, of the opinion that thle fee I and that e flllnr;tee in thm mm vc been colleated by this offloe ln aonnsatlon with such fllln~. '20are of t?m opinion that such a alub should be subJeat to 8 mlninwn annual ,frea- chlss tax, at t>at time in the sum of S10.00 and qndbr the prea8nt statutes, in the sum of $2G.~0. Te a6 ad- uloed these attorneys on Farah 15th. Hon. Claude Isbell - Page 2 "On March 18th, these attorneys further advised us that they were of the opinion that suoh a olub oould be organized under the provisions of Section 105 of Artiale 1302 of Vernon's Annotated Texas Revised Civil Statutes. . We hand you herewith a photostatlo oopy of this proposed incomplete, unexecutecland unacknowledged charter and respeatfully ask you for your opinion as to the following: .~#es---l-- -.., ._.. ~, "First: Whether or not the proposed oharter should be filed by this offloe under any Seation of Artlole 1302 of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes. Yeoond: In the event that such propoaea charter if aompleted and properly exeoutea and aoknowleagea, should be filed by this offloe, please ad- vise what the proper filing fee should be an8 if the aala dub would be subjeot to an annual rranohlse tax." Before the proposed charter oan be properly oonsldered for filing by the Secretary of State, it must first meet the statut.ory requlraments pertaining to iorm. It 1s neoeseary that the charter contain all apeoifla items as set out in Articles 1304 and 1312, V.A.C.S., and it must be properly subscribed and aoknowleclgefl pur-. suant to the provisions of Artiole 1305, V.A.C.S. Upon satisfying the statutory provisions relating to form, the oharter may then,,be viewed from the,standpolnt of compllanae with substantive laws. A corporate name la essential to the exlstenoe of a cor- poration as it 1s made so by statute. There is no general statute in Texas preventing a corporation from taking any name that it may seleot, although by Article 4700, V.A.C.S., insurance companies are prohibit~eafrom selecting a name similar to that of another existing insuranoe oompany so as to mislead the public. At common law, how- ever, oorporations generally were prohibited from seleotlng 9 name similar to that of an existing oorporation so as to deceive the public and this rule of law now prevails in Texas. Suoh a slmilarlty OT names ten& to create oonfuslon with Espect to suoh oorporate aatlvlties as contraotual negotiations, mail alstrlbution, and many others too nunemus to mention here. It 1s the duty of the Seoretary of State to inquire into a similarity of corporate names and reject the proposed charter of a new corporation when it offers the adoption 4;s Ron. Claude Isbell - Page 3 of a name which so nearly resembles that of an already existing cor- poration as to be misleading. Names for oorporatlone are of an un- limited source and we believe it to be no hardship upon the incor- porators here who propose the name Y~aco Rifle and Pistol Club" to seleot a name substantially different from that of the already existing corporation; namely, "Waco Rifle Club." For a further dls- cussion of similarity of corporate names, see 14 C. J. 310 and Rlldebrand on Texas Corporations, Vol. 1, iV29, p. 128. The lnoorporators here have stated the purpose of their proposed corporation in Article Two of the charter to be as follows: "This association 1s formed for the purpose of edu- cating citizens of the United States resident in our oommunlty in the art of the safe handling and use of Sire- arm6." To authorize the foregoing purpose, the incorporators have suggested either subdivisions 2 or 105 of Artiole 1302, V.A.C.S;, whioh we quote as follows: "2. The support of any benevolent, charitable, eau- oatlonal or missionary undertaklng. "105. Corporations may be created for one or more of the following purposes, namely: Religious, Charitable, Literary, Scientific or Educational. Acts 1945, 49th Leg., p. 119, oh. 81 B 1." In 1945, the 49th Legislature added subdivision 105 to Artiole 1302 and by doing so simply authorized any one or comblnatlon of purposes already listed in subdivisions l-.anb2 of the Article (See opinion of thls offioe addressed to you numbered O-0043 and dated November 5, 1945). A selection of one of these two subdlvlslons 1s immaterial here as the provisions of both overlap and our problem is to determine generally whether the term educational as used in eaoh can be reconciled with the purpose as stated in the charter. The charter must speolfy the purpose for which the corpor- ation 1s to be created with sufficient clearness to enable the Seore- tary of State to see that the purpose listed is one providea for by the statute. In determining this, the Secretary OS State is not restricted to the literal wording of the purpose olause in the oharter which adopts the very words of the statute, hut he may oonslderall features of the charter and olroumstances surrounding the proposed incorporation to aeclde whether the primary object of the corporation 1s within the statutory purposes suggested here, 1. e., eduoational. * r 49 ,.. eon. Claude Iabell - Page 4 In the case of Razen v. National Rifle Ass'n of Amerioa, 101 Fed. 26 432, the United States Court of Appeals (D.C.) had before it a aorporate charter listing its purposes as (1) educating the youth of the nation in marksmanship, (2) improving marksmanship of members and (3) encouraging msrksmsnahip throughout the country. The Court, in holding that the personally of such corporation was not ex- 'empt from the taxation statute, stated that although these activities might be in some small measure eduaational, not one of the objects was neoeasarilg or exclusively educational in character. In the case of Vredenburg v. Behan, 33 La. Ann. 627, the Court held that a rifle olub organized under a statute providing for the creation of corpor- ations for "literary, scientific and charitable purposes" was not properly organized within said statute. In the case of State v. Fuai- neaa Men's Athletic Club, 163 S.W. 901, the Court of Appeals of Ma- aourl held that a corporation organized to provide its members with entertainment and exhibitions of agility and activity auoh as boxing, basketball and other sports, was not organized for eduaatlonal pur; poses. To the same effect, see Mohawk Mills Aaan. v. Miller, 22 N.Y.S. 2nd 993. It appears that the aaaoolation here is to be formed for the benefit and advantages of its members as a olub so that they may enjoy, exhlbit.and beoome sdept in the art of rifle and platol'ahoot- w3. In carrying on this objeative, eduoation is but an incidental feature. It la not the exaluaive or prlnolpal objeot of the aaaoci- ation. If rifle and pistol ahooting,were primarily educational, then the term oould, with equal propriety, be extended to include nesrly everything pertaining to the oaoupationa, endeavors, experienose and pleasures of man, as theae~are to some extdnt educational in nature; We believe the Legislature, by authorizing eduoational purposes for corporations, intended those oorporatlona to be engaged in aomethlng more than inoidental eduoatlon, 1. e., a corporation must have for its primary purpose the giving of inatruotiona in some reoognlzed field of knowledge. Consequently, it la our opinion that the purpose of the asaooiation here does hot come within the meaning of the~term eduas- tlonal as used in aubdTiiTaiona2 and 105 of,Article 1302, V.A.r It is our further opinion that the purpose of this oorpor- ation does oome within t.heprovisions of and is authorized by aub- division-4 of Artiole 1302, which we quote as follows: "To support and maintain bicycle clubs, and,other innocent sports. Acts 1897, p. 189; G.L. vol. 10, p. 1243." This department has frequently construed the above subdivi- sion and the term "lnnooent sportsn has been defined at length in our opinion numbered O-2866 ad$.ressedto the Seoretary of State and dated EM. Claude Iebell - Fags 5 XovaPtb8r 15, 1940j to rhlah you my refer. A typioel exemple or **part* cad one almost alweya lleted bf the authoritise 14 *hunting*. We belleve bwfti afstol and rifle shootlag to be almaZy allied with %untlng*, and wltr?ot..t further elsboratlon on tha matter it 1s our opinion that the art and sport of TiSfle and rlstol shooting* exer- ~oired lawfully and an nasied in the ahemer oleerly oomes within the , term ninnooent aports” ab epeolflsU in eubdlvlslon 9 af Xrtlale 1302, V.A.C.6. Artiole 5914, Q.l..U .S., eatabllshee the feea to be oberged by the seontary or State upan the filla or in oharter, the pertinent parta of whioh we quote belowr “Upon flllng esoh ahsrter, emendment or su pleaent tbnto of a aorporetlon for the support of pubPio worehip, any benevtolent, ahedteble, eauaatlonal, mis~lonury, IAt- rrery or roientlfla underteklag, tke melntenanoe of a Ub- rery, tha gromotlon of a publla oemterp not far profit and tb enoouregement OS rgrlonlture and kortioulture, to aid lte memben in produolq aad merketlag agrloulturel pro- Euota, or for aaqulrlng, reislng, breeding fattening or matrketingilve atoak, U filing See of Ten fWJ.00) ;nollors, and for rung the esml-ennusl rinenaial rt8tement or euah agriotitural pro&iota or live etook oorporstlon, Tea (!310.00) Dollere, uhlah shall lnolude tha annual llaensa fee. “Upon flli!~ eaoh eherter, smendment or eupllament there- As we have hsld thet the propored aeaoolatlon here is not for the support of an e&aostlouel undertaking, it follonr thst said aeso- clatlon fall8 wlthfn the statutory langua&e reedinu *piveto oorpor- atlon or&ted fcir any ather purpose isxtended for mutuel. .I benefltw and that acnnequently the $50.00 flllug fee 1s spplioeble end due. Artlale IO&%%, Q.~,.C.~., authorizes the fran~blea tax for every domeetlo an4 forelffn aorporation ahartered or lmmrfrsd to do buefnees in Texas. %a quote below only that part of the etatute wbleh we believe applieeble to the fa8te here; *.....provlded, that suoh tax shnll not be leatar fMan Twenty rollare (.“aO) in the oaae of s oorporatlon, f&t those without oaplt@$letoek, md provide8 further +w=, %a tax ehell in no ca~se~iiiputed on a sum leea than the aeeeesed velue, for State ad valorem tax purpoaee, of the property owned by the oorgmtion in this State.” (Xmphssle edaec) . 51 Hon. Claude Isbell - Page 0 Purs,uantto the wording of the foregoing statute, it is our opinion that the minimum Twenty Dollar ($20) annual Sranchise tax should be assessed against the corporation proposed here. Article 7094, V.A.C.S., lists the types of aorporations ex- empt from payment OS the Sranohise tax and is quoted as follows: "The Sranohise tax imposed by this chapter shall not apply to any insuranae company, surety, guaranty or Sidelity company, or any transportation aompany, or any sleeping, oalace car and dinins oar oom~sn~ whioh is now reauired to for private proSit,-- or corporations organized Sor the purpose of holding agricultural fairs and encouraging agrioultural pursuits, or for striatly eduoational purposes, or Sor purely publio oharity." (Emphasis added). The aharter revealk that the association has no aapital stook; but is it one organized Sor the exolusive purpose of promoting the public interest? :Kathink not.1 She Suoreme Court of Oklahoma In the oase of Jtate v. Crockett, 206 p. 81i, deiines "publio interest" thus: nPublic interest means more than a mere ouriousityr it means something in whioh the public, the oommunity at large, has some peouniary interest, or some interest by which their legal rights or liabilities are aiieoted." All statutory eSeItIpt$.onS SIYXntaxation are strictly oon- strued and one olaiming an exemption must bring himself olearly within the statutory exemption. MoCollum v. Assooiateg Retail Credit Men OS Austin, 41 S.5:.26 45. The association here is purely a private oon- oern, oreated for the advanoement OS a private end and whose objeot is to promote private interests. It is to be formed for the beneSit and advantages of its members and the Sranohise oonierred is 'tobe exer- cised in their behalf. Consequently, it is our opinion that it is not a oorporation organized to promote pub110 interest and theresore does not come within the foregoing provisions OS the exemption statute. To reoapitulate, and speciiically answering your two qnes- tions in the order asked, it is o"r opin~ionthat the proposed,oharter here under oonsideration may be properly filed under Section 9 OS Artiale 1302, V.A.C.S., when it is validly subscribed, soknowledged I,., 52 Hon. Claude Isbell - Page 7 and oom leted; ttit the proper Siling S3e to be oharged is FiStty ($50.00P Collars and that the oorporation is subjaot to an annual franchise tax as required by law. Very truly yours &g-L I$;;&- JKA:djm