Dr. J. W. Rdgm, Cossxissioaer
Texas Education Agency
Austin, ,Texas
Altteation: Bon. L. A, Woods
Opinion ma. v\r-zogo.
Re: Authority of Independ-
ent School District
Board tbroqh Its Treas-
ups&’to plaae bond pro-
Des3 Sir: tree&a 011 time deposit.
You have requested an opinion on the author-
ity of the CarrIea Spirings, Independent School District
ME”, to plaoc on time deposit money secured from bond
Information eontained In your request reflects
The Union State Bank, Carrlza Springs, is the
tily qualified treasurer of the Independent School Dis-
trict. The dir&riot has properly voted, issued, and
so.ld bon& to obtain funds with whi,ah to purchase land
Andyconstruct school buildings, About $2OO,OOO.OCfrom
this bond sale will not be needed for an estimated pe-
riod +of six months due to title defects that must be
cured in some land nhieh the Board proposes to purchase,
This 1$200,000.00 1,s now on deposit with the Union State
Bamk which is the tre s rer for the Independent School
Dls~lct 9 The S&&m has requested the Bank in
it;s.%apacity as reasurer of school funds, to acce&
bhlij bond money * eposit in interest-bearing, non-
ehepklmg time deposit ;(reaoupts by virtue si* the Rank’s
bid to act, as treasurer. I%%18the Bank refused to do,
&%iele 2832, VeC..S., p%oovldes in part;
“fn any independent district of more
than v q 6 (150) scholastics, whether it be
in a city which has aS6UBIed oontrol of the
rchools wIthIn i&s lialt~, 06 a oorporation~
for mohool puppoles only, and whet;be# organ-
ized under general law OF cmated $P speoial
act, the treasurer of the school fuad ahall
be that pemon or corpopatlon who offer8 aa%-
Isfactory bond aod the bert bid oi ia&peLt~
on the avefage dal1.y baloaoer fop #e prlvi--
lege 0r acting ata 6uoB ~ea~wec~ 2he %mae-
urea wheu %&INselected shall sepve fop a
term 0S two year8 an8 until Ma 8p19oe~~or
ehall have been duly relearted and guallfled
and he shall be Peguired to IPre botul in an
maount equal %o %he cstlmat et amount or the
drotal %ecelptr ~osalng annual1 IsLo Ma handr,
when rueh bond is a personal $ and; provided,
that when a bond la execut@tQby a rupety oom-
pan OF is a bond other than a peP&oaal bond,
au@ii bond shall be in ap.,amoun%spur1 to the
highest eatlmated daily balomr ior the our-
rent biennium to be detemlned @ ,the govern-
iw body Of SU& school dirtrictj 0 0 o
1, O Said bond ahall be payable to the
pmuldtkk of %he IboW aod~bis aucoeaaora 10
offloe, aonditloned Pop %he talebid. discharge
of %he %reawper’a dutlee and the payment of
the buodr pee&iweQ by hi* opom tie drsndt ,of
the preridea% of the mhool board dpav$ up@
oavler, duly entered of &he board of trustecr,
Said bond &all be &Jieb @oadltfonsd that
We tFearpl%ep 6hall aaiely keep and faithfully
diMxwre all Btmdmooalng Into his hands a8
Weaawe8, a@d ahall faithfully pay oveP to
hfa auocesaoy al; balamer remaining in hla
handa, 0 0”
Wnder timis A&icle the School Board hae author-
It to oelect a tpeaauper, and we find oo obgection to
UQs on State Bank ao&iug aa treasurer alnce $6~ request
states that the Bank haa aatiabled the Fequirements 0%
the Art;icsleO
The rule that prpoaeede oi bond sales must be
to tie puppose for wh.fgh the bondr weFe
i es$ab.blfshedO The Attorney Qene$al’a Of-
rice has written mmerous opinloams holding %ha%ie t&e
absence of express sta%u%oaFg authority bond proceed6 may
not be ueed for any pu??pose othef than that $0~ whulbich
the bonds wem iasuedd A “tfnae deposit” alglal%ier %&e
i DrO J. W. Edgar, Page 3,,~ (V-lO!#O),
placing of money In an account from uhieh It can only be
withdrawn at the expiration of a apeclfled and deflalte~
period set out in %he deposld; agreement. The usual min-
imum period of a time deposit 1s thirty (30) days, and
the maximum period may be any agreed to by deposltor and
depository, so long as it j.s allowed by banking laws,
Thus i% differs from an open account which may be wlth-
drawn a% any time on demand of the depositor, We find
no statutory authority for bond proceeds of an lndepend-
ent school district to be placed In time deposits.
Hei%her do we flnd authority in the statutes
to allow %he school boaad OF Its treasurer to rellnqulsh
control of such bond proceeds at any time or for any pe-
riod 0 If the treasurep, at %he direction of the School
Board or for any other reason, submitted money from bond
i proceeds to a time deposit, such action would constitute
%he treasurer’s loss of control of such fmds, and a dl-
version of the bond pkoceedm by the treasurer from a
simple safekeepjng to a use o%her than that for which
the bonds were voted,
Although placing the funds In question In a
time deposit would no% constitute a “loan,” the Supreme
~~5”~,~~,~3%~,~~9~~~~,rnhv” Taylor, 81 Tex. 59, I6 SaWa
t e generra’f rule on use and con-
trol of proceeds from bond sales in the following lan-
guag e :
,z0 0 0 The oitg had power %o raise a
fund fop the constauctlon of water-works
under the limitations l.mposed by law, but
when such a fund was Pal.sed it could only
be used fop %he specific puppose, and be-
came j wfthlm the meaning of the law 9 a’ spe-
cial fund- If it could be loaned for a day
i% oouPd be loaned fop much longer period
as the cl%y au%hoz4%lee might see proper to
Ioan It, and %hus a special fund be raised
for a lawful p~pose, ,and used fop a pup-
pose essentlallg unlawful o It may be Fe-
plied that in %his case %he city, under %he
a.grPeement with the Pannln Goumty Bank, would
mot have 0eem bound %o leave the fund with
that batik fos any deflnl%e perlod If it need-
ed the money to une for Mae puPpose for which
i% was raised, bu% this does no% affect %he
law of %he case0 0 D The %peasuper might have
selec%ed the borrowing bank as a depositaxy
of the fund, but if, in p~suanos of an U.D-
lawful order, he had dellveP%d the fund to
that bank as a bora?ower, he and the sureties
on hls bond would have been liablh bar a mia-
app~op~iatlon of the fund, 0 D 0”
We believe the prfnelples expressed as to use
of funds dedicated to a speclflc purpose and 1086 of aon-
trol of such funds, apply to the raltuation presented Q
the desired action of the CarPplzo SprW$s School Boatid
Proceeds of the sale of bonds by an in-
dependent school distriot maa DONbe pl&Oed
on time deposit by the Wea~ura~ of the dlt+
trlot in the absence Of BpeOibiO @ta%utOF$
APPROVEDS Youm osrp tml~
George We Spadct3 PRIQC DAlmL
Cb~%f, Bond DQvlslon Attornep tksleral
Everett Xut@hiaesoK~
Execu$fve Assistant
QRa~las I)* Mathews
Flrat Assslstam% r - Asslatant