Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

732 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 733 734 735 736 Honorable Arthur B, Knlokerbooker, Page 5 a’ * ‘* and the Adjutant G&ma1 shell not lease or, eubl9aso Qroperty tar armory pukposee in “9 pelity or by any HIuaio from any parson other than the Texas lfatlonel Qua14 Armory Board, 80 long es adequate faoilities for suoh armory purpose& in or about suoh muniofpeltty are available for renting frC%I the.m~ti~ N~tiOIid GWd AIYQOTY BOWFde” The widen4 purpose of this amendmentwe0 to streng- then Artiola 5890b by giving the Ad utent General the express right tQ 4XQeUte ~Oailetl With ti4 Nai tonal &lard Armory Board, Sinoe the 8upreze Qourt had hqld in the fort Worth gavelry Olub vi& Sheppard aees B,~JAxe, that he had no exsrese power under the ,,atatute .80 do, ?&!t8, the. Legislature haa granted the Xtatlondil Uuard Armory ‘Board the, power and authority to do all that frr~neoeseary.to proviUa,the State with l&&ion& Guard ArJne*ies. ‘POfurther thie purpose, the herd wee au- thorized tb’borruw mosey; to ledge the rent pmrlte to BBOUTB euoh indebtedness, ,~SUO ii pr~fita to btz~derived from rentlng armorlob to the StaCe within the lfinitatione of our- rent apprOQrfaCiOA# n16deto said Board, and the Adjutant aen- erel wea d@gimted to aot, es the agent to oerry out the pur- QOeeZ3iAt8Ad4d. .A~? YOUOVA see, the LegislatUre d&egeted broad power6 to. the Neti@ Guard Amtory Board, ~stld the oourte .have given a.libairaJ oonatruotlW to the 80%. Ii, the ~Adjrit.cidS&neral waives~ hie rights or other- wiee ~ieile. or r@‘uaes to lei@q or cub-lease a8 provided in Sub- aeotion(l)of stqeticq II~of Aid&ale 5B90b, su re, then, Ln anewe.r to pour g6ound.1 questioz, it is our OQ!in$oz that the Texas Hetion~.Quq~~Armozg Board.would have the authority to 8X&?lh~ e +a#'t;O the.Bort;m~th.Qtqa3xy Qlub, a private oqporation, a portlon~oi..t&s property t&at ia not raquired by the T&as National. Quard, ~pxvided the leese,obtaihed Iron the Federal Qovelpmsnt authorised the sub-lease, and provided furthwr that it 14 dub-leaesd for its reasonable value. Th4 National Guard Armory Board fe authorized to sub-rent to National GuaJ?~units, armory teoilities a8 etat%d In opinl.on No. O-5505 herewith ettaohed. wPW1sl Inol.