-. ,”
opted Ralmta Ro8olu-
-alnth am&ate 0r
ruPwaRt’to wah &rut* Ro8olutlon aad mtioo, ard
~mlout .hlt7wll rra tha oouartwr, th@ 8watolw mat 1R th
but. ohmbar on tha 8th da7 of satwary, 1946. Aftar a
QuommURI obtalaod, l r a q wr t mm ma6. oi tin Oovornor that
jioaor*bl. (km@ H. Shepprb, paBe 2
b penat to thea his aoPllIastioas for vmrioum off~ose fillmd
br hW after ths sdjourmat of ths Iaglrlature in Juas 1945.
fhereupoQ the group “stood et vesv” vat11 Jsaw7 21, d46.
The ooveraor iailed to present say aon1ast1wr. p
1 1 or rth lrw0e.~ lppoIatws vnsobt.1ae4 r r o m th ek o r stuJ
0s8tste, a Qala M attempted lwatin eeuIon, at 5845 ?.Y.
on ~aapul 2L 1946, the nameOS mm knga urosler es a wmtmr
sad chdrun of ths Texas uasmplo)wa f 0apsaut1oa Oalsrllnl
for the tom 0 irIQ& monmber 26, 1946 vss rojestsd, &ad
the 4eontu7 3 the 8eMt. h 8 pw&d fou vlth l wr tl-
floats to thlr sffsot. All othvr aens VSCS OOarIrmd.
Y6u~rdrIr uut the T8us uaomp107msatoovpsasstIoa
comlssloa w7roll for the math of Jsnvsr7 he been prswat-
ld to you for vursats to Issue la payment thereof. This psy-
roll our108 ths a8ms of ths Oh4lmsa, 8srr7 Bsagp Crozlor,
for thv fall month of Jsauu7. You her, sakod the oplaloa
OS thlr &opmtmat oa ths follovlag quoStIoas:
ths mtloa bf the Esaati as sortlS1.d b7 ths
8eoretu7 oi the kastot
2. Are JOU prohibited by law Sra aooeptlty
th ewtlo a o fthe knete o nI& . ppolat-
Or o slsr gls
uat es v8lltl oa Ifs fmot
UhIlo ths lnedlato quostloa proseated la this rs-
wut is vhather tha Oomptroller 18 required to lssus b VW-
r a ntinp ep ea otfuu lp p o la teo wlnr7,
’s lt p0a.r tb ul-
tint0 question 0r th8 loylitt of th0 retilrg oi thi kastors
vas rs wtod.
lt whloh ths lg p a 1 nt.o Ii sash wstl~ -8 Ia-
nlld ths l olatss, bwirrg a uly qrulIiIu& holds his oiiloe
legeli untl P rsjsoted by ths 8enste et 4 valid sssL&oa. If
tlw wssloa vas mild, then t&n lppolatoe~s rojoatloa operato
to moat* the ofiloe sad OS eouree no sslsr~ thuofor 18 su-
This wtlag or tha &Mtow vsa velld ualoss it
Plslnly ooatravvaes ths Coastltutloa of ths 8tsto of lW88
lM rerogalsiag that It VW l slno o r e attempt by mhosmaro-
Pr*rmatmtlns of the pooplo to dlsaharge th0l.r ooantltutloasl
Bonorsble Oeorge B. Sheppard, psge 3
duties, Its rslidltr her baea ooa8Idorod la the light of the
Veu-SSttiS6 pmbOip~# VhiOh ~SVS gUld*d thr Courta la their
gusrdisashlp of the orgsaio lsv.
P.uuouat of rush plaolples la thst the paver of
the bgI@l.StWo of TuM, OS vhlsh ths Ssasto Is sa Iatagrsl
psrt, la vIrtusll7 sbsoluto sad Is nstrlotod oa17 br express
or aooesssrll~ Impllod prohibitions of thm Coastitutioa. It
IS m8Id thSt thS dtSto OoastItutloa la Sa Iastrunat of rules
sad msxlms In ssoordsaso vith vhIoh tha othorvlso absolute
povrrs 0r soverui(prt7 must ba lxeroiad. Psre~athrtloslly, it
me7 lw noted that the Coagress of the Wltod atstem dlfrws in
Its fUQOtlOQ from the Wiats LogIslAta?e Ia thst tha Fodersl
Coimtltutloa Is oas of sas8orstod povors.
Hoosuss of this broad paver sad slso becsuw the
Isgislrtao Is S brmwh OS tha Oovoramsat oo-ordinate vlth
the judlolor~, the oourts vlll ladulgs the prasuaptioa thst
ths kglslstum iatmadad no vlolstioa OS ths OoastItutIoa sad
~111 uphold lay oi Its rots vhero thorn Is S teaSUS basis ror
so doing. ml. Ssmptloa, hovovvr, Is aot ooaslaslve sad
uhmana Aot of tE XagIslatvrS, or of either tbu &rut* or the
Rouse oil Roprrssat8tlves, plaLal ooatravoaes the CoastItatIoa,
there IS a 0ompmll1agdut7 to hoIa that Aot invalid. There is,
then, to ooasIder this meotlag of the kastors In tba light of
the portiaant provIslcas of the Ooa8tItutIaa of Texss.
The psople era roverslga aad In the lx e r o laof
th0i.r labmoot powrti hsvs orutml S Oovvramsat saa dlvldwl
the pavers thonoi Into thme dlstlact dSpsrtmsat8, aSoh of
vhloh 18 ooafIdS6 to l SspSrSto bod7 of lu(lstrac~ -- thorn
vhloh are &gIslatIvm to oa.8 thosa vhioh sre Rxaoutlrs to
roothej ud thoss vhlah S~S JvdIoISl to mothor. Artlolr 2,
SSotLoa 1, of tbm Qoastltutloa, rftor deilalag suoh wpuste
dapsrtmsats, provldesr
%ad ac person, or oollootloa of persons,bet-
lag of oao of then deput88at8, till lerolu
any powr proper17 lttaohod Lo either of the
others, oxwpt la the Iastwoes heroin oxproms-
ly parUtted.
This masge Is sa IahIbItloa. It I8 Stroag l@ag-
asge, Iateaded to prevent ou OS the uld brsaohos OS the
State Oovvranat iron tuabrtrkiag to do vhSt tha orgsala law
of the State direotr shill or’msr bs doa~ only by sucther.
A... ii
goaorsbls borga H. %epprd, psge 4
Relstlog to the ooarealog of the lagirlature, aSa
ths order o? busIaess of its regular SeSSiOS, Artiole 3, s00-
tIca 5, of the CoastItutioa pPOtidO8:
-7s thereof siisll k dew&d to the Introd&
lag of bills rod reso~utI6a8, wtlng upon emsr-
mm87 lp p r o p l*tlo pa es s,sla iur nath io o a ?lr ms-
tl9 ao fth ereoeu smo la twso fth mUonrnor a a d
sueh emerceasY utters as msf be submitted bt the
Oonraor in sieolslwsuges~to the IaglslatLre~
pro+Ided thst emlag the sucoeedlag thIrt7 ds7s
of the regular seuloa of tas Lagislat ure the
varlou8 ocsmIttees a? lsch House sballhold hebr-
logs to ooa8Ider sll bills sad reso1utIoas sad
otherrttersthenpeadlagyl and suchewrdeao7
matters 8s mar be submitted by the Oovernpr~ pro-
vided further that aura the r0u0mg 8ixtr
ds.8 the Iagiehture shsll not \~gonmushbills
d rosolutloas-as -7 be then pondlagand upon
sssh~enageas~mattersSm ru7 bo eubmlttedb7 the
t&VOPQOr iQ 89OOiti ~888~8 t0 t&O ~~i#~tUW;
prorlded h&ever, either House u7 otherrln de-
termlam Its order OS busIaess b7 aa s??Irutlte
vote of ?ou,-flithe of Its wmbershlp.” (ma-
phe.18 saaed)
It vo ula l u fra the uaderllaed portion of the
bbore that ths Log18r tune u7 aot bs ooaveaed after sa sd-
jouranat #lawdls except by the clovernor. Uhea the Coastl-
tutioa spesks, the Le~islsture osa sot on17 la~the meaner 8ad
’to th elxteaa orlded sad the rule thmt %a lxpresnd latea-
tloa la sa Impr ied lxclusIoan la held to be se sp llcsble to
Doa8titutLoas as to 8trtutes (Araold v. Lsosmrd, s 7% 8.Y.
799). It la @Ia that ‘the sr?lmatlve presorIptIoas sad
general srrsagemeats o? the Ooastitutloa sre . . . ?rult?ul o?
restrrIats upoa thm t~Islstae,* sad that “ever7 positive
$aw$oa aoataiar sa Upllortloa sgslast sa7thio(l ooatrux
(C00le~‘. a~8tituthi8i Llm1tst10a.; 8th ml., p.
177) l
Oa der slmllsr ooastItutloPu‘l prorlsIons it hss been
held that rhea the Legislstur~ he sdjouraed et the sxpirstIoa
of Its term, It osaaot sgsla be lsv?ull oslled to&her ex-
OSpt bx the Ooreraor. (Dyer v. f3h~w, 28 1 PSO. 776, 139 0kI.s.
Honorable Oeorgs 8. 8heppsrd, psge 5
1651 8%mpsoatr Hill, 263 F+ss. 6% 126 okls. Sgr &eash v.
stat. 8amstc, 80 pao. 1031, 146 cai. 604)
Rowevor, the ridat 0s t& Lsglslature to ooaveae itnlr
is a& atrIOt the qwstloa, but rhothor sac ~oase Osa Ooa-
vane Vlthwt da other Is aoatrolll kotloa 5, above,
IadIrnkr bey’otd any doubt that the'3. lg I e lUlvsbrrooh of the
Oorrrammnt is aapossd 0s tvo ilrtogrnl put8 -- tha ERUH 0s
Rsp~natatlvosmd the k-t* -- aad thatthetvoOombiMd
err't&LesUlatu?r~ thd6olthsr Ibasoambsvs uyv~IdIt~
o rb elalx8ept
# whoaoornud aad o~~lsad as tba or-o
lsv of the 8tnk pr0l1&8. Astloa on the rvwd mtters oaa
_.. be taba oal7 vhoa the 8mto 18 d la sessloa lM dul7
org8aleod, a there 18 mothlag la Ooast1tat1oa author-
islag muoho r g e a lsstlo
a rhea t&e Hour 0s Reprvnatm-
tires ooavo~s also aad Is oJlpa.lsod as the OoastItutIoa pro-
dAe8. fhis prorisioa a8ptiv08 th8 id08 that, for say 0s
the purposes awed thenIa, 01th~ Xoun oaa hsve sa ladapead-
ant nssIoa.
The rutho?ltJ of the aobmaor to ooovsna the Lo,g-
_ _ -. no tlp p euto
lo 4, aeat1oa a,--+Fwl&.;.
Wn Cio vo r a oma
r r a o n lx tr io r dlueef
o so s-
sio a s,o o a vo a th
s e
o o vo r ma t, or 8t
th a t should be la pos.sessloa 0s the pabl3.s laea7,
or lnorse of the wovskase a? dlsesnthsreat.
33m mtamtim th0we hu stat0 -0iri0-
%hoLe&lslat& la hero truatod (&it la In llmost
sll 0s tbs Qoastltutloa~s nveateoa utlales) as l ua ltld
sIderat1oa to sabjssts designated b7 the OonrMr.
Another ooastltutIoasl prorIsIoa vhioh rlevs ths
bglslsture am s unit sad 01~1'17 lateads thst both Xouses
: .
BonorrbleGeorge B. shopper&, pega 6
~~11 b0 IQ n88iOQ OOMUWeQtlJ IS 8sotIoa17 of Artio~ J,
vhlsh &wovldest
"N0lth0rEouu shdl, without ths ooassat 0s
the other, adjoarafor more than three da78, nor
to 8a7 other plea* then that vhuo the la~lsla-
ture u7 k l ltt1ry.*
Ooavvrself,there 18s olesr Ia?eressethstaelther
Boun w ooavoaevlthoutthe other under the prorIsloas0s
Awlslo f, relntlug to ths Lsglslstln Dspsrtqa~~ao~s~hIs
provlslosqaal:~~ b7 w suah~exprossIoals
. jourar= Joti VS DWDO~. 2hs pruhIbltIoasgsIast
sushw our~~atvlthot the oamnat 0s the otherXoan la
uaqud lilob. m8 n&r 8suloa 0s tb0 nvtpninth tigie-
lstarevss terdruted by alas die sd ornament rosolrdloa vhloh
vss adoptedb7 ths Roun of Ref ena Llns 011Jw Sl, 1945,
sad b7 the BeMto on June 1, 1 45. There vere no nssrvs-
tloas Ia this resolutloaso s&opted,se la seea ?rsa its
~ne-m 1
This resolutIoalxhsuste
or- the 7ert7-nlath Ls
uatll It should bs 8s maaau dIot8t-
ad by the OoastltutIoa-- 4hat is, by the ull0r the Ooveraor.
It 0-t k h0ld that the mental nrrv0tlooe 0s th0 kast0rs
as lxhIblt.4 b7 their sdmsquont .rwolutIom 011JUM 2, 1945,
vhlsh rosolutloa~88 aot ooasurredla b7 ths llouse of Repro-
8mdi~08, t0 -0t OS a~ 8, 1916, h4 tbi .0rr~0t 0s
a&flag hide and tmgetItI~ the pl~la dtilnktoe o?~the Con-
ths po+lsloas 0s Art;010 15 0s fhr ooa8titutioa,
rolatl to th0 irprO0huat povars 0s b0thbraaOh08 0s ths
Ls@slaT ms aronot@mmaetothIs oglaIolr,~ lstheo~w
of ?orgu8oa v. Maddox, (263 8.U. 888) iebtlap to rush pavers.
f0 qwatloa 0s the OF Of th0 kgi#utUW t0 cOOWEO itSOl?
ves Iavolvedla ths?-osss aad sert*lalyao qaestioa0s the
~se~s~?~ae brsash only of the Le~l@lrtwe to ooaveaeItnl?
gonorsbls Oeorgs H. shrppsrd, pge 7
Artiole 4, aeatioo 12, of the OOllStitUtiOU 0s Texas,
s~~ios117 pro+ldes for the Oonraor~s mskiug sppolatmeats
t0 fill rsssasles ssa r0r the ooa?lrmstioa 0s his sppolatmsat8
by the 8OMtO a8 ?OiiOVS~
%ll vassasles In 8tste f aIstrIot o??Ioes,
exsept members0s the LeglslUvre, shsll be fin84
aaless othervln poritled br lav, W sppslatunt
or the Oowmsr, vhloh sppdatmsat, If msds dur-
lag Its nssloa, sin11 be vlth the adrlee sad ooa-
SMt Of tUO-third8 O? thy ‘Ihut p?OSS& I? ISSdO
rsea to fill suoh wuae~,
aoml4aod to Beute aw* tb first toa a~~8
-0s it8 8088i0b I? rejeated, wld
offlOe shsll
Iwdi8to1rbaoau tuant. ad tha oom,roorshsll.
vithout dvby# rrbr rathir wuaatioas, until l -
0osfIrmstloat&se plsse
In the natjar llasd
pprtbas o? the shove, lt Is uai-
rest tbst M QOOtia the 8SMtO r0r the purpon 0s
o o ur lmla g l Ia tr a ts vu
over latoaded. UhIle a sssslsa sad
8 reoess 0s i!IzIkamte me watioaad, It omaot possibly be
Iu?orred that this usul r0r0r0m0 vu lateaded to rathorlse
8 upsrate ud ladepeadaat nssloa. On th mlO(Ltrary, It does
sotsaptemp&te tbs 8SMt0’8 oomtlnalngio nssloa aattitb
Oovsraor~r lppaiatmeats hers been ooa?lrmad. By Its terms,
if there la 00 00m.mtion “during the sss8ioa 0s the 8ea8te”
the Oonraor %s~ amslat ssm othar mmrsoato fill ths vsosass
or ustll thfr next reru+r-
obvious thst the tZ”% 1a%tT~@
aoxt nssloa 0s tha +gIslstawe aad tit tbs term “the aext
wssIoa o? the knate vu und oalr beorss ths pO~i8iSS
VS8 d~ditig Vith a pS?tiOU~r ?UMtiWk Of tht aO(IM.
: ’
Eonorsble Oeorge R. Sheppsrd, page 8
Further, it should be noted thst In the srrsngemant of the
~onrtltutloa this provision la found la ths article relating
to the Exeoutlve Dspsrtaeat, rod oertslal~, InoIdsnt8l refer-
~nces to the bgi8lStUW, or either of its HOMea, ~111 not
operste to modify or lnlsrgs the speoiflc protIsIons of the
preocdlng Article 3, relstlng to the LegIslstlre Depsrtment.
IQ the OSU of 8lffpSOK4 v. Bill (SuprS), the Supremo
Court of Okleho8s quoted vlth spprovsl frownthe holding of
the Court of App8sls of #au York (Court of 188t resort in
that stste) thst “the Asuably” (oarpsrsble tomour Hour0 of
~sprsseatatIve8) hs8 110oonstitutioasl entity exoept ma 8
brsnoh of the IagIslsture, se follovsr
“We here shovn thst ever7 referenoe In the
CoastltutIoa to ‘the Aswably f8 s de?InIte sad
8~01?10 refereaoe to it 88 one of the @houses1
.0r the Legislsturs. The CoastltutIoa dOO8aot
reoogalre say latlty under the asms of *the As-
sembly, ( exoept thst body vhloh exist8 88 8 oon-
stltueat brsuch of the Leglslsture. Taere Is but
one ASUabl~. It Is ‘the Assembly. * It Is not
one orgSQ.ln la respeot to srtlole 3, (the legIs-
lstive povIsIoa -- ours , sad Mother rhea re-
farrod to l.n article 6, I the iapssohaeat prool-
*ion -- ours), of the Coaitltutlon.
‘Ths msre fsat thst srtlolo 6 ooaferred upon
the Assembly the powr of lapeschment . . . does
not o rate se l mo tsmo r p h o sls of the nature of
that r oay. It Is still *the Asseably’ sad nothing
more. It reaslas s ooastltuent brsach of the
Leg1.lsture. It Is not trsamfoxmed Into safthlng
other or dl??ereat then sa Integral psrt of the
Iaglslature; a bruxoh of; 01u o? Its houras~ ea-
amed, if you plea se, vlth the qussl judlolsl paver
of lmpe&ohment,but still sotlag Prrely vlthla the
orbit vhloh the Conrtltutlon has 888igWd to it, 88 s
psrt of th8 IagIslsture, end governed by the llrits-
tIoas tipowe upon the bgi8lsture. ...
“Ilovhere in the State Constitution Is the body
which ve kaow 88 ‘the Asseablyf referred to b lw
o th e rohsrsoterlrstlon thsn 88 8the AS8Smbl7. T . . .
: ’
Bonormble Oaorge H. stmppua, pgm s,
mowherein mrtiolo 6 of the aoaatitution (the ti-
pmeobmnt prorl8lonr -- oura) vhlah aoarmrmmuoh
llleged jud10lel paver, nor In other ertic1e
of the ConStltutlon, IS there toTe r o w4 l uo r d
or l 8llIablepermitti~ttb Woreaoo tbavhea
thm Ammerbl.~acts em en ecaumlw beaT, It IS ab-
rolvod fra 0brafew0 to the berutlalent iirita-
tIOa8 8~3 reSt?elats of the COnmtltutlon, which
lpeOlflorll~ lP4 la ale* end ammbigoou8 l8~uag8
r 0r 0r to ti a d w1 0 A88di~, 1 ...l
Icrthe lb0to (kctlon 12 of lrtlak 4, the Corhmtitu-
tlon olaul~ o a ntemp letoth emltp p o lmtwa are
tm ~co8mu~
vhllo the Ia lletmre Is not in w8mlo~. ItpO~iCb8 iOr lQ-
pointmom m r 1al.J hold- th4.r re#peotire orflems until thr
nmxt.me88lotl or next lleotion, en4 there IS no tl.88 liritie-
tion 8xpre8w6. It 18 eBphe*188u that uaau this po*l8loll
thm lmgimleture oould djoora vlthout hnlag aonfir8ed en ep-
point88 ud the Ooveraor oould laadIate1.f after lljournmmnt
lppoilit “mm8 other perron’ rho uould hold oftloe %atll the
twxt u 881 0& l bumhui 8ppolatee’m eat8 we 88 velld end
blndlng on the 8tete before aonflrmetlon lo they ere there-
:Thmroregalagoou8ldered, itrumtbe oonaludedthet
ea rlepuete 8ad 0pe0leluetlllgof the 8enetormIm note
velid me8Oloo of the Texem Stete &lute under the prorlmlo~m
-of the 0onstltatlon and every attempted 0rfi6sd rat of tha
Smnetor8 thu8 amwaled I8 a aulllt7. It is not wathorlted
by Artlale 4, 8eatioa 121 it ocatravewm ktl0l.e 3, Seatlon
51 end It 18 repugaeat to Article 3, &otloam 17 aad 40, aad
&tlc& 5, Ikation 8, end there ue other propomitioar sup-
porti- lwh 8 aonclwlon. m •~L~~~;~~~ Eta.
Zhamtm to ooavetim itselfaould bob
pouermOS the Sxeautive Department- in tlolatloa oi Artlo& 2,
aect10o 1. Xven if a 81~ die ad ourameat rfbe qumllflmd
(rhiah IS boubtiul), It k oertalRiJ aat pommible for oak one
Eoam~to quallry It lrter ,lt 18 pemmedby both of them.
FiiiWar, It Is aootrary to the pmctloe aad eaqulemceac8 of
the hgiml&are fa r llwmt onmhundred mrrn*
It la tha oplnlon of this oifiae, thenfore, that
(1) the ComptrollerIs required to lmmuea rurwtto pY tlm
ATTo- GEm-tAL 03 ms
_ - .___.-_-. .-‘-a -, .~ -. ._.__ _-.,.. .- ,.,._. _ ,-___ ,_I__. _._..... -- .._- -, . ...--. - -~.-. _..I. I__ .-