mnorable soy Loventbal, Chairrsn
Lfvsstock 3aAitary Com;liesion
2002 ::. T. s~~oaer ~uil3ing
!‘4rt :,orth 2, Texan
.f~.c,f hwerer,
3l-iZbd f4r rlo-
. 192-l. 7..;.c.5.
and distribution of
t t5 thb beat iAtbr-
orlty co&erred u~oa the Llrestook~
slon ln .krtlclr 1525-B, (7ernon’s
nal 3tatutse, 3Anl Code, V4luar
$3), the comalssloo nay lssuo resguiatione de&n-
ad to oontrol the aals anb dirtributioa of suoh
produots. ~auerer, no penalty Is provided in
this aootlon tar iallure to oomply with su6h re&-
Y&efort any regulatlone arb htuba on tbls
subject, it 411 be a;::ruclatta If you will ax-
dnm the artlole to whioh refersnot has been
undo, and subse$mnt reotisns rolatirg to lit+
@took dlwase amtml, adrisr thlo offloe
ii ia J3J.FOghi4Q p#~it!iOIk3 Or the 4thtlrMO-
tlonr a r tlp.pLlioabLe and li psnaltlsa can pir
assewed ior YlOlatloa of lu$ulntl~ca dssl&ed
ror thlr jwYpow.*
hrtlola 158Sb. Vsmon*s Anaeeated Criminal zmt-
titer Ok’To%M, Fwal Coda, whlah was enaofsd by the 4lst
LMgirlatum at It8 Irirst tilled gersion In 19Si9,provider
in roepeat to teterltmy blolsgior as tollous:
*The naid cuamisrlon (LlYeotOOk Saaltarg
CaarPiSsi4Q)in hWQbJ ?kUthWiZ4d t0 @oAtHi
the aal6 ad dlatrlbutioa ci vebrtiaary bio-
(Sabtso in pemnthereb inwrtad 87
SW hare read OareiuSly t& entire footPOW oantaln-
ed in nld titiole lS#Jb, and we tlad QO arimlaal paaalt~
orthodzed ror tlolutloaa or any nma, ardrra und myla-
tlonr or nald com.lrdoa protided to oofitroi the mare aa
airtributioa or o6tQrinuy btorogi~. Tha pwstlira ai a
01~11 rwmaJ tu grubiblt mob +ioXatlons lr not inrolred
Rcnrerer, in mepeat to 6tfbsequeat Laws oa thi8
subjoot, we aall to your atkntlon t!w lTexae I.lmutook
3eaedy Aat," MQOtOd 1Q 194S By the 45th Lagleisture (art.
192-1, t.~.c.s.), to roxlato the iwmraotura, mle, 0rm-
ii& to sell, end labeling of llvaatoa& remi&ierl prorldlna,
top regl8tratloa 4th stat0 nqalth Otfloer~ prorldlng for
toes; proriding to? etioraezmnt; prmidir@ penraltii~o; allo-
oatin& rUQS and appropriating fundr. Thlo AOt -&'OWSPl the
3t8t0 1381th ortmr to wxulgate rnd adopt mwmable
alor, an6 n@atioQs neeesm~ to oarry intO QffOOt the
full tAtQAt end mee.nlag ot euoh Aat, anb prodder a penalty
for tb riolatlon 01 said hot.
i .~
for your guidanoe ID the providing of abdl~tiscal
wntroh of this acbjeot, we wish to psiat at thcd Arti-
01s 73Ua, Yernon*ti .lnnstat& clvli :xuCutas of Tax4s
(anaoted by tha 43th Legislature in 198?), gmr~derr aa
*Ii0 law or tSia state shsll prercnt any QW-
son irot.4 veoolnatlng, lnowlatlngg, or treading
hia own hoga 0~ r0p .4.ny pepson crs;piopu (LB c0unty
mnon8tratlon mat fro24 raoolaating, lnooul~tlna
or traratlrg my boga in the oounty whare h4 is efa-
ployed with h35 cholare vii-~ Of BBTYBL Or Other
ramdyl or dogi with any S~FU&or virus that will
pParent lvibler, auld any law in 0snfUet wibh t!li8
hot ia bereby mpealed.*