Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

263 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS WrrOI1”EV GLHXRA‘ Hokonble Uaor D. k,ak County Auditor Paya tta county LaGrange, Terar Your reqwrt to r ea d6 le io llo wr : “L?B l -‘o r p r ia to A. c o r l:Len~ . , . . . -5.U “b. 7or labor ~KL repairilig EJO&A truok to 3. . . . . . . . . . . . lO.Oci "0. #or ~t~solice aGd oil usud fr, sirc:l truck to C. . . . . . . . . 15.00 264 Hon. itomer3. yak, Pace 2 *A. oompsny that lurn18t188 the parts for repairs Oi the truok MkSa hi@ atbarges dlnotly t0 Yayette County, and 80 dose B ror his labor 8nd C for the gasoline that km sells snd delivers. ;iuyposiw the trUOk 18 being wed by the o0mis8loner ror 50 hour8 for the knetit,ot the oounty the rotu81 lo r nlnes ot the truok would be 475.00 at $1.50 per hour. Instead of pa~&u the omor of the truok the rntlrr ~~75.00, it lr rontaaphted that thr oounty MJ him onAy the 8ua OS $15&O, klthng the 4iffe~~O8 between the 88rAiw8 Of t& truok urd the 008t Of the njdr8, )rbOr MAd &‘8-iiIlO, 8nd that th@ OOUtJr P8y diZ'8Otl~ to A, 0and C tblr respeotirs bill8 of 45.00, ;lO.OO and 415.00 a8 8bore Outlinrd. Band OA ths rbove iaOt sltwtion,I would like to Rev4 your opl~lxion the r0u0wing QW~OUS~ “1. 18 it lrg81 for ths ooml88lonSr to 18888 suoh 8t?WkfFOM8 gril8te lnditldrul On the 8bOt8 b8818 llOr th. benerlt or the 8OUllt7, 888WdB&Oi 00urU, that the court OOILOU8? '2. II it logs1 ior the OouAty t0 p8~ out tb above nentloned bill8 t0 A, B and C dlnotly rlnoe suoh lrpen- dltU'S8 81y ude OP 8 priV8te lndlrldilal'r truok UIidSr lsase, upon pre8oAtation Of proper 018ims by A, B and C to Y ror suoh itsmw Art1010 2351, Vernon~s Annotated civil statutss, oonstltutae th* gener81 grant ot power to the Comahir8loner8* Court of a county, said 8t8tUtO PrOlidiry 88 fOuOW8l "i,lohoCmmi88iOAer8 OOUrt Shallt “1. Lay off their raspeobire counties tintopzooinots, not 188s than four, and not mom that eight, for the eleo- tiOA or JuSti 0r tiiepeaoe acd ooAstabLse, fir thr tk.ss and places of holding Justioes oourts, and stall establish places in such prccirrots'ruimrs elsOtiOA8 sLt111 be ;eld; kd oral1 establish Justices prrcints and jus- tlces oourts for the uAor&ahlzed ooSutis8 as Povidsd by law. "2. ~otabllsh publio ferries WhsAsvsr the publio lntemst nay require. “3. Lay out and lstsbllsh, char,seer.daisoontiAu8 publlo rouds uAd hi;:hwaIs. , 265 dOOn.:iomsr3. -ok, gs,e 3 “I. Build bridge8 and keep thslpIA rspalr. “5. Appoint ro8d OIerWer8 and 8pportiOn hSAd8, '6. krrrol8e generrl oantrol over 8U roadr, hi&hWOy8, feITiS8 Md bri4&@8 in thsir ooUntie8. q. ~otide 8nd koe b repair oourt hOUW8, 18118 8Ad 8;U MOe888ry pUbli8 1Ui164458. l8. FrOlid8 iOr tb proketion, plwertrtion 8nd di8 8itiOn Or 811 18nb8 e8Jlt8d t0 th8 lOUrrty iOr e&U- Oat *r M 01 #hOOl8. ‘9. FrorlAe Se818 required by 18~ for the dl8triOt Mb 8OlWitJ 84Ul'tl. *lo. &U&it Urd ntt& 8i.i’ @OU8t8 r&8in8t kh8 0ouAty 8&d blnot their p8ymnt. Y ' ‘u. -PTOVib, iOr the 8ugprt Of plU W8 8Dd 8UOh .idiOt8 ad hMtiO8 88 OS-t k 8dJtt.O i iDtO thS 1Ul8- tie IIylun, resident8 0s tholr oounty who 8ro W8blO to rupport thesuelvs8, By tlm term n8ib.nt 88 U8.d herein, 18 msMt 8 prrron W.?kO h88 beon 8 born fide Lotubltant Of ttl8OOUIlty not lSS8 th8II 8iX 0Onth8 8Bd Of th8 St8t@ AOt lerr than onm year, "12. PX'OVidSfor th8 burl81 or-p8oper8. “13. FLUli8h OQO t8lapt8 by tine not to SxOSSd tWMty- tire dOu8r8 or by impriwnt not t0 lx o eed tvnnty- tour h o ur s, in ease or rlne, t50 p8rty m8y be hsld snd iA OU8tOdy Until th8 fin8 i8 paid. .ll+.Iesus lll ruoh notioes, oitetioAs,~its and prooeas a8 may bo ~eoeseary for the proper sxooution Of ti-,s power8 and duties inposed by suoh oourt and to en- foroe its Jurlsdiotion. “15. ~uid court s:;allnave all suoh OtLer powers and Jurlsdlotion, 8r.d8;811 purform all suoh otier &&ire, as srs now or rosy harsefter bs prssorribodby .g iior. Hommr 2. hok, PWP I The power8 lxprmmmly girmn to the Coadmmlonmrm* court in the lberm lrtlolm omrry by lmpllomtlon ml1 muoh otQmr power8 mmlrm rmamonmbly nmommmary to oarry into ltroot the granted Lmmmter 1. Lo 02, 202 ii. u. 10391 31 pa80 county f%&~io6 9. w. (2d) 313. In lddltlon to the gmnmrml powmrm or the Commlmmionerm' o fnutlbovo m8mb to, th8 Comml~rlonorr~ court 0r l 00u ntr hmm lxprmmm luthorlty under etlolm 6751 or vmrnon*m hnotstma Girl1 to lmmmm, rmnt, or hlrm nmommmmry road mmmhlnary, Btmtutmm toolm, lmpl.mmontmlto., ror grading, drmlna or rmpalrbg the road8 or the oou&, smld etatut ma8 88 r0um8l lThm oommlmmlonorm oourt of an7 muoh oounty im authoricmd to purohamm or hln all noommmary road mmohinory, toolm, iaphaeatr tome and labor nqulna to grad., drain, Or rm& tha roada OS muoh oouatJ, and maid oomrt 18 rutharlud ld lmp o wa nd to make 8l.l nmm~mblm mnd nmodrury rulmm, order8 and rmgulatlonm not in oonrllot with law r0r la out, workFag and otherulw iPprmrln& the pub1 3 o romdm, mad to utlllu the lmbor and mw18y lxpmndod thereon, mnd to onroroo thm lmmm.= while you bo not ltmte what the truok In quemtlon im king urea ror, w prmmumm it im bring umr(L by the oountr ior lmwful pu3pommm* xi 80, it 18 our oplnloa that thm 0om0lmmlonmrm* Court ham both ox rmmm mnd implima l uthority t0 l888m muoh truok frOta 8 pr;rr ina ! rlarul ror the bemilt 0r the oountr on thm bar18 . It ir llmo our opinion that It i8 lmgml for tha oounty to pmy the bill8 mentioned mo low am much mxpmnditurmm arm in pag- mmnt or and do not lxcead the amount to be pmld ror thm leame 0r meld truok. Yours very truly, A88imtMt