Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Josrr Jemsr Ste to Treaeurar Aurtin, Tuer Dear S1r1 Opinion No. O-6787 ROI Clarifioation o? thr porition OS Auditor ior you hat0 rrpurrtrd o of the Auditor of thr Tezar appointment 8nd the approml hat this dapart- olr 6166q had not been State Awlltor ; that J or th0 auditor 0i appoint@& by the (kmral, to mudit t of l pproprlatlonr fllfthbr, that ttl8 r the Tua8 Prison sy8tOlll proridrr that all rith- Rarolrlng fund shall br mad8 tom signed by the Qonrrrl Manager undo? Ilrtiolq 6166q. hmorabir Jo180 J8a.8 - Pa@ 2 w8 rrafflrn o~z ophloa Ho. O-55b7 in thet Artlola 61661318 8tIn in 8ifOOt and for08 8Bd th8 Auditor for th8 Tam18 Prlrm Sy8tIp 18 lp Ointad by th 8lbOl8 thr88 1~8d OfiiOi8bI that thi8 18, t ii 8 8UditOr at IUI8t 8&n tk nrrMt8 .dr8m M thr 88id r8lolling fund. Thr 8oap8MrtiOn for @I18 auditor 8hOUld 0-8 iron tb8t mount rp roprlrtr4 for tha Chid Aooountant, W8 b8ao our latt8r hoPding by iir8t rrfrrring to thr 1943-M 8nd 1945-47 lpproprlrtlonr iOr th8 T8XR8 PTi8On Sl8t8fU 'TEXAS PRISON SYSTEY FO? th8 BwInnIng Saptambar 1, 1943 "1. Gemarrl Manacor, with hour@, rator, furl aad light8, (added) with prlrfm produord food _ _ Qr?dUOt8, . . . . . . . . . . .# 6,000.OO $ 6,000,00 2. ArsistMt 6M8r81 four~6Or, with hour8 rator, fU81 Md light8, w&i pri8On prodcOr(l ’ food prOdUOt8. . . . . . . . . 2,700.OO 2,700.OO 3. Fxroutln 88OZrtSrf to genrr81 manager9 . . . . . . a . . . . La Sworotrry to p18C49 board. . . 8. Arrlr~an; ~8ihi8&'::.*::. "TEXAS IRISU-7SYSTlW Salarlrr For th0 Year8 ?nding~ August 31, AU6U8t 31, 19&6 1947 %’ Caneral managrr, with houle, wetar, fual ad light8 and pri8C~ produord food produotr $ ~,OOO.OO $ 6,000.~ 2. A8818tMt gOnera mUl8&Or, with houm, star, turn18nd lightr, with pti8OA ptOdUO86 iOOd produotr . . . . . , , . . . , 2.635.00 2835.00 Honoroblo J888r Jomro - pogo 3 3. BI8OUtit8 88Orohry t0 g8IlO?ti mumgot. . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 2;153.00 2j153.00 Chl8i.aOOOUAtant , . . . . . ... 3;000*00 3iOOO.W :: Clrrk, puroheslng drpartmont . . 2i310.00 2i310.00 6. carhlor 2,635.00 2i635.00 A88i.taAi ;O&l&Uit'.'.'.'.'.'. 2i64O.00 2i640,OO ii: Criminal rooord olrrk . . . . , 2.400.00 2,400.00 ItwIll be noted that the two blonnlal a prOp?iatiOM art ulorem In title O? pO8ItiOn with the 8amo 8a PtSiO8 plu8 the 15% inoroaae8, with the oxo8pt1on that the 1945 bill ohengor *Auditor* to wohIof aooountanta, and ~aOOOuntantw to wa88i8hnt a000untanV. llrtlolo 6166q oroatoo the offloo of Auditor ot tho Texa8 Prison Systml. It 18 elementary t-0 LogirlatuFo oen- not repeal a rtatuto by 8 general rppropriation bill, nrlther may an o?fIoo br oroated by suoh 8 bill. Iho oiiloo o? Auditor o? tho Tsxa8 I-rlson Sy8tom ha8 not boon abolished, and tbors- rO?O ttiii 8Xi8t8. Cortoln approprlatlonr to tho Prison Syrtom oannot br paid without the a,Tpro+al O? tho AudItOr o? tbo Tuar ti18- Sy8t.m. iy8 earnot pre8muo that tho Le&olaturo, rrftb the kllOWl8dg8 of the Im OPtant and 08sOAtial dutIt8 t&t mU8t br porformod by tho Aud !. tor oi the Tuar Prison System, would IntmtIonel and dollboratol mako no appropr5atIon ?ar him. It 18 poa8lbY a that tho Log18 3: aturo through 801~0 error booemr oonfusrd olor hi8 Oif1OIal title and IWild thi8 apprOpr1atiOA fQ a Chit? AOOOIllltaAt iA8t88d O? AudItOr. Thlr ooniurlon oan wrll bo l x9laIn8d by the fact that tho dutiro porfowod by tho Tuar Wi80n Auditor art l 88ontIk2ly tho8o O? an rooountant. In furthor 8U port O? thI8 oplnlon, it should bo noted that no 8thUt0, !A OhldiJlg ktiOir8 4413a-1 lt 88q ., he8 im9088d On th8 Stat8 Auditor tho duti88 Of tho Audlta o? tho Toras Prlson Syatoa, Tha appropriation ot 64,000 for oeoh year o? the blumlum beginning Ssptombsr 1, 19b5, to the State Auditor, for en nAs818ttnt as8igned to To208 hlron SJ8tOm’ 18 no more than UI apptOpri9tiOII t0 pay an Assi8tant State Auditor ior his sortIot8 &enereUy in OuUItIng said Sy8tM, and oannot olothe ruoh 88818teAt rrith the pOwor and dutlsr oonisrrod by Artlolo 6166q upon tbo Auditor of tho TOIt hits Sy8tOUh ~OnOr8b~t JO888 JOnIt - pa&S8b WI tru8t thi(l Mtl8hOtOrily M8W8?8 JOUr inqUirya Vary truly your8 ATTORMTY Ob!S!!RAL OF mW