Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS A,-~QRXEY GCNERAL Bonorable Robert i!. Rugher nJ ltrict Attorney met JUdlCi~Y nistrict San Awwlo, Terre Be8r Mr. Rugheer Opinion Ue. 0-4MMSS Rbl wbetbor or lSeetlon 3. AlY 66r88ns wb6 a r enew or e hall hematter bemoensed te mr*otiee Yaw ia this State shall eonmtltute and be members ot the State liar, and she’ll be eubjeat to the BE- ridoo~ hereef and the-Lyle rdeated by the Bu- pram Court or Texava abd al 1 wroewr net mea- e mate Bar am berebv Mahlbit+ul Pmm t8w in thi8 State.. ---_- ll. Dae,nth eMate Dar Aat Art. 320-A ot the Rerired Chll Statutes super-de or repaal th8t p6rt al At% 430-A 0P the I%rtal Cob* here- inabove quoted? .f. la the drewlug oP oom6~auee tbe prao- tia6 et law? 9. Is tRe State p6mttbd to bring imJuao- tion altm ader the Mate Bar *et preventinK Ho- brleo Publ le fnm dntiag txmvemneom when mm lw a r a m P e r mmp 6nr tlent 94. IO th e Utat6 par4 ttml to brla# la&mu- tdoa nit* umeer the Btate Bar Act prerentiae No- tar¶e8 tra drrrinu awnv6p8nceswh6n awn 6ra amwa wltbeut uempunmatlollTs Chapter 038 paaeed by the 434 T:e@mIrture at its Row- Zar Sewlen, 10fBs Artlole 4308 oP tbe Penal Code. Vemwm’m uodltiaatio& uehalnm the tellerlngr llhuuon 1. It shall be rml6wPaf Par anr eorpontlaa tw any parran, tlm, o r lmsoalatlsn et permOnm# exaept natural p6rama who are mew- berm et tba Bar reguYarYp admitted amd lfaenmadI to praatiee l*ums 6aetien 3 deflnas tbe praetloe OP Iar and m6kea the tollowing aueptienc gPmrld6d that aethlngs heroin daYI prsrent Ilekrlem Pllbliehen &raring84naveyfUI~o for or without 8ompemmation.g saetiam 8 provldem a p a a a lty le ter a dademaamor *any persfm, lg 6lnet tlm, uorperation or 8sroeiatSan 0P pst- wnm riofatfns any 0P the prfwlslonm 0P the Art.* Fhe state Rar Act oi the 46th T.e&81aturet 1@3(1, er ea teo th eSta teBar an lWnl~8trrtire agener of the frtdioial Dqmttabat et tbe State. In Wetlen S the waberahip ni the Rfrte Dar ia defined and a prctrlaloa 1s mde that ‘a11 persons net memtherm aP the f&ate Bar are heraby prabibited from prab tlelnff Yaw in this Bt6ta9’ Bmrable RobettC* tfughe* * pqe f+ :' Seetlm 8 deelareo that8 gA3l Yarn et prta ef Iara in coWllot with this Aet or with the mler and remla- tjonr adopted tmdot this Ast ht the Supreme Court are hereby rep0Ue4-~ 7be Rule8 gwarulnu tRe State.B8r et Teseo adapted by *Re (luprema Gnwt, in parmanse OP that datutery author- ity, re@8te the diotmrmaat , m~spenden me reprimaau at mam- hers of the r;tata Barr and they 1100 oonkln aeeflena dcmlfn# 81th the unaathorfxedpraotloe at Yaw. Sestlon 31 dealarear %aeh grlevanee oaamitta0 map inatllmte and pmmeeute appropriate ultn or proeeedln*m, in the n&me aP the eomittee, et any member thereof, or any p8tty oewplalnla~~ as mar be ltrloable In * t&e opinion ot the m~orlty oi tbe 0awdtt.00~ ta ,’ auppmaer pmhlblt, or prevent am?~ aaautbori8ad .* -.* praatl6e of ths law, or mm7ta k aehe other lo tlr m as It daemmadviable under tbe alrematameee, uah as tRe flllng of srlmlaa1 ebar@eo or (MF pl8lnto. * l l glbesa Uuleo ah811 be atmwlative oP lY1 lara 0P t&e State relatiag ta the uaaulboriaed ew- tbe anlaaful praetlee et the 'In.' Neither the 6tibJtem nor tbe ITa? and re~?Btiom@ of tbe supreme Court pmwlded tbeteunder expreaoly mpea’l Attlsle 32#a ot the ltitutea (Vernon'0 oo0itleatlon), not do they eon- hln any Iangage tR8t a0u3Q talrlf 'be heIn ta repeal tbst atat- at. tvy lmplle4atlon. TiepealmYq laplleatl+m are net Parored. Ia at-dot fat there to be sneh repeal by implioetlnn, the two A&s mud be ln- aendstent md IrreeonelYable tith eaoh other* se that ¶t would be lnpom~Ible Pot both ot than to be the Yaw at the oame time. Xelther the ltafutsa not the Rule@ oP the State BW pM+lde tor pmoecutlon af thecre t.~alewfuYly praatlab%l; 18~. kot the rules and reguletlnns do axpresnlf lntboriae the ~tleraaoe Cemlttee t@ file fiuch pros@xitiane , end deolare that aeb nkfem ‘ahall be eumuYotlve nP sYY Yero of thin z3tat.e rolatlng to the umaatherlrwl Or the unlnvPn1 prmatioe nt the Isw, l thereEf+ lmpY,jSnu, it not de- eYorlnR the oantlnued Poree and ePPeat of all exleting puul Y8Vr Fiklatlng to the t~?slrwfta1 praetiae~ :- Bornarable Robert C. Mu#ter - pa@ ~4 ,i.'4 ,* , Prom rtdt,ve hors uld *t Poll~s that jaw Qnemtioa L&eulU be o.??aerodthat the Stnte Bar Aot ln no rise repeala or-supersedom'Artlole 4%)-A, Vemoa’e Uodlflootkm nt the Pe- aq3, code. Ia Rnw8r to p8tF #b4estloa No. 4, It ie the opinion et thla lmariaent the dsu%ng at Inatrmmts bP eonve~ncer 'Neb am deada~ aortgwrm, laal@w~te, blllm et mleo, and the Ylker by a Ilatary Publie, mot a mbar or t.he State Bar, la n4t tbo praetlae oP 18x ultbln the monln(r bf the Fenal Code. It 10 apeelall7exoepted therrtm. Tour Qwemtlbn 3 hould be earered la the atflrmatfre. The drawln~ b7 a lfoks-7mblle CrPwnave7aneearauob aa we hire rantlemod above. rben &me tor the wblle upon 8 aowpenrtloa, uneeubtedlf la pr~atleln~ la8( 8nd that portionbi Beotlen a6 et’ the alee and ra~latleam b7 the apeme Ootxrt governing the rrawthotlrw prwtiea ot law lutberiaem mu&i ~reaoedlu~s~ (so0 O-MOO harewltb). 18 have aald that the drawing et wah oesre7- Ipleemby a Notary pllblleuse not the praetlw ot yaw, +ithln the Penal etatntem, but it doeo~met dollar tberePrm that the draw- Ins of mob aeate)aoea im net the prastlae oP law, as the lm la @atemod bf the State Rar Aof- It la the utereiae ot a por- mltted slaerltioatlnnPet lo@1 treatmont by the Leglolatute to ~7 that lotrrles i%bllo ~7 aof do fborr,tRlX!#w,aad rr7 erea be enjeined tborefram, but 8t tbe awe tlmo Cs ma7* as the Legls- YaMme ham mid In the Pan81 Code, oeh Ietarimm shall not be -irbiIll orlriaol?~ therefer. S@e8 Tlgaor 70 State, (C.8.) 84 Law Ed. 11%4. Mnall7, amwring pur Queatlan So. 4, we doubt wbether tbe atate Bar Ast authorlaem the br%nging qP lajunotian proemdingo lplmat Uetariee Publie Por drawing wmefuroer oa- melon8117 lncl without eoapenutlona Thlm would f1ard37be ltb o pmetloe at lawgr wlthlu the wsmcmlpreeeptad undetrfmdlng ot that term. Very trnl7 7enrs ATTOllNJ$T GLWBAt. OF WCC@