port mvaca, Texas
D-a lsfrt
row reqwrt for 0 en r&eived and
camlall~ consider6 we Quote Iron
TOor rqusrt a8 fol
alhoun couttty,
lt aa followst
969, the ovaert,
in tee 68t&t4l,
r ~olmrlto0.0.had pl8ced of
au rqaOrd#of Cahoun CoUe~
b s-2 8 a8p Or~plat, thd pertt-
ertiticatr of a&id a~ bow
h 08dt q ttwd l8 r0ii0r~t
Hon. R. A.IIIrton - Page 2
on tb town traot of the City of port OIOomor,
tha l'afiD'W~OF ‘fomsit~ Co, hereby plsoea of
raaord tha analoaed up.'
That on or about tha 24th. day of
JaItUW~, A. D. 1910 usd aa rOOOrde@l IIIYo&. 2
pyb fb. 3 of the deed raoorda, appeara a sooond
map or plrt oovorw addz$tlonalpromsty, the
xmUmttt psrt of aald~oertlfiortabeing as
"'Hnov sllnan we there prYaa8ta,~that tha
Port O'Qonnor Tomilt. 00. @otlng borain by itr
rrraldaat H, 0. Hart&, therounder duly authorlaed
br the Board of Dlraotors of said Oorporstlon,
h m itq lubdlvldad cortainlandabaloq~ to raid
Corporation,vhioh ara lh~vn on the asp hereto
sttauhed, Into outlota ad$olning tha tovnaite
of Port OIOonttorheretofore dealgnated does hereby
aoknowladgeand daolare t&&t the msp snd plrt of
suoh lubdlvlalon hereto attrohed to be a aare 8M
oorraot map and plat of luo hsubdlvlsloa~snd does
(Rmphsiaed aeotiona lra those of the vrlter)
‘j. That port blootmor is not and &s aaver
bwtt lnaorporatsd.
"4. That tha tvo tmmad plats vara never
prorented to the ocmmlrlonar~oourt ror ii-
8pproval u&d hwa nevar been qqwwed.
95. met the .**otlotia
or 'thatvo pldi
nova0 bau lodaptod b
stnets %a dlsputo~lirvo
9ahoun Qount~.
“6. That other rootlona under plat or
rp number one have bean vorkad to soma l%tutt
br Qalhoue oouttt~.
'7. That no j'u't .of the ts~pped 8tr..t8
wulor plat lo. tvo haa avor be&n looeptod 01
% mat the only improvements0r the tvo
lion.R. A. Barton - Page 3
streota in dlapute ooourred on OF about the time
ot the original dadlaatlon, by vork dona and
periopned w the ?ort OIOoaaor Townalte Co. at
its ovx oost and lx p M s0.
"9. T h a tth e r ea r eno lotml house8 vltbln
the bouada ot the property in question.
'10. That there -aN va~lotu lsndovnorsvithln
the bounds of tha property in dispute,
"11. Thrt ooaplalnt 18 not being msds by
property ovnera vlthio the oonf%aoa o? the dir-
Puted ProPerty.
l2; That Owlrint la being rrda to ths
Court by other realdant Oltlians of tho Tovnslta
of port o%xtnor.
*13. mat them hav* booa no 0rri0iai or
othervlsa rcceptmaa of tha platted streets br
Oalhoun Oounty, that there hss been no designation
88 to OUSS, by oomlsslonors Court.
'14. That the general publlo lava uaod to
a oonaiderabloextant, ona, and tho aoooad to
loaa extent of thst seotlon of the two atreata
in dlsputo.
y1.s. mst 0Tlalat is bow msdo by osrtaln
oltiaexs of port 0 Ooaaor, ss to the lreotlon ot
oattle guard8 pn the tvo ltreats in quertlon.
*Ia ordar to proront a alight plature of the
tovnalts of fort O~tJoaaoP,~it might be at&ted that
the msln reotl@tt 08 the town la sitwta,upon l allght
llorrted ridge, vlth Nan(lorda Bay to tha 'uat and
northasat, rith the Intoreorstti Oural to the
routheart aud south, and vlth what ia knovn aa Ijo=
B~JOU to tha northvoat. The two atreats upon which
oattlo guarda have boa plroed, axtand tovaids the
moth of boggy w&r00 ud to the UP&U Oi atid
. %i~& tb SUP ig45, l 0itfWtt 0r 01 fsunur
County, purohaed from the Suooaaaors of the port
O~Oonao~ Tovnslte
Tansite 00. s put of the lota sndhlooks
ahovn ia plats Noa. Qa Ithro, and bra built and '
ereote&a fMa8 to tha shutting roadvaya of the
tvo atmota, connaat~ tho enda vith tvo built
and lreotad aattle guarda In the mlddla, vlth
vim geto along aide of arch snd la us* the in-
oloaad pu't $or atook sad oattle rala- purpoaea.
The eo8plUnt extends, not to any dofsotlva or
ltta tU?io irlraatioa,
nt but,to their oxlatutge,
"1 ~Wouldthe tvo streota aa upped w the
Mrt Obtnor itovaalta Co. qd uae4 br t& ganarul
pttbllo, be publio madvaya of O&mua oounty?
.“P. In th elvent t&a tvo stmots 8rv pub110
roadva~s of Oalhoua Oouutf, would the jvlsdiotlou
of the Oomufaaionara Oourt attaoh therato, vlthout
aocoptsnooby ofilolrl ordsr, vork, or vlthout
“3. Would the plso&ng and mdttteaonoa of
oattlo guamla~oa tti,tvo mapped atra6ta oonstltuto an
obstnrot$o+ ot l8ldroadvajla?”
pp. 59-5-6-7-9,
We quote froaw21 Ta%aa Jurlspmtdenaa
540 ~6 546, *a tollovsr
“i 7. bktutory Tama - 'Nblio roads' f 'H&a-
wry.' The statute reletlag to oountr road8 r&or8
to all publla roads rpd hQhvsy8 not dlaoontlyed
utd oatabUrhe6 agreoablr to lav. Thi8 hss been
coastrued to mean a mad eatabliahadby the 00r-.
'4lsslon*rs' oourt. The exprosslonwpubllo rood'
ia othes statute8 i8 ganarallj aonstrued to inoluddi
aonstatuto~ aa roll as 8tbtutoq roads] . . .
. . .
a .9., Oountq noada ‘- gl~aaiflutian. Wnder
stbtu!0~ dlrootlonaomla810nap8w courtsolual~
rosds as 0r th0 flrat,,saoond or t-birdol888. Tha
pmpoai ot al~aalfioationla ia ardor thst a ridi-.
mum width. uy~ba pmkoribot! soeoNlng ta olua,~The
preaaplbad vidtha arat not 1888 than fortr nor nora
thu iiu hnrrdrsdSect for rlrst and sooond alas8
roads utd not 1088 than tventy feet for third-olrss
roads, vlth asusova~s llxtaen foot la vldth Sor
first and seoond class rosds snd tvelva feat flf&
third-olus bouta.
ISOn. IL A. B4PtUU - P4tO 5
“j.18. 8tatutory and nonatstutoryIIoads.
Another olasalilestlonof hlghvays points to
their o~igln aa be- statutory or nonatstutory,
?rlor to 4 ltatutorf prooedure for the ea-
tablishmant OS hlghvaya, dedlaatlon and preaerlptlon
ware the mode8 of roqulaltlon kuovn to the common
law. 'Phesomodes have not bean abolished by the
statute t&t pnrorlbea a prooeduro for the ea-
tabllshment of rind8 by oounty offlclala. . , .
”. . .
") .15. In osneml. A8 slready notimd, a
rlght'ot publla trav61 over land may be acquired
rithout any es~ablliiment0r a hlghvsy by pPo-
oaedfnga under the atrtuta. Alao, aa noticed
here&ter, 0rri0ial adoption or evan reoognltion
la not essential. one nonstatutory mode 0r +c-
qulaitlon 1s by dedloatlon. DetUoatY.onmay be
by overt tot OS the owner slgnifylng &Is in-
tention, the dedication being accepted by publio
use. dso, vlthout any ovart act on the ovner*s
part,,the publlouy ln faot trsvel over his land
in such alreumatanceathat Intent to dedicata
it to the publio uaa for h%ghvay purpoaea msy ba
a&othar mode of r&Saltion is by preaorlptivo
right voatiag br vlrtao;oi long-oontinued3ae.
Thue publla uao may be lvldenue of the rodeppttioo,
or~r.dedicrtion,or 0s the ovnerwa intent to dedi-
or of a pre-
cate and $ha publiols aoaepta.noe,-
aorfptivo right of uaa.
. . .
“1 20. rraacr~ptlott. ‘ . .
‘Period 0s uaa. - B&SOW 8dOptlOtt Of th0
et&ate of Umltatlons aa prasorlbing the perlo
of public Pas, tventy yeor8 v&a ngsrded 88 tho
‘xl ,period. The longest statutory tom (ten
T is new sooepted &a the ml&mum period. TO
m4k0.up the ltatutovy time, tha tons 0s 018 under
fewer canter8 ry be tsoked on to .th& tima of -088
under the present ovnar.’
Hoa R. A. Barton - r’rso 6
oplaion HO. o-4965 of thlr departaent holdr that cattle
guards are obstruotlonsto public roads, re~ardlesa of whetbar
such pub110 roads are ststutoq road8 ertabllshed br the Com-
miaslonecr~ Court or whether same am non-statutoryroads eatab-
llahed by dedloatloa or pnsorlptloa. This oplnlon discusses
fully rtatutory aad awn-rut&or7 publlo road8 8ad various 06868
dealing rith road obstruotionr a&d a aopf a? s&es ir enclosed _
.YOU8t8te in -mph 14 0s 7~ st~t~0ui 0r fr0t8
tbrt gomoral p&l10 bar wed to l oonsldembla ~extent ano
0r th8 rtrqotr and to 8ama aa8t tru other 8tro.t. If the full
hot8 diroloio.that th. gmerti psbllo, by lbm ~88 Of the
strretr ror many rear8 rad fs~rxorrr 61 the rtatotory limitation
psrlod of ten ye&m, brs roqufred by prmorlptioa the right to
travel over one or both of aaid 8tmet8, then in 8uoh etent
such 8trset or rtrsats would bo “a pub110 road or mpoBd8" of
the oounty. This, Ve think, di8p8e8 Of your first QU88tiOn.
Your second qusrtlon in rabhee general and we desm
it UTUMOe88aS7 b0 8tt6apt t0 atWbr 8-0 in ti8W Of Our 8UdWerS
t0 YOllF til'8t ud third qUO8tiOlU.
fn UlllWOC t0 JOUP third qUO8tlOn, It 18 OtW OpiniOIi that
8amem8boUld ba anpered in ths aftlmative, ii the said rtreeta
yen pub110 robdr ao outlined ia the awver to the first ques-
Arti 784, ?ti QOde Of TBXa8, Rake8 the obstruotllng
0r &Ublio wad or 8tHd a orimi8al OffSSI8r and prerorlbes a
penalty tbmfor.
Your8 tory t,puly