See V-206 for c
in fact Situstion.
has. of the Iranoh
l b ea n ia r o ta ee t& HA
noe of the Oon~aarrlonal
Centennial uill be arall-
am prtoe OS the Embaoey.
the Clmiraan of the Appropriation6
le, haa reqtmmtsd oar cub-oofmitteo
t w2-n~eribent30taut this mney 00ula
08 ~011 be what proosdvre
my for the relmm of the sonej to
ttn Daughtore of the IiepuBlla.
"Two yanro ago loao agency tried to aec-we thl8
~00~ en4 ir x remxnber oorrrctly 90 war0 iaforatedat
thrrtti;jotnnt while thir mney ue~ aUooate,b to the
btsrteof Texas it 00uM sot be rrlea~d lx o epbyt
Congreaofonal ectfotz.
-1 know your office Ia buey and I hota to
htivato roquoot thla i&v&r, however, wa heva to
report brick to the oomittea 88 loon 08 poasibla.
I will apprlrelatathis )nfoS::tlon at the earllest
poaalbla oonvanienca.
seotlon 6 of House Bill 190.ll, Chaptar 194 OX tba
kagnlar %aalon of the 44th kgialatura (19SS) pooridaat
-illlx p a ndituranda a
by tha Co~asl~n of Control ahall ba aada, let,
lupaniacrdand expandad by the Boar4 or Control,
aooording to all loge1 roqulrarsota now prorldad
JB to the arpenditura of fun48 and tho lattlry of
oontraota by mid Board of Control."
Tha Comslaaioaot Control uaa ~JIagaenoy oraated and
aat up by the Loglaloturo unaer tho proviaioriao? action i5 ci
Cheptor 194, nota of tka Ragular soaalon of tha 44th L*~ialature;
it.8ptmpoaa having bean ra.fiu0a it haa p08aul out or exiatanob,
PaQ t&ma la etthi8 time no a@enoy with authority to authorlza
axpaaditurea and oontreota @alnat th* Cantonnial ion&*.
Th4 @4,000 mentionad in your latter la part et a
Federal Appropriation and oould hare baon oaed for tha purohaa
OS t& Ronoh Baboaay it it had bean 80 alloortad br the CULtan-
nial t2Gsnri881On or by tha hMi8816~ Of Control durlw the ELi8t-
anew of tJ&aaa bodiaa, but not havl~~ baon 80 elloo8ted, lt la our
opinion that aana OaMOt ba a0 arpendad at thi8 tim until rO-
laaaed br Con~eaa.
aaotlon 9 of Menata Joint iiaaolution131 raeda, in
part, 88 follora:
“Be0. 9 . Tha aus OS ~s,OOO.OOO ia hereby
authorloo to be rpproprlotrd. out oi aa$ money
in tho Treasury not epproprlaWd, end
ahalA rarkainavailable iof tha purpoaoa of thla
joirrtroaolutlon and any unaxpondad balances ahsll
ba aovered baok into t&a ~raaaury of the finltad
dtrto8. * * **
Tha money could aot b8 ra~eaaed to the Daqhtara
of tho Rapubllo. All bet Of th# Lai$.ilhItW att@mfiiWJ t0 80
that would be In riolrrtioaOS atlala 3, Aotion 81 oi the
fjonstltutionwhich provider that Vh8 4Sialpttura ohm11 &to
@ power to anke any grant or authoriaa the *king of any grant
of publie money to any indfvldual, a8aoo1et1on ot indlridaair,
~iofpal or other oorporatlon8 What8oaT8r * * *.* If Cangreaa
should nleo88 the money tor the pnrpoao ot purohaain8 the Trenoh
*nbra8~ the tit& wool6 hure to ba t&ran in th8 ma of the
Btato olc Toxaa, but the aupervIalon mad oontrol o? the Xnbaaa~
~pU~ielo@ted by the La6lalatm to tba Daa#Sara oi the
Bowaver:, th LWiElatUW may aov lg p r o p r iathio
ipad for the purpoaa or purohaain6 tbn hOa8h mbaur, oon-
ttitlonod apon tta raleaar by Congxvu for rib pwpoao.
,“-I four8 T-J tnrll