Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL tats alwllpq Lnto8\10h a nllso unt OQuslto 5 sun rrlnDp.Popddi0Otot~tabl suoh oaMMlDt5triotAttomwy OF t- . . * .* 5urr5nt 55l5ay9 “Thir &pa*nt has 0onstYwd this phruso to maan '0uYPanti8la-p. But, in OrdoY to got ths qwotlan Hon. cboqge E. sh5pp5rd, Pago 2 d&.-,1 sbll Uvnk outosdvls5tUs this dopsrtmontvlwther rbf bra to red wmla his obyg;;*aa~ or ths 55leay swh rttornby&5v ssatial5 13 (b) srd 15 (8) d APtiole39me, cb YOrnan’S AmwtatadOlvllbt5tutas m rlmstidentlar1,rt1555t,th5y moan tlm u# fhia( lnaodr, 55 fhis quwti5n 15 oomewd, arid Seattan 13 (b) blng 55 iollcn: ‘(b) The oaapenastlon ab a orlmlasl diatriot %t%%~ :~?~f~%fii%iS~~:::! tionof his i55i5t5d5, shsil b5 p5ld out of th5 county offlson' s515 Pund,butthbstmk ahal pa~iatosuahturd wo7 ~rrnsmouat equal to8 sum whioh bmn thbsbmb bpoYt1ento thb tot41 sal5ryobswh orlmlmld!?striatsttamoyol,oouxaty pwforml.ng thb dutks ltta mey of a dirtriot attoe- nby, together vith thb 55l5s7 o fh is l55l5Wnt5, es 511 f5lacj to.5 ooll.55t.dw suahof'floirldurl the year ef 1935bear to thb totalhea oolloat 3 by su5h offioirl duvlag suoh year.* vith pour oaAstYwtion 06 the 9br55b 'thb u” “r suoh orlain tot81 salary dirtriot attorney 8 oataty sttor- aey,* 55 it %a WY apinlu~th5tswhphn55 mna thee-t 5515ry dmvn by such attommy ,aud not th5 8515rf dmun by hia in 1933. Trusty that this opbala 55tl5f5ot5eil~ 5n5v.M ~'tourinwiry, wb remain