Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

, ’ t OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS *TTORNLI QLNLRAL sonorablo Theophllur 8. Painter Acting ?roridont Th0 unlrerrity 0r Texar Aurtin 12, Tox~r Dear 8ir1 opinion ~0. 0-64 Re: Uhethsr und rtated the of the Waive carefully cons1 rS@USBt a8 roll Bpectftily re&sted rove the iollovlng Orant-in-Aid n payable from the nevly created account: “‘(1) $l,OOO’to Dr. J. R. Spell to aaslat In the publlcatlon of blr asnurcrlpt COBTE3PORARY SPNUSH-AUWUCAB ?IfXIOll by the Dnlveralt~ of north Carolina Prssr. 500 copier of the publication vlll be given to the Inrtl- tutr , $00. Thsophllur 8. ?aiator - Page 2 , “In the dlaaurolon o? thlr ltu the quaatlon of thr 2osa2Ltz vba relaod, aad oon~o- quently, your opinion la roqurrtod &a to rhothor o r mo tZh. lo edo fIleguta 1 8 llthor1rod to rrpw&d atat. fuadr for thlr purporrT “The Board of Regont8 of The Unlvrrrlt~ of Trrar ruthorlaad tha lrtrbllahmont of tha In- atitutr 0r Latin-mrioaa whdirr La 2940 •~ a dlvlalan or bapartwnt in thr Unlvraalt~, an4 it vu It flrat supported bf Wlerrl fuada, bovevrr, it8 oporatloacll support nov come llmort exclualve- II from tba Unlvrr~lty’a looal funbs, “The Inrtituta provldea 06urrea of atudl in both undorgradueto usd graduate vork on Utia- Amsrlaur lffalra, oarrlra on rraoaruh and ukor publio8tlon of utrrlal relating to auoh York, and othor ou2tura2 lctlvltlrr bt the Ilnlvrrait~. It VII latrbllohad baoruao of the &roving lntrreat in Latin-Urarlom affrirr, and the fmt tlut l knov- ladgr of the hiatorr, language, alturo, amI aoolal inotitutlom of Latin Amrrlae la u rasot in a proieaalonal or buaLnaaa chrber, partloularly vhen an lntiaato knovledge of Latip-llrerlcoa countrlea md peoplr la eaaentlal. lurtherroro, tho Inlctl- tut* 0erveB to lmprovo the lnternatlonr). relrtlon- ahlp and l brttar undrratudlag btvren tha peoplea of thoaa oountrter and thla rtate &ad nation. “Thla grant noopsnded Sor Dr. Bpell 10, in lilrot, a grant-ln-bid for the publlcatlon of 43ranurcrlpt, In return for thlr grunt-ln-aid the publiahor vlll glvo to tha Inatltutr the atatad numbor of copira of the vork.” Artlolea 2584 and 2585, Vornon’a Annotated Tcxaa Clvll 8tatuta0, read a0 follov01 "Art. 2581. The gorernment of the Unlvaraltp- ‘Pha gorornment OS the Onivoralty Or Trxaa ahhall be mated in a Board of Regenta oom- pored of nine prraona. They rhall rleot a ohalr- m from tholr number rho ahall aowe at tha . . gore. Thoophilua 8. Wintar - Iage 3 plrrmuw ol the bobrd. The Itetr TrooauMr aball be the truourrr of the Ualvrralty. baud ahall h4vo the right to n&o and uao ih oomon oral and mar dtrr the ouo at pleasure.” #Art. 2585 - tovrrr ‘they &hall rotbblloh th8 drpartaento ofl flrot-olaaa uaivoralt~, d0termS.m the offlcrr and profoaaorohlpo, appolat b prealdent, vho &hall, if ther think it advlaab~r, &loo diaoharge the dutira of a profeaaor, appoint the profaaoora and other offloara, fix their roapoctlvr aal.rrlaa~ and thq ahall lnaot ouch br-lava, ruler and ragulrtlona aa mf br neoraorr~ for the auocrraful mumgommt and gororrmant of the Unlvrralty~ thor &hall have povrr to rrgulatr the aourao of inatruotlon end prraoriba, b;l rad vith the advloa of the profoaaora, the book8 and ~uthorltlro uoed ln the arvaral dapartmento, ml to @or&or auah degree8 md to grant auoh dl$lwaa la uv usually oonfsrred end granted bf unvar81t1e8.” Vlth respect to tha buthorltJ veatad in the Board of lagonto of tha Uniraralty of Texro under the above quotrd atatutoa, the Corriaalon of &patio of the btatr of Tour la the oaoo of Polar v, JWmdlot, 55 8. Y, 2) 805, opinion uloptad br tha 8uprur Court, ha0 dsolrra d I %a Leglalature of thlo otbte having lodged the povar vlth tha Board of Regent8 to enact rulro and regulationa aa rar br nacrasar~ for the auccesaful mnagrment ~4 government of the lJnireralt~, ther rho11 havo.povor to adopt luah ruler a.nd to regulate tha courao of ln- atructlon, and preaoribr, by md vlth thr advice of the faculty, the booka and luthoritlaa used in the aeverti department&. That authority root8 vlth the Board of Regrnto and the faculty aa provldsd for br atatutet and, if a change or modiflcatlan la dealrod ln the rulra and regu- lation&, it for the oonaideratlon la 8 matter of tha Leglalatura. The courta vi11 sot inter- fore thorevlth in the abronoa of a clear shoving Theophilua 8. ?&inter - rage 4 that ther have @ate4 lrbltnrlly oc have abuoad the authorlt~ veoted in thou, Tb4 great ve1ght of buthorltr lootaino thio bootPlao.’ Opialad lo, o-4167 of thlo department, a aopr of vhlah lo Ln rour flloo, holda that under the general ~~;;ot~nfernd by Artlole P585, the Bocrrd of Regent8 poao- or to latabllah a ?ubllo Relation8 Departrent @ICIl Devep"opent Board and to ox&wail WlveraltJ fund8 for aooh agenoloa oven though there veo no a tr tutolruthorltr r thonror. oplnlon xo. O-62)9 of thlo dopartmnt, a oopy or vhloh la in -your filer, hold8 that the Board Of Regent8 la luthoriaed to Mter Into a oontraot vhereby the Unlreralt~ vi11 be furnlahed certain data end lnfometlon conorml~ ltudento and eX-atudenta end par for oa8e out of UIJ unappro- prleted balmoe of funda &veIleble to the board for auoh purpose. Under t4e feota otrted la your letter the Inatltnte lo a dlvialom or da~rtment of the Unlverolt~ of Texas end the Inatltute ~111 raoelvo 500 oopira of the pub- llcation in eXohlmg0 for the 41000 grunt, It lo our opinion that t&r Bou-4 or Regent0 haa the kuthorltr to rxpend Uulvaralt~ fund& for the purpose atated In your letter out of my unappropriated bklence 0r funda lvelleble to the board for thla purp~ae. rouro v4q UulJ ATTomrxYoR%sRALO? TEXAS Y8. J. Fmnh.g AOOlBtMt COYYiTTLl