OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL Yonoreble b. G. Gerrey County Auditor Bexac county son Antonio, Texna Dear St. QarTey: On February 28, 1 this depaHmnt on the *ii) Ii 0. deput 8 ear aaal~ll ome or hoe- to sir mnt!u?, 6 deputy sheriff where no mar- 1945, in reply to your request, wa sent opinion@ N08i O-2951, O-1967, 1, and stated in efisot that we of' law 6nnouuf;ed in those o&dniona to your queationr and retired the orlglnal On &:er~ti 19, 3.945, with refurencre to our letter of Earoh 7th you wrote ue 88 folfowr: Honorable IE. Or Qarvey, page 2 "Wit& rererence to your letter oi LIorroh 7, 1965, regerdiug opinion ragueat 86651 I dealre further Information regarding queatlon (1) of my request of February 28, 1945. "The Criminal Diatrlot Attorney of this Oounty @aa advieed m aa legal advisor on many oooaaiona ror the peat nuaber of year8 and AIA advise on July 16, A94 on the mettar that I (M plaoing bofom you, that where Oounty esployeea euoh aa Aeputlaa, olarka and eaalatanta beoomo aarloualy ill or are Injured in line of duty whioh will oonflne the80 4mployeea t0 beA tOr a period OS aeveralmontha where no aervisa oan be rendered the County Aurlng thla period of llln~aaor Injury, that the Ytatutea doer not permit otii- 01414 to leg4lly draw a warrant 8gainet their 0rfiaer4 44lary fund, ~rtilole 3912 IC, t340ti0n 19, Paragraph L, Vernon~a Taxer SOeWaka and the Couuty Auditor oan not Legally rpprovo 4 warrant for peyaant , Artiole 3912 Y. Se3rotion &+,.~Paragra.@ a, for salarywhore than ham baon no aamlo~a ran- Awed. wiiowevcr, in the r404 0r the shore ruling or edvia& of the Ortainal Dietdot Attorney on rarer41 oooaalone regard&q aerioua i~eaa or &n 'w, the o~$lola~ahare drawn warranta agalnat tb I r offi- oar@ ~Mlary tund and the Oouaty Auditorhaa ap- proved therewarrant8end the Aaputira, ulerka or’ eaaIalxmta heva received their aalary AurIng thin lU.neae or lnjurg for a parlod of spproxi- mtely two and a half montha. -It ham been the auatoa her& in rareraloaaa# or aerloua Illneae or Injury even in the faea ‘of the CrLainsl Diatrlot Attosney~ a ruling or opinion to oarry 8 deputy, dark or aaelatant on the pey roll for approzimately two and a half month8 tifora removing him from the pay roll end in thee8 aa~tta ii the orrioiel doe8 not reaove him rrom the p4y roll by this time and oontinuea to Amw a warrant in favor 0r the deputy, olerk or eealetant, the Bonoreble &la 0, Qarrey, page 3 CountyAuditor then efter apprt2xi.nmtely two end a half month8 r&fume4 to epprove 8hi4 WarTM8 drawn by the of~Iolrl. “It aeeme that the deputy involved in thir request for an opinion or him friendr have Ala- ouaaeA thi4 matter with one of Baxar County*4 Diatriot JuA&aa and ha ir of the opinion that I should request an opinion on thin matter from your daparfrmt , Thin la the ~raamonior w nquaat of rabruary 28, 19k5. *cm my5, 19&, a nguiar Aopooy mbrltt ~wh0 wa nlrployod by the sharltf of Baxar CounQ, in 19 Para- aompllanoswith Artlolo 3912 +, f3aotioa &mph h ram Lnnjarad in a oar 4ooidmb whlia Ma datier and beouu ooatlaed to bed at him holu or hoapital on thin date, ,Fho 8horiri 0r Baur county brew wa r r a nt4 lgeht,hl8 otfloosa tint by the bounty Auditor and yet no aertinr mere renAsreABoxar Oeunty by thin Aeputy am he woa at111 oonflnedtiehim bed. July 16, 19kktha *c&xapproximately Ooumty A&diW dl8duaaedthla utter with the ahwlft and we4 inrorsad .by him that thin Aoputy woulA net m- turn 80 work for quite #@Am tiu.. The AudicoP than netifi#dthe Bherltt tka8 be wauid net lp p r o vi for paymant any aom warmnt4 drawn by tka Bha,rift in faror ai thii deputy 4fUsr July 16, 1964, unlaaa this deputy 8aae to work end renderid aerrloa Sor mxar aounty i) ..~on July 31,. ‘19&l+, 'tke ~almriit drew mother warrant in Z6Vor oi thin Aapuliy .whioh we+ rent wee not @alA to the deputy en the GWu&y Aud$ttm rsiuaed to approve ‘the warmgt. On August' 3, 'l94k+,this deputy muw to work 4hd ham noelred his salary aaoh faonth ainoa August 3, 19&4. DYou will note that thin deputy wan paid for ataventy-two ha~lf dayr or approxiaately end a two end a half montrha where no eervloe4 were rendamd end that he wan not paid from naan Sulj 16, 1966, to auguet 3, 1946, uhioh is reranteen and 4 half Aaya. uonorablo P. 0. Qorreg, plgr b Win thi8 a0puty lqvflly b0 pata hi8 ralary for the88 8ov8ntoen ana a halr aam "Thanking you i8r an OpiaiOn on thi8 XUittOC.w Paragraph (h), E)%otiOn 19, Artiole 39126, Vernon*8 Annotated Civil St0tUt08 18 epplioabls to Bsrar County and i8 in part ea fo~bm8r "* . . .YO p8yaOat 8h8U b0 rUd0 to 05y d.puty, 888%8t&5t OC ~B&dOjM fOZ? l5# 88lWiOO &fWriOmd prier the to luthorisatlon of hi8 agpoi5tMnt and Until 8hell. h0VO 8Ub8Orib.d h0 t0 th. 0058titUtiOMl oath 0r 0tSior 8nd 8uoh appd.atmnt and oath hare been tiled with ,the oounty olsrk for xeo0rU. The 4baOlUltl 8uOV8d t0 be Wi6 t0 doputlw l88i8tMt8 ma employee8 8aall bo p0ia aftor s05dltloo of ‘ 8er- rfos out OS 8aid Oiiiorr8* &8&rf lund ,88 proti48d~ tOX in thi8,Alot." we lxpn88 no~oplalQn regexaln& the paymeat 0r the deputy 8hexiif fOX tU0 *Pd 8 hali Wth8 a8 the O+XU%t~.hhr8 Ddd thi8 -at and. aDDWB5tb PB UUO8tiO5 18 ni8d with It 18 l OOtt;lOdgO5Ol-d CUb that fX'#lOtiOlliOf th &8# are not oOnr&dend i.0 the QOmpUktiO5 Of, tirw. (ItUaOO 011 k Qaa 00. ‘I* uaaekxe lb6 & Ut* ZM W6; bl Tar. Jux. p.345, 800. 5 and ~suthority &a ‘thanIn.) &I aamwr t0 t&e above ,etatWd qUO8tiin p3~ 8M 8dvi806 it i8 the OpiniOn.OS this dO~S?t&Wt~%h8f &I8 thCdOpU$J' rheritt mndond 8 me3viae to ~thccountf a8 OWit85Ql8tOd by th8 I.8 8%8tUra b. OnaOti5g P8rla&X8Qh (h), BOOtim 19, At- tiOhJ P 9124b, br i8 not eIititl*d t0 CWQN5BatiOn rOX -0 period of tiPrs no 8errloe i8 readlersd. Wo anawr the above 8tat.b QUQ8tiO5 in th8 lW&itiY8; hOw(BIBX, th8 half bay -II- tjiolled I5 youx inquiry rho&l no* ‘b0 0050ia0,red in the OOlE- putation of tlam Sor which th, deputy ir not to be paid.