nttr iequ880 r0r M
haa. bean ?W8it&
iTXitt8? by
your 1888 o o M unfo a tla a ,
county, Taxa8,
tiO#l Ot 8 COkUlt
,ao&.ao rot 8he par-
qulpment iaae8d or
1 oapy or oontrrot
rsy T.
38Vid8M, Y. D. end
D,) hub8 deted M8J 15,,1945
an8te? 0f $1,500.00 hOm thr
.oo ira the DWl0?81 ?UOd t0
not lmO108.d
Emorable M. 'x.Jones, peas-~2
The COUMU~OA~IIV Court Judioially detsimined
that a grave em4rgsnay axl.rted baoaua4 of tha ra- ,
lPota1if041th4 OQUJIt~ Or th4 tiy hO8pit~$44A.T4yt
ba4ause Of q ORt448trOph* O? Qid~IUiO.
JWditWO8 0t% the 06h@8 l%Utl~~ tiMBit .XO*@d~
thr liaitatiOn8 Or thr WU.Ut8 apBrOp?ih?d a& the
$500.00 llmlt ror 4eOh 51,000,000.00 arrears6 valua-
tion Or JVOpO?tY ti?ihill Mid OOWttY. In ViOW Or th0
above, #IO dOOtiOA8 Wer. Otil8d ia OOMOOtioQ With
th@ e8babl.hharnt Or the hOOpit41, and tbar4 k48
bran no advartlwIn~ for bid8 lnoonnsotfon rfth
UY Or the 5WWhaOe8 0~ lXpO&~utU208.
we CoimIo8lonu'8 cowt 18 ourraatly oon-
8id4EIA(lth0 IaVUtmMt Of an additional aaouat a?
tram 312,ooo.OC to $15,000.00 ior snlarg4n4~t and
improvwaent of tho propexty, ri6h approxbatrly
#9,0043.00 to be 6T@8r#W$ irtx thr Ponnmant
ImprovesuIt Fund and the balanor to b4 prld by
warrants of the County.
"The 317,600,00 dJ8bur84msat 8hoWA QB the
attaohed otst4mant of rroaiptr and dirburramenta
Or 6 h4 flO&pit&]. FUid ?4 M&ant8 8UOh itela8 38
Or liU?O68 other e&up
aad f oyese, and 18 hi sddit PV
to MOM:8 aid by th4 oounty ror abinteaaaor or
oharlty pat P 4Ut8. No oollaotiona mtla r0r tho
aoootantoi the hargital have been jmld to the
County Colleotor.
‘&I-U-BlUOh 88 the lB#Olity Oi the 48tablI8h-
.t Or th4 (k&348 COMty m8pIkl ha4 b64n qUe8tiOKW
ad. I 8h4u ap rsoiatr rour Opinion up00 the legal-
iti Of the r 01PO&L$ itWII8t
'1. Purohsra atidinitial iavsrtnarrt8;
"a. !&8n8frr8 or iUnd8;
"3. ~&;t'"t Or taxer for th hO8pItal
"4. Propored ezpandltuzr for addition to tha
“5. BkOerrit~ oi 81l EOW~ ?sOetVr& by t&a
hosplkl balag 8OOOurrtrQ rOr 60 the COW
ri881onrrt oortrt rapd mid to the oouaty
M are 4140 in rroeipt oi the 4OOCU~M~ing data
~-tiond in hour 1rttrr.
Honorable Y. 3. Jcme, pa(la3
80 8?0 rtr0 ilr?4O@i 6 Of the 8ttpplO~Ekl. r@qU88t
r0r 4~ 0pini0a rr0m L. P. 9acl P ia, A0ting c0~ntp gditw,
f?W rhioh lV@ qUOk a8 rOuOW88 .f
*(l) II it pO88ibh iOr U8 to a&k0
fOE.thS 8OdUpl060d a6tfitfU 60 thr h08p r ,!lI)::,
~BOd88 rFOm t!lO PWC4MMt tiQ?OlMMrrt
"(2) ttw W tFm8f8F W WI SOai88 Of Oth4S
fIWdS to? thODU? 080 Of lUia(rthO ;aUL&ffOY th8
SdJ!knUl80 W 8 aiitiM 60 thr hOa&kl.
‘(3) ?d8Y WO t88UO WUrMt81: ii ILUUOUJ,
r0r 4B lga~tio@ to the hospital.
ThO hqUil’%O8 Md &@8@ 8Ubd%t0d Il8i8O 00Zt0iB
qUe8tiOSl8 $O?tdnin( 60 tha luthorl or the omla$88~onere’
OOW; with rrrwonu oi the
to (1) amndncaY oouuty budget;
(21 r8%abliahmant, opsrrtfaa and 4aalntenenoo or a oouat~ .
horpital; (3) 8ruQioa of a dabt ogaine8 the OCrn~l 8&d
(4) transiwtia~ the ooa8titutioaal?ua& OS tam oounty.
ehail di8OUB8 th8
‘n’e lOt4 Or the rO?SgOiOg 200
pO8i6iOR8, and ria b tha faoto ad !a-
luba i
fo r ma tim d a 8p68ti18 qUe8tiCUi8
h~n&Wrh 80 the OOWlt budeet mU8t b8 BId8 iii 00d)-
pihO With Sh8 p19ti8l~~i8 Or At i fOi0 &98-u, ‘18~1000’8 A+
not&t@& OiVfi 6tdUtO8, whloh ~rOVidU ia pUtI
*on the badgot ha0 brra tiMnJ rp
pPole~*b; ;ha Cmfseioarrr* Court ohi buQoS,
l@ a rove4 by the Qouxt ehall bo hd rith
tha EL rk of *ho couny cow*, and turr leti&
olrlr in 8OOQtiNlO8 thW@dth, 8ti M UBOnditWO
of the rt&8 0r thr octlnty-
P8l.l UmraUtar be
Ln 8tPiOt oom~lianoo with thr bud@
the Court. Exorpt th8t etaorg~oo)
in eau or #,0V0 ptrLllonow881
$0 ~0% U~8U6i @#id WirW~OOOn OOIId~tiOti8 IKhiO
EQao?oblrbl.PI.taaao, paem 4
ooalb not, by rrroooobly &U&wit, thou~t MA"
ltta a lla a been
hovo , lnoladmdin tha orl&&
bud(let, may Wna Ciao to time be lub h o r labya d
the Cwrli me la5a&55a%# &O tie obi&ol bud6.t.
- lu 00508
W h o =@
lM h OM Ad~Wl~O
Or i-
&art bud@ io aodo, oopy of thr ordoz of
the OOur8 rwadh thr bud65$ mholl bo tiled with
lad ltt08b d
th eClWk Oith eEOM tyCOur ’t, %o th a
bUamt W41Am14 ldOptr(l.”
dwr?taSAt ha l
soari8bnt~ held tho$ wlmtho?
0@ iir mA
litu~tiOn io 0~0 rhiok (Iambm llo o o ified lm
6Moy under &he bqd@t law, in Mrr to authmlir the oommio-
SiOAOrO' .a?8 t0 M#Ad the bul6.t. ir l qUOOt;OA Of t08$
griaUi4 $6 bo a0804 P On bT %hm Oomad~oio~oro~ otmar%.
$ tao furlkar held (q&ha Ro O-231$)t&t the
%hha oQadrrionrs5~ mourt ir A& absal,otm luthh-
Orit 'to oxpad eoualy itmbo ln ths oomm uf l.arrgmnmy mad 10
riA0 I , anly hhwar the quortia! i8 dmbmtoblm Oi uhrpm ihr mxim-
b OAO0 Of M liSO~65AO~ i8 qUOOtiOAObl~. tkIWW@?, 5516 OOUSt
h 08 A0a uth o r ity
t06Otb ?dA8 ld &MbH thOt &A 5%5F6530~
rrirto an4 npaad oouaty f~drn ~hmrefoot, rhorr the faatm
olr5rly 5hou ahe 0altz8?J. This (I5JWk40Ab ham ohm soaois-
k5Atlj halA th.>t 8 ooBloimolon~~m'
OOurt 18 AOt otatbhorlmmd
lXp a Ad
fOPDAQOWS 6ttwia O
th 0
lOOp aOr Cha iagd
purpome for whloh tie %8x no lrviad.
ThO 8UthOdt~ Or Ch# cOi&5SiOA0r~’ cOWb Oi WA00
lo8mRllm& l OOM$~ hompl&J lo found under ChopCur 5,
Mtiolm l&fl, V. A. C. 9.. whloh, in gkrt, provL4mor
*Tho oolmasmoloMroooart ot on) oouaty &all
pa*m? tm lotobllmho oountyhoo ltal and to
5lUoZ60 M yl Xtetin( ho. itlB for tf:
l O"Lfh;tt
w8o h r eao t luf
r 0r o o n8 P r r i~4rroa
6 a
a lo r o ro or in ur y,
wbjrot DO8h e pa9
rt51 306
5r ’
8h loohapta. P
fa 00~0tr~itin6ah0 rO?O@EObU ha&~oIm# thhi0 UOl-
MAN hmid in cwAi0
we. 0469 that Wwlifiod 60Aw 8! power
80 OOAfO~?O& upa! thr 6~rtOoiaoo8' obfuyt to lmtobliabmad
b mnlu@m hompi$mlr r0r oounty pur 005, mlthouehbond@ lto
not 1mmu.d OS oaotmaplotmd lo prorl rld undn otha titiolmo
Of tha Rtl8.
HonCubbl5 Y. 2. JOA55, pm&3 5
Am to the lutho~lt~Of thm ooau~iooioa ' oourt
rlth ?5?rr5a05 to &ha 0050UlP0At, lrV/i~6 Lad 00
T laOtlOn of
COSaO rOX Ch5 SdAt0A5AO5’IU& Othmr &%500055~~9~p5tUb@ Oi 8
oounty hoopibrl, mub4lviolaa 3 of Artlol. 478, prmvld58
that the l0ami5Oion5r8' oourt oholl hovm the powos "?m 00~5O
to b olomooood, lmvld and ooll0ot0d *uoh toror u 0~ th0
rrol and prrmm4l property own& la &ha oouatr mm P 8 m&all
a50Ja Aoe5ooor~ to OVh 8h0 rUA&O rot th0 I~O%A$~AMOO
thrrror, ua for l@ OhhOT A508050?~ UpUlditUW th51'0?O~.m
alth refuracrrto the aarmor of dlnporltloaof fund8
oolleotmdbr tha county hompitol,Qt. &&85 prorldret
"Ha (the Ou~Ortat5adoAt) oh511 00115ot 5~4
rroolvo 011 a0~5~0 dar the hoopltol kmop on
loourmto loooont of the OMI, repor k&h l lM 0
at the moathly mrbting of th5 bard of AOA5~5?5,
5Ab &F#.Wd8 ChS 50~0 80 th0 OOAAtt OOli0OtOY
within %0A days o?ter muoh aeOtin6." (h~5Ath555O
Am to the nmthod of 5x enbin iuadm for the bba5fft c!f the
OOuc&fhu ltol, w rmPlr po to thm rolioni.4 loagwmum~ot
Artiolmu P41
*. . . lj-‘rn bard ohm11 rrrtli~ oil bill8 anll
1. Crrrtlon o? Dabt AUiAOt the COUtY.
!!b~tiOA7, Art1015 ii Or Ch@ cOA0titUtit.m Of T5155,
iA part, j!ZOVidbOI
Jo dab8 for mny cpi oma shell 0~5~ br
iAOtiW:iii; mar m~~rnt b r w 0P
lum ~?8violOa 10 mod. lt thm tine oi
th0 00110, rot 15 iA 8Ad OOli0Oti~6
tU t0 POt thm ;A1 brmmt th5S’OOlllnd &W-i&m 5t
15058 b0 $5~ 05iit 05 0 bhik14~ rd. . . .a
Banoroblm Y. 8, ~OA55, ~0 6
mhr rO306OiAg OViOiOA 10 8 r0OtriOtiOA p6 liaito-
tiOA, Md it hA5 beon her6 that rhmn A0 authority,&lots to
bV, 0 tU t0 Da, 8 debt, A0 pm? .#A 5X;bt to i&Our the
aobt . &0AA85? v* Lopea, (Civ. App.) 202 5. a. 1039, o?flm5-
ed lm Z'JI.179, 217 9. ‘Kc373.) ve oiat ou# that the
t6n ‘dmbt. 00 wmd [A tb. 8bW0 OOAOt PtutlOaol~r0~151~0 lo
to be dimtln&ulohed from obli~tlonr po?oble frcn murrent rm-
VMUOO. ten ‘,dobt*, above rr?~r,tod to bmo bema doflnod
.a0 oompr adi- W ~OOUAi8?, Obli6otioa ki~&WOmdbt lOAt?OOt,
00 10 08 thedOt Of Qhm WbmbAt, tit&b the low-
ful on4 ?Oooa~0bl5
Ooatma~otion of the prrtimm, to be motlo-
flmd out of the ourrmmtrovoauoo fes the pmr, or out of ease
?and thaa rlthia tke iaomU8to ooatrol o? the o&ur&moloaerm~
00ur8.~ (11 Tax. Jw., Illro. l21, p, 670). I? lt the tlm a
oontroot lo raodm, it lo omtaaplotrd that uy port of the
pPX5h550 DXi80 i# 80 b5 #id fYO8 tO%5A 15Vied ln4 lollooted
r0r rutiirbyear*, thr obpi~tlon oofutltut5i 0 ldebt* wlthia
the 055~l~# of the OOA5t;tUtiAA~ proh~bltlan.
a5 lO~iB~tUr5 ha8 luthorlmed oouatleo to oroote
'Wobto" nlthia the .~eanl~o? th5 ooaotltu6ionby rulhoolirln6
obUeto &ho *I r8venuoo of the o o ua t,r 02 l rAtur5 year
other than by OCMi~4fin~wlth the ltotntor~ pro~lsic~o mi to
bha lomuro~ o? boa48 mad/or &tom wU15nbm.
he r5qaL5acnto pmrtoinlna to oom 5tltlv5 biddiA6
on6 o4veztloln(lior oontrooto for pub110 warL *Ad 58 to the
lsou5aOoo? ti.m mrrantr arm 056 torth in Artlole 23660,
v. A. 0. 8. Dpe to the 6X508 bA@b Of 5014 A?tiOh 111 5h11
A08 quOt8 55~0 heroin iA it0 5Ati?5tr. Seotlai2 Of Said
Artiolr u$ @ fo r th
th e?~qU~MDiA88 OoAOUAi.Ag ldV@?tiOin
8Ad OO~~mtitiVO blddiw for pUb1.k wO?km. %m 0011 5ttbAt P 011,
;~owmvm?,60 6&e *p~wlmo~ of MU mmmtloa, whloh prwldoor
". . . F~ovlbrll,
thot La 0555 o? pub110 orlan-
lty, wbara it be#aao geo0008ry to 808 88 01108 to
a ~roprioto aonoy to reUovo the nmoomOlty o? the
lP &law, or to pwwm the poporty of luoh
ooriat~ 0) olty, or in 00~0 of aaroro5o5a 4mw to
pub110 propsfi , uohhsry or l
q uip a mnt,
provlmloaohaJ not apply; . . *a
/ Eoaoroble Y. Pi.3cnem, page 7
0 0885 Or aOr?MB V. Cl&, of Mt. Plrqwt,
&S. IQ. (ii)%) tha oourt to OOAOtrUiA4J 6&e 8bW quo0od
rmlOioa held 8olOsit,
tie8 a prrbll: woo not OOdiati8l 80
&I’- 6lftU881OB UithilI th8 lZO8DtiO% 'IL OOAAbOtiOllWith
;hlm a$tt5S, the OOurt 081&t I
w&e w&d 'p5oorv8' 8nd *p?okrt’,- 00 8pp1184
to p&bliO lio<h l$?yy the ldu Of tiB O& ,,l??iOiOAt
on4 8??OOtiVO 8okM rhloh kr8~8 i86W@&d uati
@?bd u o d h5OlBh Or 8h S
liutOaO ia 8mA00
of its tip* f rmant.
$t?Ur(, 80 DO?tOiA;~ 00
ro~oi? of health 81?80
pmril boooumo ot a pub
‘hur tB Vi- at th0 ?O?b~iQI 8 ?iIdi~ b, Oh8
cOid##f~4i0".CUT& that 8 litulit15fi 5&8d A50055it8t%A#
urtala pabll0 la ~OV5lllSAtO In ardu to k50
he$lth Or 6hS Of8t WAS Of 6hS mO,Unt?WOad t l
lOth O~is5 108tiAg
ah@ OfOOA6rObk 8hO~SrO~ Wi&hhou&’ th5 00~~
~OtitiVO bld4lq 5Ad AOtiO55 r5quiXti in 800. 2 Ot &XtiOl*
Wi omll lttsntiaa, aho, to Sea. 3 of oaia 808 whlo)L
Vh@ri it ohs11 bm th5 $AtSAtiOll ef thr COA-
iOi~d~n~~~ cburt w
0r 6h4 g0vw~ing way, 80
iOOU8 u.I5@ ?tO?~8Ud8 rO? th@ p8pAt Of 011 OI 8AY
i ;&;: ~;~:ii"::e?i%%i ,;h:f%?A::
Oh 01+OOi6
1 * r 808,
that l068iA@ 008 o h 8
sUb ~5
8tuOMOtr thclDrODOOtd 6i1mmWWXMt td8bt~OO8,
t&r rata d interrat ouah &la@ uwroato ax* to
bear, upd tha uxintv Amturlty .&&a thh*rroi.?
srotloa 5 of 0014A?t~olrporiko, ia DUtl
*m 80th roquir04 b 3ootioa0 a 8a& 3
8d $&I ?;6h$ $0 ?5fOr,5AbA l~bOti5A 48flAd hh
Scotia 4, mholl a08 be rgpfiOOb&r
8s 8I)urdi-
twmo $8y5blr oat of ourrrat WI&@ tw bon4 fundaD
u 8boVO &Otibti, .ol t0 tii~O@ Ugtii-
t&W80 by OOrrat~OO WI880 ti 8XO~OO O? ItV8
--- -- G.* -q----r Fo- -
BcnmrabloY, 3. Joa!o, paa 9
i iesuanorof time warront0. BOftkhar d0 We hat0 a OODY Of tho
i wrrrn9a Iaoaadwhoro0f 16 would be ooolbloto botsralnr
whether said wuraata lonfomd t9 ti l ml@? aathorlahg
thhrlr loouanoo or wro othorulao lo&.
It la our ophion that thr trufor, of fuada froplthe
Jwy uld gularalfuaao was aQarshuiaea by law, #or ma00110
horolnbotoradioauoao& Wr ahall.aotattamp% t6 ma u9m
other brahofaa auttioaed la the lb a uioofr the f&l usoa prtain-
ta gso lwh VMSIWO.
oat of Bohr rmauu of faukuo ~~88 by m4aa.n oi +mdor*r lion
no $ w,,
b o wtAg0lu p u lr kulse o fiAntO?U%
AlB h o u&it
hlp p enY* )h r s lo mo o f th e tr 8nu ~8iu lm
with reiyuu So She ptuahuu for She bmoil$ oi the ownSy
hooplhl wuo DOS in pmruohor of the ltatutor~ or ocmatlSutlcur-
a llu th o r i8y
of the ooadoalooorr ’ oowt, M a?@ not la poaror-
o & aon ?lufflolmt tart8 to axprrar an oplaloa lo to tho leeal
or oqalhblr ri#tto ai the oouaty w other putioa wUoh ml&t
be Lorolna with reapret to the grraud 8taSoo of tke ltiaira
o r sh elouaty bapital of GalEeo count The propoo~8la I8
bra4 dbh ma8# lapeata, md it uoul4 t (I noo~rmar) iao ua So
hew all of tb fart0 parSala to aao a oW%o quoasia
or qu~qioar aiabg %n aomorl7 cm d&h 8hr 8 JuStsr u it aar
port&a to the r-to ot the omnt m other rti~, rathrr
than rdavor Lo 6iroumoraoh of t1 I l~~~orar lo pmslbilltlu
la oomrotlor, with looh a broa4 and ~marrf. pro oaitlm, Irr
thorafora drollno gaaaralopialm & aaowor So
$0 ox ?a08 a
yaw inquiryaa-to the Plsality of tha pu?ahaorof the Gaines
caanty Hi30ital; am rolatr6 to ita praamt ltatua ulb to Oh4
ricbtr Of & 4 ootmty u ‘Mar partha whioh uy b4 in*olvd.
k8 to loor qautfm prrta:la to the ooatrrgpLatsd
tranatu of ooniltitatioarl “et 4~0 Iha) our diwuo-
faaQI, w be
8iO#i hrroinboiozo @Wt. tOqruI0 wita 8k l OOlOO4 d OO~i.0 Of
o p fnla $ will
, be lppliublr )o th loinq u ir y..
titk rofaoaw to your taqufry a8 to the lsvr or su.8
ior Shr Uiilt~A~AW of th4 homgibal,wo point out ShaS uad.r thr
ortioa# of Art. b&72, a ootu~ly wmmloa50nor8g oowt in atho
Ez41 to latabliah a hoopltd rurd In oonnootian with asib authm-
lty, tha lmmloo~oarrof o o wilo em ml,u n4 ol rob-dlrirlap 3,
Art. u7), So lrty tar08 for @ha aar -8maaoo
@ of Wi. Also wa
la8 0u8 that all lxpadituu to8 wi(i LU it& ~hSdd bS u&S
c oimformity with thr eouaty bu(lo$ and au tl 00404 aaanbmta
thordo, a nda lllooouato okould bS allnrb by 8ho ldSoia~SrS*
oo!*$ kr the rnw mamr Umt other l@oopnti lplnpt the OOUlit#
an dlmlrdr
%aaorrUe Y. W. Jo~oa, peg0 10 .,
(ut. 44#4) with roforanoo Lo rontupplatrd Iaausnor'oi
wronts ttu rddltla,to th4 korplt61, Sh4 ioooaap~ of tlsa
wwrutr for prtbllolaprersaeats 1s gorrmod by pa proti~lom
of Ah 2368a. Ktmovar, ia Sh elbuonoo ot nooosaar~ taoSo es
to fhr oontorrplstrb.aaint4mnOr rxpsnaro an6 d4ltlma to thr
hOop$Salrbor~ed to, lnaof*r so ouoh aaiat+~aoo orpo,nOo or
lmprao&oats may ba @rldJ so or thr 1rpllSy
ol She origaal Soqulaitlaa la view of
the hot tbd, ior roaooao n are uaablr
to Iotwmlno all nttorr dtb rriar4noo to t&o fo8allty oi the
wf b a l loqulslbia oi &ha hooplhl no r*lnSod So it0 prroons
ok f u0, we 13kouis0doallao So *as um yoot qBo*tiar 08 to
tko 1~ in6 of $a208 for tit4 purpoao o fwia to fnln8lu8k
h-pita 3 md for paying the tobt rutlw oa tbo eonte latad
lrsuanaa of tim ww?anta fo? an abUtlo, to luoh hoop“p tal,
-With roforanooto yaat guoatiaa port&k
pontai tharria pr 4~ aaaouek and roeorb oi She bustaooo
ad opesationo ot 3 a hoopf8al.
P\lr to t&o lidtr(, is888 sad ini~matiorr lbalttod
ls lua to the brao(. as oto of ootkln quaotlaaa Suhitt4d,
our anan~o to pow vu r cue quutlona &a~ brur o&iarcl
w&Skin the l%dSaticao of tk4 availablr iaoto. IO t&W,
hunor, thaS t$r above on4 foto(ofa(~111 be o? ooe4
roalotanoo Qa oa~~ooSla wfSh thr aaUoro ralaad by yaur
inquiry, as wall as thr quratiaa aubalttadby the AStinl
. .